invertase / melos

🌋 A tool for managing Dart projects with multiple packages. With IntelliJ and Vscode IDE support. Supports automated versioning, changelogs & publishing via Conventional Commits.
Apache License 2.0
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Find a way to coordinate / share / merge with mono_repo #42

Closed kevmoo closed 3 years ago

kevmoo commented 3 years ago

Hey folks!

This is purely speculation, but it might be worth at least discussing.

I help maintain with a couple of folks from the Dart team.

There is a LOT of overlap here. Wondering if it'd make sense to at least chat.

Salakar commented 3 years ago

Hey @kevmoo thanks for reaching out 👋

There is a LOT of overlap here. Wondering if it'd make sense to at least chat.

Would love to chat and see how we can work together on our shared project goals of making monorepos more manageable in Dart.

In terms of overlap I don't actually think there is much overlap here code wise apart from our shared goals of the projects. Our docs are heavily in progress and at the moment so they do fail to shine a light on what Melos really does. I'll clarify with some high level points comparing Melos features with mono_repo;

(please correct me if I'm wrong on any of the mono_repo points)



Runs pub get or upgrade in each individual package in the repository.


Pub files such .packages, .dart_tool & .flutter-plugins are generated for each package in melos via the bootstrap command, we don't run pub get in each package. This gives us many benefits;



At the time we started building melos, mono_repo was for travis only. (I see there is some actions stuff now as well).


Melos is CI agnostic, it provides all the tools/commands you'd ever need for any CI. e.g. exec, run, list, version, publish;

$ melos --help

Usage: melos <command> [arguments]

Global options:
-h, --help                                       Print this usage information.
    --verbose                                    Enable verbose logging.
    --no-private                                 Exclude private packages (`publish_to: none`). They are included by default.
    --[no-]published                             Filter packages where the current local package version exists on Or "-no-published" to filter packages that have not had their current version published yet.
    --scope=<glob>                               Include only packages with names matching the given glob. This option can be repeated.
    --ignore=<glob>                              Exclude packages with names matching the given glob. This option can be repeated.
    --since=<ref>                                Only include packages that have been changed since the specified `ref`, e.g. a commit sha or git tag.
    --dir-exists=<dirRelativeToPackageRoot>      Include only packages where a specific directory exists inside the package.
    --file-exists=<fileRelativeToPackageRoot>    Include only packages where a specific file exists in the package.

Available commands:
  bootstrap   Initialize the workspace, link local packages together and install remaining package dependencies.
  clean       Clean this workspace and all packages. This deletes the temporary pub & ide files such as ".packages" & ".flutter-plugins". Supports all package filtering options.
  exec        Execute an arbitrary command in each package. Supports all package filtering options.
  list        List local packages.
  publish     Publish any unpublished packages or package versions in your repository to Dry run is on by default.
  run         Run a script by name defined in the workspace melos.yaml config file.
  version     Automatically version and generate changelogs for all packages. Supports all Melos filtering flags.


Run dart analyze in all packages with a concurrency of 5 but fail fast (stop immediately if any package fails):

melos exec -c 5 --fail-fast -- \
  dart analyze .

You can also define scripts in the root melos.yaml for a repository, e.g.

name: FlutterFire

  - packages/**

    run: |
      melos exec -c 5 --fail-fast -- \
        dart analyze .
    description: |
      Run `dart analyze` in all packages.
       - Note: you can also rely on your IDEs Dart Analysis / Issues window.

 # ...

Contributors or CI just needs to run melos run analyze with that defined. Or even just melos run to select from the available defined scripts and view their descriptions:


Note that the script definitions can be as basic as [name]: something_to_run or as advanced as giving it a description, pre-defining package filters (see Filters below) and prompting user to select a package to run the script against from a list of packages (filtered from pre-defined filters). See #34 for screenshot examples of this.


All melos commands support some basic to very advanced package filtering flags;

--no-private Exclude private packages (publish_to: none). They are included by default.

--[no-]published Filter packages where the current local package version exists on Or "-no-published" to filter packages that have not had their current version published yet.

--scope=<glob> Include only packages with names matching the given glob. This option can be repeated. Example: --scope="*platform_interface*" - filter packages to platform interfaces ones only.

--ignore=<glob> Exclude packages with names matching the given glob. This option can be repeated. Example: --ignore="*example*" - ignore example apps.

--since=<ref> Only include packages that have been changed since the specified ref, e.g. a commit sha or git tag. Example: --since="dev" - filter packages that have had changes made since the dev branch.

