Closed Mattie112 closed 4 months ago
Have you created the database with correct permissions, etc, on your remote db host?
Yes I have an empty (e.g. no tables) database called inventree
and an user (inventree
) that haas ALL PRIVILEGES (no grant) on inventree@'%'
The mysqldump command (line 36) works. I tried looking what query is done exactly but I have not been able to find it yet (my Python/Django knowledge is quite limited)
I think the key here will be working out which migration is causing the issues. However as there are no migrations listed in the logs, it may be a general db issue
When I set the INVENTREE_DEBUG=True
env var I do not get any more details. Do you know if there is a way for example to print all SQL queries in full?
Can you enter the console of your "inventree-server" docker container, and run the following commands:
cd src/backend/InvenTree/
python ./ showmigrations
And provide the output here
/home/inventree/src/backend/InvenTree # python ./ showmigrations
Python version 3.11.9 - /usr/local/bin/python
/root/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/allauth/ UserWarning: allauth.exceptions is deprecated, use allauth.core.exceptions
warnings.warn("allauth.exceptions is deprecated, use allauth.core.exceptions")
Failed to set maintenance mode state
[ ] 0001_initial
[ ] 0002_auto_20240527_1009
[ ] 0001_initial
[ ] 0002_email_max_length
[ ] 0003_alter_emailaddress_create_unique_verified_email
[ ] 0004_alter_emailaddress_drop_unique_email
[ ] 0005_emailaddress_idx_upper_email
[ ] 0001_initial
[ ] 0002_logentry_remove_auto_add
[ ] 0003_logentry_add_action_flag_choices
[ ] 0001_initial
[ ] 0002_alter_permission_name_max_length
[ ] 0003_alter_user_email_max_length
[ ] 0004_alter_user_username_opts
[ ] 0005_alter_user_last_login_null
[ ] 0006_require_contenttypes_0002
[ ] 0007_alter_validators_add_error_messages
[ ] 0008_alter_user_username_max_length
[ ] 0009_alter_user_last_name_max_length
[ ] 0010_alter_group_name_max_length
[ ] 0011_update_proxy_permissions
[ ] 0012_alter_user_first_name_max_length
[ ] 0001_initial
[ ] 0002_auto_20190520_2204
[ ] 0003_auto_20190525_2355
[ ] 0004_auto_20190525_2356
[ ] 0005_auto_20190604_2217
[ ] 0006_auto_20190913_1407
[ ] 0007_auto_20191118_2321
[ ] 0008_auto_20200201_1247
[ ] 0009_auto_20200210_1032
[ ] 0010_auto_20200318_1027
[ ] 0011_auto_20200406_0123
[ ] 0012_build_sales_order
[ ] 0013_auto_20200425_0507
[ ] 0014_auto_20200425_1243
[ ] 0015_auto_20200425_1350
[ ] 0016_auto_20200426_0551
[ ] 0017_auto_20200426_0612
[ ] 0018_build_reference
[ ] 0019_auto_20201019_1302
[ ] 0020_auto_20201019_1325
[ ] 0021_auto_20201020_0908_squashed_0026_auto_20201023_1228 (6 squashed migrations)
[ ] 0022_buildorderattachment
[ ] 0023_auto_20201110_0911
[ ] 0024_auto_20201201_1023
[ ] 0025_build_target_date
[ ] 0026_auto_20210216_1539
[ ] 0027_auto_20210404_2016
