invernizzi / scapy-http

Support for HTTP in Scapy
301 stars 77 forks source link only shows how to parse an already HTTP packet to create and send it with this library? #30

Open q2dg opened 6 years ago

q2dg commented 6 years ago


q2dg commented 6 years ago seems this project is pretty abandoned seeing the lack of response...

q2dg commented 5 years ago


FeverKing commented 5 years ago

Try send() I guess?

q2dg commented 5 years ago

Thanks, but how can I create the packet first? package=IP(dst="")/TCP()/HTTP("") doesn't seems to work.

FeverKing commented 5 years ago

Hi It seems that 'scapy_http' was made to analyze http packages instead of sending them. In 'scapy' the argument 'dst' requires an IPv4 address I guess. Maybe you should ask the author for help.

q2dg commented 5 years ago

Thaks @FeverKing. Well, I opened this issue more than one year ago and there's no I haven't many expectations about the author. Let's see in the future.

P.S: In Scapy the argument "dst" can have a domain name, too.