invertase / flutterfire_cli

A CLI to help with using FlutterFire in your Flutter applications.
Apache License 2.0
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[bug]: cli is not generating iosclientid key in firebase_options.dart file #208

Closed edimarvirtual closed 8 months ago

edimarvirtual commented 9 months ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

CLI Version


Firebase Tools version


Flutter Doctor Output

[✓] Flutter (Channel stable, 3.10.0, on macOS 12.6.5 21G531 darwin-x64, locale pt-BR) • Flutter version 3.10.0 on channel stable at /Users/edimargotardo/flutter • Upstream repository • Framework revision 84a1e904f4 (4 months ago), 2023-05-09 07:41:44 -0700 • Engine revision d44b5a94c9 • Dart version 3.0.0 • DevTools version 2.23.1

[✓] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 32.0.0) • Android SDK at /Users/edimargotardo/Library/Android/sdk • Platform android-33, build-tools 32.0.0 • Java binary at: /Applications/Android • Java version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.10+0-b96-7281165) • All Android licenses accepted.

[✓] Xcode - develop for iOS and macOS (Xcode 14.1) • Xcode at /Applications/ • Build 14B47b • CocoaPods version 1.11.2

[✓] Chrome - develop for the web • Chrome at /Applications/Google Chrome

[✓] Android Studio (version 2020.3) • Android Studio at /Applications/Android • Flutter plugin can be installed from: 🔨 • Dart plugin can be installed from: 🔨 • Java version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.10+0-b96-7281165)

[✓] VS Code (version 1.81.1) • VS Code at /Applications/Visual Studio • Flutter extension version 3.72.0

[✓] Connected device (2 available) • macOS (desktop) • macos • darwin-x64 • macOS 12.6.5 21G531 darwin-x64 • Chrome (web) • chrome • web-javascript • Google Chrome 116.0.5845.179

[✓] Network resources • All expected network resources are available.

• No issues found!


When executing the flutterfire configure command everything works normally, but I noticed that it is no longer generating the androidClientId and iosClientId Keys, consequently, for this reason when I download the GoogleService-Info.plist file, the same it is coming without the REVERSED_CLIENT_ID key that I need to add to the Info.plist file

Since I use Firebase phone authentication, I need these keys for my app to be authorized

NOTE: I didn't do any type of update, not even in the sources, dependencies or binaries, and until 2 days ago everything was generating normally

Steps to reproduce

  1. run flutterfire configure
  2. select firebase project
  3. select (android, iOS and web platforms)
  4. If the option to replace the files appears, answer yes
  5. check the firebase_options.dart file, and see if it generated the iosClientId key for the ios platform

Expected behavior

for it to generate the iosClientId key for the ios platform in the firebase_options.dart file


Captura de Tela 2023-09-10 às 09 58 21 It is currently generating like this 👆

Captura de Tela 2023-09-10 às 10 08 54 But before it generated normally 👆 (this file was 2 days ago, in the same environment with no updates to the sources or binaries)

Additional context and comments

No response

russellwheatley commented 8 months ago

I've just tested this on the latest dev release:

dart pub global activate flutterfire_cli 0.3.0-dev.18 --overwrite

The iosClientId is written in the firebase_options.dart file.

PawlikMichal25 commented 7 months ago

even without Firebase CLI, I just created a new app and downloaded GoogleService-Info.plist from Firebase Console and it didn't contain CLIENT_ID