invernyx / smartcars-3-bugs

The bug tracker for the smartCARS 3 application
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[BUG] - Fuel Usage #297

Closed dCarnage closed 11 months ago

dCarnage commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug

If you refuel mid air , it doesnt track fuel used total. It only compares what you started with vs what you land with.

EG. I flew YPDN to VHHH , i forgot to pause at TOD so i added 33% fuel so i could test the smartcars refuel mid air tracking. When i landed with 5000KG left , it just calculated Push back - Whats left in the tank at the end.

21:51:34 Using Microsoft Flight Simulator
21:51:34 Flying PMDG 737-800 Qantas (VH-VXM | 2021 | Mount Hotham)
21:51:34 Aircrafts weights: DOW: 41413kgs FOB: 20878kgs ZFW: 42263kgs
21:51:34 Engine 1 On
21:51:34 Engine 2 On
21:51:34 Now boarding
21:52:05 Pushing back with 20876 kgs of fuel
04:51:38 | On final at 814 ft with 3 nm to go at 204 kts, -3 degrees pitch, -4 degrees bank 04:52:37 | Touched down at -271 fpm, 1.4g, 130 kts, 3 degrees pitch, -0 degrees bank, wind 270 at 8 kts with 5229 kgs of fuel (15647.563224kgs in flight) 04:52:37 | Landed approx. 78 min late with a fuel burn on target ### How do you reproduce this bug? Do a flight , Refuel infinitely. Calculation is being done on Pushback - remaining , which isnt true if you refuel midair. ### Expected behavior All fuel increases should be tracked ### Screenshots _No response_ ### Operating system Windos 11 ### Community airline QVirtual ### smartCARS Version Latest ### Plugins installed all + simbrief ### Additional context _No response_
Thien42 commented 1 year ago

This is by design and I don't believe we will change the way we calculate the fuel usage, see:

jordanhavard commented 1 year ago

@Thien42 @GenericNerd just to confirm, there is no way to track whether fuel has been increased or decreased and this is by design ?

GenericNerd commented 1 year ago

I'm reopening this because I believe it should be something that we should take another look at. We could possibly do this by implementing a "range" or tolerance (of say 50 pounds) before it sends a log. This would of course be customisable for each community.

bgiorgio0506 commented 12 months ago

@Thien42 @GenericNerd just to confirm, there is no way to track whether fuel has been increased or decreased and this is by design ?

Hey in the next update there will be this possibility for example if you want to check for in flight refueling the condition will look{fuelTotalQuantityWeight} increased_by 1000 and {planeOnground} equals false the same fordecreased_by

jordanhavard commented 12 months ago

@Thien42 @GenericNerd just to confirm, there is no way to track whether fuel has been increased or decreased and this is by design ?

Hey in the next update there will be this possibility for example if you want to check for in flight refueling the condition will look{fuelTotalQuantityWeight} increased_by 1000 and {planeOnground} equals false the same fordecreased_by

Thanks @bgiorgio0506 Can 1000 be changed to any positive integer number or is it set to 1000? Would the condition changed be able to be used instead while still picking up both instances (to prevent me having an increased_by and a decreased_by) ?

Thanks for looking into this ๐Ÿ™

GenericNerd commented 12 months ago

@Thien42 @GenericNerd just to confirm, there is no way to track whether fuel has been increased or decreased and this is by design ?

Hey in the next update there will be this possibility for example if you want to check for in flight refueling the condition will look{fuelTotalQuantityWeight} increased_by 1000 and {planeOnground} equals false the same fordecreased_by

Thanks @bgiorgio0506 Can 1000 be changed to any positive integer number or is it set to 1000? Would the condition changed be able to be used instead while still picking up both instances (to prevent me having an increased_by and a decreased_by) ?

Thanks for looking into this ๐Ÿ™

It is in fact any integer that you want, and changed is still a word youโ€™ll be able to use :)

jordanhavard commented 12 months ago

@Thien42 @GenericNerd just to confirm, there is no way to track whether fuel has been increased or decreased and this is by design ?

Hey in the next update there will be this possibility for example if you want to check for in flight refueling the condition will look{fuelTotalQuantityWeight} increased_by 1000 and {planeOnground} equals false the same fordecreased_by

Thanks @bgiorgio0506 Can 1000 be changed to any positive integer number or is it set to 1000? Would the condition changed be able to be used instead while still picking up both instances (to prevent me having an increased_by and a decreased_by) ? Thanks for looking into this ๐Ÿ™

It is in fact any integer that you want, and changed is still a word youโ€™ll be able to use :)

Amazing ๐Ÿ‘

If I change my config now will that break or is it best to wait until next release? If the latter, what version should I be looking out for ?

GenericNerd commented 12 months ago

@Thien42 @GenericNerd just to confirm, there is no way to track whether fuel has been increased or decreased and this is by design ?

Hey in the next update there will be this possibility for example if you want to check for in flight refueling the condition will look{fuelTotalQuantityWeight} increased_by 1000 and {planeOnground} equals false the same fordecreased_by

Thanks @bgiorgio0506 Can 1000 be changed to any positive integer number or is it set to 1000? Would the condition changed be able to be used instead while still picking up both instances (to prevent me having an increased_by and a decreased_by) ? Thanks for looking into this ๐Ÿ™

It is in fact any integer that you want, and changed is still a word youโ€™ll be able to use :)

Amazing ๐Ÿ‘

If I change my config now will that break or is it best to wait until next release? If the latter, what version should I be looking out for ?

You should wait until the next release of the flight tracking plugin. I will let you know on Discord with a ping when this happens.