[ ] 0028_builditem_bom_item
[ ] 0029_auto_20210601_1525
[ ] 0030_alter_build_reference
[ ] 0031_build_reference_int
[ ] 0032_auto_20211014_0632
[ ] 0033_auto_20211128_0151
[ ] 0034_alter_build_reference_int
[ ] 0035_alter_build_notes
[ ] 0036_auto_20220707_1101
[ ] 0037_build_priority
[ ] 0038_alter_build_responsible
[ ] 0039_auto_20230317_0816
[ ] 0040_auto_20230404_1310
[ ] 0041_alter_build_title
[ ] 0042_alter_build_notes
[ ] 0043_buildline
[ ] 0044_auto_20230528_1410
[ ] 0045_builditem_build_line
[ ] 0046_auto_20230606_1033
[ ] 0047_auto_20230606_1058
[ ] 0048_build_project_code
[ ] 0049_alter_builditem_build_line
[ ] 0050_auto_20240508_0138
[ ] 0001_initial
[ ] 0002_auto_20190902_2304
[ ] 0003_auto_20190902_2310
[ ] 0004_inventreesetting
[ ] 0005_auto_20190915_1256
[ ] 0006_auto_20200203_0951
[ ] 0007_colortheme
[ ] 0008_remove_inventreesetting_description
[ ] 0009_delete_currency
[ ] 0010_migrate_currency_setting
[ ] 0011_auto_20210722_2114
[ ] 0012_notificationentry
[ ] 0013_webhookendpoint_webhookmessage
[ ] 0014_notificationmessage
[ ] 0015_newsfeedentry
[ ] 0016_alter_notificationentry_updated
[ ] 0017_notesimage
[ ] 0018_projectcode
[ ] 0019_projectcode_metadata
[ ] 0020_customunit
[ ] 0021_auto_20230805_1748
[ ] 0022_projectcode_responsible
[ ] 0001_initial
[ ] 0002_auto_20190520_2204
[ ] 0003_remove_supplierpart_minimum
[ ] 0004_auto_20190525_2354
[ ] 0005_auto_20190525_2356
[ ] 0006_supplierpricebreak_currency
[ ] 0007_remove_supplierpart_lead_time
[ ] 0008_auto_20190913_1407
[ ] 0009_auto_20191118_2323
[ ] 0010_auto_20200201_1231
[ ] 0011_auto_20200318_1114
[ ] 0012_auto_20200318_1114
[ ] 0013_auto_20200406_0131
[ ] 0014_auto_20200407_0116
[ ] 0015_company_is_manufacturer
[ ] 0016_auto_20200412_2330
[ ] 0017_auto_20200413_0320
[ ] 0018_supplierpart_manufacturer
[ ] 0019_auto_20200413_0642
[ ] 0020_auto_20200413_0839
[ ] 0021_remove_supplierpart_manufacturer_name
[ ] 0022_auto_20200613_1045
[ ] 0023_auto_20200808_0715
[ ] 0024_unique_name_email_constraint
[ ] 0025_auto_20201110_1001
[ ] 0026_auto_20201110_1011
[ ] 0027_remove_supplierpricebreak_currency
[ ] 0028_remove_supplierpricebreak_cost
[ ] 0029_company_currency
[ ] 0030_auto_20201112_1112
[ ] 0031_auto_20210103_2215
[ ] 0032_auto_20210403_1837
[ ] 0033_auto_20210410_1528
[ ] 0034_manufacturerpart
[ ] 0035_supplierpart_update_1
[ ] 0036_supplierpart_update_2
[ ] 0037_supplierpart_update_3
[ ] 0038_manufacturerpartparameter
[ ] 0039_auto_20210701_0509
[ ] 0040_alter_company_currency
[ ] 0041_alter_company_options
[ ] 0042_supplierpricebreak_updated
[ ] 0043_manufacturerpartattachment
[ ] 0044_auto_20220607_2204
[ ] 0045_alter_company_notes
[ ] 0046_alter_company_image
[ ] 0047_supplierpart_pack_size
[ ] 0048_auto_20220913_0312
[ ] 0049_company_metadata
[ ] 0050_alter_company_website
[ ] 0051_alter_supplierpricebreak_price
