inventrdotio / AdventureKit2

Code for the second adventure kit
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Beta Group feedback from Paul Saunders #15

Open inetdavid opened 1 year ago

inetdavid commented 1 year ago

Added here so it won't be forgotten. I may split these issues later once I have time to start addressing them.

Paul Saunders

Sorry for the delay, a business trip annoyingly got in the way.

Here are my comment for the First Impressions and first chapter.

Welcome. chapter. Remove for go live. Just explains about beta and development.

Parts Tutorials.
Move entire section to the end. We want people to start the story first and not learn about individual parts.. The parts tutorials should be part of the story.

Day Zero:
Overall. Vide needs to be more interactive. Script needs to get the viewer involved. Currently its just a film with minimal interaction. Slow Down. At times you race on to the next section/idea/story. A little pause to indicate a change of theme.
If the video is supposed to be for total beginners there are a lot of prior knowledge assumptions made. Story should be standalone.
eg. Resistors. Cursory introduction. Need to explain why they have coloured stripes. Maybe add a short seque to the Resistor sticker or the component intro.

Day Zero: Apocalypse Spelling mistake in title - consciousness Needs more content.
At the end it says "Here's the link"? Take you to the closed facebook page with no connection to the Adventure Kit in its title or Description.

Chapter 01: Part 1 . Video refers (2:54) to a link below to install software. No link below! USB A to B cable looks like this... Maybe a closeup of the ends? When you are quoting how much memory, etc, is in use you should explain why they are important. When you are talking about teh IDE, Maybe get the vierer to introduce an error, remove a semi colon from the end of the line and compiling again.
When talking about the delay, Instead on saying "for example", maybe you should get the viewer to change the code to adjust the delay.

Chapter 01: Part 2. Code.
Line 40-47 - Dxx. Where are they on the board? The board has no pins maked Dxx, only the numbers. Maybe have a picture like on

line 40 - Recommended for fewest conflicts. Maybe change code to read D22-D43 & D47-D49 as D44-D46 are also PWM pins.

Video What is ground.? What happens if the LED legs have been cut. You can also identify the cathode by the flattened edge of the LED itself. Its also usually the larger metal part inside the LED itself.

Chapter 01: Part 3 Video: 1:37 - Circuit made does not match the circuit shown... Components are layed out differently, LED only has one connection, etc. 11:42 - Introduce Debounce. Delay is because computers work to fast and pressing a button is not alway perfect. SOmetimes they make a connection then disconnect before making a connection again. Called bouncing. 50ms delay is to compensate for this. Also called debouncing. Ultimate Guide to Arduino Mega 2560 Pinout, Specs & Schematic