Open MichaelDarkMostIo opened 6 months ago
Got same observation, didn't know why but when enabling this plugin i got a lot heavy CPU usage.
include: package:lint/analysis_options.yaml
enable_all_lint_rules: false
- use_design_system_item:
- instead_of: ExpansionPanelList
from_package: flutter
- custom_lint
missing_required_param: error
missing_return: error
todo: ignore
parameter_assignments: warning
invalid_annotation_target: ignore
unnecessary_constructor_name: true
- lib/**/generated/**
- test/**/generated/**
- forked/
- test/tmp/**
always_put_control_body_on_new_line: false
always_put_required_named_parameters_first: true
always_specify_types: true
always_use_package_imports: false
avoid_equals_and_hash_code_on_mutable_classes: true
avoid_redundant_argument_values: false
avoid_relative_lib_imports: false
avoid_renaming_method_parameters: true
avoid_returning_this: true
constant_identifier_names: false
flutter_style_todos: true
no_default_cases: true
no_wildcard_variable_uses: false
overridden_fields: false
prefer_asserts_with_message: true
prefer_const_constructors: true
prefer_const_constructors_in_immutables: true
prefer_const_declarations: true
prefer_const_literals_to_create_immutables: true
prefer_constructors_over_static_methods: true
prefer_relative_imports: true
prefer_spread_collections: true
prefer_single_quotes: true
sort_child_properties_last: true
sort_pub_dependencies: false
sized_box_for_whitespace: true
sized_box_shrink_expand: true
unawaited_futures: true
unnecessary_const: true
use_colored_box: true
use_decorated_box: true
use_enums: true
use_key_in_widget_constructors: true
use_named_constants: true
use_super_parameters: true
use_to_and_as_if_applicable: true
I'm running the same as well. This consumes the CPU and slows my laptop down in a way I'm kinda obligated to open the Activity Monitor and just kill it all the time.
This issue was slowing significantly my IDE, just navigating with cmd+clic was taking tens of seconds and saving dart files was taking minutes if not crashing. It happened in multiple projects using custom_lint and riverpod_lints. I tried with a new computer and a clean SO + Flutter install and the issue happened again. I also tried switching from VScode to Android Studio but the flutter outline and dart refactors stopped working after a few seconds of use and become unusable, after disabling custom_lint it works normally For now I had to disable custom_lint in all my projects to get a normal development flow
I confirmed same issue but it wasn’t there 1 month ago
Do you have any error in the custom_lint.log or something?
No errors, I use those linters:
# Linters
flutter_lints: ^4.0.0
autoclose_lint: ^1.0.2
custom_lint: ^0.6.4
freezed_lint: ^0.0.2
solid_lints: ^0.1.5
I use prefer_match_file_name
from solid_lints but I don’t think it is related to the memory issue, and once I disable
# plugins:
# - custom_lint
no memory issues after disabling
I will activate it again and I will let you know if I got errors
For what it's worth, I'm making significant changes to support analyzer 6.5.0. Hopefully this should get better.
Still, in terms of memory, it's always going to consume quite a bit.
Anyway note that the memory issue could be coming from a specific plugin. For instance, it could be that riverpod_lint is the problem. I could see how that happens, as it does a lot of caching.
macros will improve build_runners what would be the feature in the dart that could improve the analyzer?
Not a Dart feature but an analyzer feature. Plugins are getting a rework to solve memory issues.
What about CPU usage 👀 ? (I can open a new GitHub issue)
Thanks for your amazing package ❤️
Depends. Note that there could always be a bug in any of the packages.
For example I'm aware of at least one performance issue caused by some form of delayed infinite loop in riverpod_lint. I'm working on fixing this at the moment.
It looks like
process is consuming more RAM than the wholeanalysis_server
.Not sure what kind of related info I should provide for the issue, but it must be either a lack of optimization or memory leaks problem.