[ ] 0052_alter_supplierpricebreak_updated
[ ] 0053_supplierpart_updated
[ ] 0054_companyattachment
[ ] 0055_auto_20230317_0816
[ ] 0056_alter_company_notes
[ ] 0057_auto_20230427_2033
[ ] 0058_auto_20230515_0004
[ ] 0059_supplierpart_pack_units
[ ] 0060_auto_20230519_0344
[ ] 0061_remove_supplierpart_pack_size
[ ] 0062_contact_metadata
[ ] 0063_auto_20230502_1956
[ ] 0064_move_address_field_to_address_model
[ ] 0065_remove_company_address
[ ] 0066_auto_20230616_2059
[ ] 0067_alter_supplierpricebreak_price_currency
[ ] 0068_auto_20231120_1108
[ ] 0069_company_active
[ ] 0001_initial
[ ] 0002_remove_content_type_name
[ ] 0001_initial
[ ] 0002_auto_20150630_1624
[ ] 0003_auto_20150708_1326
[ ] 0004_auto_20150710_1043
[ ] 0005_auto_20150718_1506
[ ] 0006_auto_20150805_1817
[ ] 0007_ormq
[ ] 0008_auto_20160224_1026
[ ] 0009_auto_20171009_0915
[ ] 0010_auto_20200610_0856
[ ] 0011_auto_20200628_1055
[ ] 0012_auto_20200702_1608
[ ] 0013_task_attempt_count
[ ] 0014_schedule_cluster
[ ] 0015_alter_schedule_schedule_type
[ ] 0016_schedule_intended_date_kwarg
[ ] 0017_task_cluster_alter
[ ] 0001_initial
[ ] 0001_initial
[ ] 0012_replace_migrations_for_wagtail_independence (11 squashed migrations)
[ ] 0013_add_required_field
[ ] 0001_initial
[ ] 0002_stockitemlabel_enabled
[ ] 0003_stocklocationlabel
[ ] 0004_auto_20210111_2302
[ ] 0005_auto_20210113_2302
[ ] 0006_auto_20210222_1535
[ ] 0007_auto_20210513_1327
[ ] 0008_auto_20210708_2106
[ ] 0009_auto_20230317_0816
[ ] 0010_buildlinelabel
[ ] 0011_auto_20230623_2158
[ ] 0012_labeloutput
[ ] 0001_initial
[ ] 0001_initial
[ ] 0002_auto_20190604_2224
[ ] 0003_auto_20190604_2226
[ ] 0004_purchaseorder_status
[ ] 0005_purchaseorderlineitem_part
[ ] 0006_auto_20190605_2056
[ ] 0007_auto_20190605_2138
[ ] 0008_auto_20190605_2140
[ ] 0009_auto_20190606_2133
[ ] 0010_purchaseorderlineitem_notes
[ ] 0011_auto_20190615_1928
[ ] 0012_auto_20190617_1943
[ ] 0013_auto_20191118_2323
[ ] 0014_auto_20191118_2328
[ ] 0015_auto_20200201_2346
[ ] 0016_purchaseorderattachment
[ ] 0017_auto_20200331_1000
[ ] 0018_auto_20200406_0151
[ ] 0019_purchaseorder_supplier_reference
[ ] 0020_auto_20200420_0940
[ ] 0021_auto_20200420_1010
[ ] 0022_salesorderlineitem_part
[ ] 0023_auto_20200420_2309
[ ] 0024_salesorderallocation
[ ] 0025_auto_20200422_0222
[ ] 0026_auto_20200422_0224
[ ] 0027_auto_20200422_0236
[ ] 0028_auto_20200423_0956
[ ] 0029_auto_20200423_1042
[ ] 0030_auto_20200426_0551
[ ] 0031_auto_20200426_0612
[ ] 0032_auto_20200427_0044
[ ] 0033_auto_20200512_1033
[ ] 0034_auto_20200512_1054
[ ] 0035_auto_20200513_0016
[ ] 0036_auto_20200831_0912
[ ] 0037_auto_20201110_0911
[ ] 0038_auto_20201112_1737
[ ] 0039_auto_20201112_2203
[ ] 0040_salesorder_target_date
[ ] 0041_auto_20210114_1728
[ ] 0042_auto_20210310_1619
[ ] 0043_auto_20210330_0013
[ ] 0044_auto_20210404_2016
