invernyx / smartcars-3-bugs

The bug tracker for the smartCARS 3 application
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[BUG] - Selected Aircraft Not Used When Filing PIREP #344

Closed bryan737dfw closed 7 months ago

bryan737dfw commented 9 months ago

Describe the bug

When a flight is started and the pilot selects that they are flying an aircraft that is not the same as the scheduled type, the scheduled type is what gets filed and not the actual aircraft that was selected by the pilot. This is NOT how SC2 behaves as SC2 files the aircraft selected by the pilot at the start of the flight (as well as the load that the pilot specifies). So, for example... I am flying a flight that is scheduled in the 737-700 and I pick the 737-800 from the drop list in SC3. In SC3 when I file the report at the end of the flight it says that I flew the 737-700. In SC2, the report would file with the selected 737-800.

How do you reproduce this bug?

Bid on a flight. image

Change the scheduled aircraft (737-800 instead of the scheduled 737-700). image

Fly the flight.

At the end of the flight file PIREP.

PIREP shows that the 737-700 was used.

Expected behavior

The PIREP would show the aircraft that was selected when the flight was started. So, if the pilot changed the aircraft to a different one then it would be filed. If the pilot does not select a different aircraft then the scheduled one would be used (as this was the original aircraft when the flight bid was created).

So, in the example above the 737-800 should have been on the PIREP since the pilot selected a different aircraft when starting the flight.


No response

Operating system

Windows 10 22H2

Community airline

Noble Air

smartCARS Version


Plugins installed

Chat 1.0.1, Flight Center 1.0.1, Flight Tracking 1.0.3, Logbook 1.1.1, Map 1.0.0, SimBrief 1.0.0

Additional context

API 0.3.4

Similar to closed issue #310

GenericNerd commented 9 months ago

Are you able to please update your API and the plugins used and let me know if this is still an issue?

walkerairtrans commented 9 months ago

I feel like this could be a stale data issue similar to what we had here in beta:

I have a similar issue where if an updated bid is pulled when clicking on fly (that has a different aircraft ID) the app will ignore the updated payload and fly what it has in memory.

bryan737dfw commented 9 months ago

Our VA API was updated but I have not had a chance to fly since the update was made. Will report back after I am able to do a test flight.

FlyUVA-CEO commented 9 months ago

I can confirm that this issue is still present with all plugins updated and using the newest API 0.3.8. Please see screenshots below. I didnt actually fly this flight so didnt take a screenshot of the filed PIREP, but can provide this if needed. SC3 is sending only the scheduled aircraft data to the live map as well as putting the Scheduled aircraft as the one flown on the filed PIREPs instead of the aircraft that the pilot selects on SC3 dropdown (if aircraft selection is allowed by the VA's admin).

Scheduled Bid card: image

SC3 Bid showing Selected AIrcraft by pilot: image

SC3 Logging showing actual aircraft flying/flown: image

Live Map/tracker showing aircraft flown is the scheduled aircraft and not selected/actual aircraft: image

Plugin versions: image

API Version: image

In SC2, if a pilot selects their own aircraft type from the dropdown, that aircraft type is what is sent to the live map and also shows as the aircraft types used on the filed PIREP, not the "scheduled" aircraft thats on the bid. SC3 seems to show ONLY the scheduled aircraft and doesnt sent the correct info to the live map or place the selected aircraft on the filed PIREP, it puts the scheduled aircraft there as well, making it look as if the pilot flew the aircraft that was scheduled and not the one selected.

Thank you guys for all you do and we look forward to a fix for this as its the last bug that we know of keeping us from making SC3 our official tracking software over SC2.

FlyUVA-CEO commented 9 months ago

We're using phpvms 5 btw

bryan737dfw commented 9 months ago

I haven't been able to fly myself, but I see a PIREP from someone today and it is not working as expected using API 0.3.6 (the latest public release version). They flew a 737-800 and the PIREP was showing an A321 (which was the scheduled aircraft). I did verify with them that they did select the 737-800 in SC3.

Log: image

SC3 PIREP: image

Schedule: image

I am hoping to finally get a flight in either later tonight or tomorrow.

bryan737dfw commented 9 months ago

I did a flight this morning and can confirm that the behavior still exists. The scheduled aircraft was a 737-800. I actually flew and selected the 737-700. The PIREP filed with the 737-800.

Also, have no clue where SC3 gets the passenger load for the PIREP. What was on the PIREP was not what was on the Simbrief OFP and there is no place to specify this in SC3 (but that is a separate issue for which I will submit a report).

thhoppst commented 9 months ago

I have the same problem Api Version 0.3.6. Smartcars V3 here

thhoppst commented 9 months ago

I checked it with Api Version 0.3.8 same issue .... :(

walkerairtrans commented 9 months ago

@Thien42 @GenericNerd I am 98% certain this is the same issue referenced here:

I think the primary data cache in the app (forget what it was named and since I can't see the dev console I can't screenshot it) is not updating. So when a user clicks a new plane, the ID # is not being pushed to flight tracking. Identical problem when we had the refresh bid button problem and it would never update.

thhoppst commented 9 months ago

Problem is in the API. complete.php -> $data = array( 'pilotid' => $pilotID, 'code' => $route['code'], 'flightnum' => $route['flightnum'], 'depicao' => $route['depicao'], 'arricao' => $route['arricao'],
'route' => implode(' ', $_POST['route']), 'aircraft' => $route['aircraft'], <-------- this must be change to $_POST['aircraft'] 'flighttime' => sprintf('%01d:%02d', floor($_POST['flightTime']), round($_POST['flightTime'] 60) % 60), 'landingrate' => round($_POST['landingRate']), 'submitdate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'fuelused' => $_POST['fuelUsed'], 'source' => 'smartCARS 3', 'log' => implode('', $_POST['flightLog']) );

I check it on my server and it will be work.

GenericNerd commented 7 months ago

This will be fixed in the next API version and is available at