[ ] 0045_auto_20210504_1946
[ ] 0046_purchaseorderlineitem_destination
[ ] 0047_auto_20210701_0509
[ ] 0048_auto_20210702_2321
[ ] 0049_alter_purchaseorderlineitem_unique_together
[ ] 0050_alter_purchaseorderlineitem_destination
[ ] 0051_auto_20211014_0623
[ ] 0052_auto_20211014_0631
[ ] 0053_auto_20211128_0151
[ ] 0053_salesordershipment
[ ] 0054_salesorderallocation_shipment
[ ] 0055_auto_20211025_0645
[ ] 0056_alter_salesorderallocation_shipment
[ ] 0057_salesorderlineitem_shipped
[ ] 0058_auto_20211126_1210
[ ] 0059_salesordershipment_tracking_number
[ ] 0060_auto_20211129_1339
[ ] 0054_auto_20211201_2139
[ ] 0061_merge_0054_auto_20211201_2139_0060_auto_20211129_1339
[ ] 0062_auto_20220228_0321
[ ] 0063_alter_purchaseorderlineitem_unique_together
[ ] 0064_purchaseorderextraline_salesorderextraline
[ ] 0065_alter_purchaseorderlineitem_part
[ ] 0066_alter_purchaseorder_supplier
[ ] 0067_auto_20220516_1120
[ ] 0068_alter_salesorderallocation_unique_together
[ ] 0069_auto_20220524_0508
[ ] 0070_auto_20220620_0728
[ ] 0071_auto_20220628_0133
[ ] 0072_alter_salesorder_reference
[ ] 0073_alter_purchaseorder_reference
[ ] 0074_auto_20220709_0108
[ ] 0075_auto_20221110_0108
[ ] 0076_auto_20221111_0153
[ ] 0077_auto_20230129_0154
[ ] 0078_auto_20230304_0721
[ ] 0079_auto_20230304_0904
[ ] 0080_auto_20230317_0816
[ ] 0081_auto_20230314_0725
[ ] 0082_auto_20230314_1259
[ ] 0083_returnorderextraline
[ ] 0084_auto_20230321_1111
[ ] 0085_auto_20230322_1056
[ ] 0086_auto_20230323_1108
[ ] 0087_alter_salesorder_status
[ ] 0088_auto_20230403_1402
[ ] 0089_auto_20230404_0030
[ ] 0090_auto_20230412_1752
[ ] 0091_auto_20230419_0037
[ ] 0092_auto_20230419_0250
[ ] 0093_auto_20230426_0248
[ ] 0094_auto_20230514_2331
[ ] 0095_salesordershipment_delivery_date
[ ] 0096_alter_returnorderlineitem_outcome
[ ] 0097_auto_20230529_0107
[ ] 0098_auto_20231024_1844
[ ] 0001_initial
[ ] 0002_throttling
[ ] 0003_add_timestamps
[ ] 0001_initial
[ ] 0002_auto_20190420_0723
[ ] 0003_add_timestamps
[ ] 0001_initial
[ ] 0002_auto_20190520_2204
[ ] 0003_auto_20190525_2226
[ ] 0004_auto_20190525_2356
[ ] 0005_auto_20190526_1119
[ ] 0006_auto_20190526_1215
[ ] 0007_auto_20190602_1944
[ ] 0008_auto_20190618_0042
[ ] 0009_part_virtual
[ ] 0010_auto_20190620_2135
[ ] 0011_part_revision
[ ] 0012_auto_20190627_2144
[ ] 0013_auto_20190628_0951
[ ] 0014_partparameter
[ ] 0015_auto_20190820_0251
[ ] 0016_auto_20190820_0257
[ ] 0017_bomitem_checksum
[ ] 0018_auto_20190907_0941
[ ] 0019_auto_20190908_0404
[ ] 0020_auto_20190908_0404
[ ] 0021_auto_20190908_0916
[ ] 0022_auto_20190908_0918
[ ] 0023_auto_20190913_1401
[ ] 0024_auto_20191118_2139
[ ] 0025_auto_20191118_2316
[ ] 0026_auto_20200131_1022
[ ] 0027_auto_20200202_1024
[ ] 0028_auto_20200203_1007
[ ] 0029_auto_20200223_0901
[ ] 0030_auto_20200318_1027
[ ] 0031_auto_20200318_1044
[ ] 0032_auto_20200322_0453
[ ] 0033_auto_20200404_0445
[ ] 0034_auto_20200404_1238
[ ] 0035_auto_20200406_0045
[ ] 0036_partattachment_user
[ ] 0037_partattachment_upload_date
[ ] 0038_auto_20200513_0016
[ ] 0039_auto_20200515_1127
[ ] 0040_parttesttemplate
[ ] 0041_auto_20200517_0348
[ ] 0042_auto_20200518_0900
[ ] 0043_auto_20200527_0005
[ ] 0044_auto_20200605_0931
[ ] 0045_auto_20200605_0932
[ ] 0046_auto_20200804_0107
[ ] 0047_auto_20200808_0715
[ ] 0048_auto_20200902_1404
[ ] 0049_partsellpricebreak
[ ] 0050_auto_20200917_2315
[ ] 0051_bomitem_optional
[ ] 0052_partrelated
[ ] 0054_auto_20201109_1246
[ ] 0055_auto_20201110_1001
[ ] 0056_auto_20201110_1125
[ ] 0057_remove_partsellpricebreak_currency
[ ] 0058_remove_partsellpricebreak_cost
[ ] 0059_auto_20201112_1112
[ ] 0053_partcategoryparametertemplate
[ ] 0060_merge_20201112_1722
[ ] 0061_auto_20210104_2331
[ ] 0061_auto_20210103_2313
[ ] 0062_merge_20210105_0056
[ ] 0063_bomitem_inherited
[ ] 0064_auto_20210404_2016
[ ] 0065_auto_20210505_2144
[ ] 0066_bomitem_allow_variants
[ ] 0067_partinternalpricebreak
[ ] 0068_part_unique_part
[ ] 0069_auto_20210701_0509
[ ] 0070_alter_part_variant_of
[ ] 0071_alter_partparametertemplate_name
[ ] 0072_bomitemsubstitute
[ ] 0073_auto_20211013_1048
[ ] 0074_partcategorystar
[ ] 0075_auto_20211128_0151
[ ] 0076_auto_20220516_0819
[ ] 0077_alter_bomitem_unique_together
[ ] 0078_auto_20220606_0024
[ ] 0079_alter_part_notes
[ ] 0080_alter_part_image
[ ] 0081_alter_partcategory_name
[ ] 0082_partcategory_pathstring
[ ] 0083_auto_20220731_2357
[ ] 0084_partcategory_icon
[ ] 0085_partparametertemplate_description
[ ] 0086_auto_20220912_0007
[ ] 0087_bomitem_consumable
[ ] 0088_alter_partparametertemplate_name
[ ] 0089_auto_20221112_0128
[ ] 0090_auto_20221115_0816
[ ] 0091_partstocktake
[ ] 0092_part_last_stocktake
[ ] 0093_auto_20230115_1404
[ ] 0094_alter_part_units
[ ] 0095_alter_part_responsible
[ ] 0096_auto_20230211_0029
[ ] 0097_partstocktakereport
[ ] 0098_auto_20230214_1115
[ ] 0099_alter_bomitem_inherited
[ ] 0100_alter_bomitem_reference
[ ] 0101_bomitem_validated
[ ] 0102_auto_20230314_0112
[ ] 0103_auto_20230317_0816
[ ] 0104_alter_part_description
[ ] 0105_alter_part_notes
[ ] 0106_part_tags
[ ] 0107_alter_part_tags
[ ] 0108_auto_20230516_1334
[ ] 0109_auto_20230517_1048
[ ] 0110_alter_part_units
[ ] 0111_auto_20230521_1350
[ ] 0112_auto_20230525_1606
[ ] 0113_auto_20230531_1205
[ ] 0114_alter_part_minimum_stock
[ ] 0115_part_responsible_owner
[ ] 0116_auto_20231023_0332
[ ] 0117_remove_part_responsible
[ ] 0118_auto_20231024_1844
[ ] 0119_auto_20231120_0457
[ ] 0120_parttesttemplate_key
[ ] 0121_auto_20240207_0344
[ ] 0122_parttesttemplate_enabled
[ ] 0001_initial
[ ] 0002_alter_pluginconfig_options
[ ] 0003_pluginsetting
[ ] 0004_alter_pluginsetting_key
[ ] 0005_notificationusersetting
[ ] 0006_pluginconfig_metadata
[ ] 0007_auto_20230805_1748
[ ] 0008_pluginconfig_package_name
[ ] 0001_initial
[ ] 0002_delete_reporttemplate
[ ] 0003_testreport_enabled
[ ] 0004_auto_20200823_1104
[ ] 0005_auto_20210119_0815
[ ] 0006_reportsnippet
[ ] 0007_auto_20210204_1617
[ ] 0008_auto_20210204_2100
[ ] 0009_testreport_revision
[ ] 0010_auto_20210205_1201
[ ] 0011_auto_20210212_2024
[ ] 0012_buildreport
[ ] 0013_testreport_include_installed
[ ] 0014_purchaseorderreport_salesorderreport
[ ] 0015_auto_20210403_1837
[ ] 0016_auto_20210513_1303
[ ] 0017_auto_20230317_0816
[ ] 0018_returnorderreport
[ ] 0019_returnorderreport_metadata
[ ] 0020_stocklocationreport
[ ] 0021_auto_20231009_0144
[ ] 0001_initial
[ ] 0002_token_max_lengths
[ ] 0003_extra_data_default_dict
[ ] 0004_app_provider_id_settings
[ ] 0005_socialtoken_nullable_app
[ ] 0006_alter_socialaccount_extra_data
[ ] 0001_initial
[ ] 0002_auto_20190525_2226
[ ] 0003_auto_20190525_2303
[ ] 0004_auto_20190525_2356
[ ] 0005_auto_20190602_1944
[ ] 0006_stockitem_purchase_order
[ ] 0007_auto_20190618_0042
[ ] 0008_stockitemtracking_url
[ ] 0009_auto_20190715_2351
[ ] 0010_stockitem_build
[ ] 0011_auto_20190908_0404
[ ] 0012_auto_20190908_0405
[ ] 0013_auto_20190908_0916
[ ] 0014_auto_20190908_0918
[ ] 0015_auto_20190913_1407
[ ] 0016_auto_20191118_2146
[ ] 0017_auto_20191118_2311
[ ] 0018_auto_20200202_0103
[ ] 0019_auto_20200202_1024
[ ] 0020_auto_20200206_1213
[ ] 0021_auto_20200215_2232
[ ] 0022_auto_20200217_1109
[ ] 0023_auto_20200318_1027
[ ] 0024_auto_20200405_2239
[ ] 0025_auto_20200405_2243
[ ] 0026_stockitem_uid
[ ] 0027_stockitem_sales_order
[ ] 0028_auto_20200421_0724
[ ] 0029_auto_20200421_2359
[ ] 0030_auto_20200422_0015
[ ] 0031_auto_20200422_0209
[ ] 0032_stockitem_build_order
[ ] 0033_auto_20200426_0539
[ ] 0034_auto_20200426_0602
[ ] 0035_auto_20200502_2308
[ ] 0036_stockitemattachment
[ ] 0037_stockitemattachment_user
[ ] 0038_stockitemattachment_upload_date
[ ] 0039_auto_20200513_0016
[ ] 0040_stockitemtestresult
[ ] 0041_stockitemtestresult_notes
[ ] 0042_auto_20200523_0121
[ ] 0043_auto_20200525_0420
[ ] 0044_auto_20200528_1036
[ ] 0045_stockitem_customer
[ ] 0046_auto_20200605_0931
[ ] 0047_auto_20200605_0932
[ ] 0048_auto_20200807_2344
[ ] 0049_auto_20200820_0454
[ ] 0050_auto_20200821_1403
[ ] 0051_auto_20200928_0928
[ ] 0052_stockitem_is_building
[ ] 0053_auto_20201110_0513
[ ] 0054_remove_stockitem_build_order
[ ] 0055_auto_20201117_1453
[ ] 0056_stockitem_expiry_date
[ ] 0057_stock_location_item_owner
[ ] 0058_stockitem_packaging
[ ] 0059_auto_20210404_2016
[ ] 0060_auto_20210511_1713
[ ] 0061_auto_20210511_0911
[ ] 0062_auto_20210511_2151
[ ] 0063_auto_20210511_2343
[ ] 0064_auto_20210621_1724
[ ] 0065_auto_20210701_0509
[ ] 0066_stockitem_scheduled_for_deletion
[ ] 0067_alter_stockitem_part
[ ] 0068_stockitem_serial_int
[ ] 0069_auto_20211109_2347
[ ] 0070_auto_20211128_0151
[ ] 0071_auto_20211205_1733
[ ] 0072_remove_stockitem_scheduled_for_deletion
[ ] 0073_alter_stockitem_belongs_to
[ ] 0074_alter_stockitem_batch
[ ] 0075_auto_20220515_1440
[ ] 0076_alter_stockitem_status
[ ] 0077_alter_stockitem_notes
[ ] 0078_alter_stockitem_supplier_part
[ ] 0079_alter_stocklocation_name
[ ] 0080_stocklocation_pathstring
[ ] 0081_auto_20220801_0044
[ ] 0082_alter_stockitem_link
[ ] 0083_stocklocation_icon
[ ] 0084_auto_20220903_0154
[ ] 0085_auto_20220903_0225
[ ] 0086_remove_stockitem_uid
[ ] 0087_auto_20220912_2341
[ ] 0088_remove_stockitem_infinite
[ ] 0089_alter_stockitem_purchase_price
[ ] 0090_stocklocation_structural
[ ] 0091_alter_stockitem_delete_on_deplete
[ ] 0092_alter_stockitem_updated
[ ] 0093_auto_20230217_2140
[ ] 0094_auto_20230220_0025
[ ] 0095_stocklocation_external
[ ] 0096_auto_20230330_1121
[ ] 0097_alter_stockitem_notes
[ ] 0098_auto_20230427_2033
[ ] 0099_alter_stockitem_status
[ ] 0100_auto_20230515_0004
[ ] 0100_stockitem_consumed_by
[ ] 0101_stockitemtestresult_metadata
[ ] 0102_alter_stockitem_status
[ ] 0103_stock_location_types
[ ] 0104_alter_stockitem_purchase_price_currency
[ ] 0105_stockitemtestresult_template
[ ] 0106_auto_20240207_0353
[ ] 0107_remove_stockitemtestresult_test_and_more
[ ] 0108_auto_20240219_0252
[ ] 0109_add_additional_test_fields
[ ] 0110_alter_stockitemtestresult_finished_datetime_and_more
[ ] 0001_initial
[ ] 0002_auto_20150616_2121
[ ] 0003_taggeditem_add_unique_index
[ ] 0004_alter_taggeditem_content_type_alter_taggeditem_tag
[ ] 0005_auto_20220424_2025
[ ] 0006_rename_taggeditem_content_type_object_id_taggit_tagg_content_8fc721_idx
[ ] 0001_initial
[ ] 0002_auto_20151208_1536
[ ] 0003_auto_20161205_1516
[ ] 0001_initial
[ ] 0002_auto_20201004_0158
[ ] 0003_auto_20201005_2227
[ ] 0004_auto_20210113_1909
[ ] 0005_owner_model
[ ] 0006_alter_ruleset_name
[ ] 0007_alter_ruleset_name
[ ] 0008_apitoken
[ ] 0009_auto_20231020_2356
[ ] 0010_alter_apitoken_key
[ ] 0011_auto_20240523_1640
/home/inventree/src/backend/InvenTree #
Ok so none of the migrations are being run at all. There is a critical error connecting to or configuring the database.
What version of mysql are you running? You will need at least version 8
That indeed was the problem. The server I choose was apparently not updated for a long time :) It was not really clear from the errors (as the whole query was not printed) that that was the problem. I used one of our other servers that had an actual recent version and it works. Thanks for the replies and I can hand it over to the team to try it out.
Deployment Method
Steps to Reproduce
Describe the problem*
During the first initialization of the database on MySQL:
Steps to Reproduce
docker compose run --rm inventree-server invoke update
Relevant log output
Log file (error is on line 73):