--dir-exists=<dirRelativeToPackageRoot> Include only packages where a specific directory exists inside the package. This option can be repeated. Example: --dir-exists="macos" --dir-exists="test_driver" --scope="*example*" - filter example apps that have test_driver tests directory and also have a macos directory (signifying macos supported).

--file-exists=<fileRelativeToPackageRoot> Include only packages where a specific file exists in the package. This option can be repeated. Example: --file-exists="./test_driver/MELOS_PARENT_PACKAGE_NAME_e2e.dart" --scope="*example*" - filter example apps that have test_driver file named the same as the parent packages name, e.g. if firebase_auth/example then the MELOS_PARENT_PACKAGE_NAME placeholder gets automatically replaced to be firebase_auth. See #3 for details all the injectable environment variables melos automatically injects.

The best command to test out these global filter flags with is the list command:

$ melos list --help
List local packages.

Usage: melos list
-h, --help        Print this usage information.
-l, --long        Show extended information.
-a, --all         Show private packages that are hidden by default.
-p, --parsable    Show parsable output instead of columnified view.
    --json        Show information as a JSON array.
    --graph       Show dependency graph as a JSON-formatted adjacency list.

Automated versioning and release management.

Melos provides support for automatic semantic versioning (based on the angular conventional commits standard) of releases and changelog generation via the melos version & melos publish commands (which both also support the global filtering flags).

$ melos version --help
Automatically version and generate changelogs for all packages. Supports all Melos filtering flags.

Usage: melos version [arguments]
-h, --help                    Print this usage information.
-p, --prerelease              Version any packages with changes as a prerelease. Cannot be combined with graduate flag.
-g, --graduate                Graduate current prerelease versioned packages to stable versions, e.g. "0.10.0-dev.1" would become "0.10.0". Cannot be combined with prerelease flag.
-c, --[no-]changelog          Update files.
                              (defaults to on)
-t, --[no-]git-tag-version    By default, melos version will commit changes to pubspec.yaml files and tag the release. Pass --no-git-tag-version to disable the behavior.
                              (defaults to on)
    --yes                     Skip the Y/n prompt at the beginning of the command.
    --preid                   When run with this option, melos version will increment prerelease versions using the specified prerelease identifier, e.g. using a "nullsafety" preid along with the --prerelease flag would result in a version in the format "1.0.0-nullsafety.0".
                              (defaults to "dev")
$ melos publish --help
Publish any unpublished packages or package versions in your repository to Dry run is on by default.

Usage: melos publish [arguments]
-h, --help               Print this usage information.
-n, --[no-]dry-run       Validate but do not publish the package.
                         (defaults to on)
-t, --git-tag-version    Add any missing git tags for release. Note tags are only created if --no-dry-run is also set.

This has allowed us to publish some ~50 FlutterFire packages in minutes with guaranteed versioning and changelog consistency. Previously this could take over a day and could still be wrong, e.g. package A has been updated therefore package B that depends on A should get a dependency bump and also be updated.

Additionally this removed so much headache for maintaining the FlutterFire project, previously users had to as part of their PRs also bump the package versions and add change log entries - this caused so many inconsistencies and blocked merges due to conflicts when a lot of PRs were working on the same packages. Now users just have to submit their proposed changes and thats it, no changelogs or version bumps. This was a huge bottleneck for contributing to FlutterFire because as soon as you merged a PR then all the other PRs for the same packages would then be out of date and have version & changelog conflicts - you could only have 1 PR ready at a time.

These commands both also support custom script hooks, e.g. define a custom version or postversion script in your melos.yaml and it will be automatically called as part of the versioning process - useful for generated files that need to be updated before publishing. As an example Melos itself uses this to generate it's version.g.dart file;

IDE integration

Melos provides deep IDE integration support. E.g. for IntelliJ, the various IntelliJ config xml files & iml files are generated into the melos workspace for all the packages. See #9 for what this means. More advanced integration for Vscode is also in the works.

There's probably a lot of other things I've not covered but I don't want to overload this response more than I already have. For some examples of melos in the wild checkout the following;

kevmoo commented 3 years ago

🤣 Ha! Maybe we should just retire mono_repo. You guys are crankin!

I'll chat with the other owners. mono_repo is a bit of a special ❄️ at the moment. It does exactly what our team needs for the bits we need it for.

But I may start recommending folks come here – if that's okay with you.

We do have some nice logic for doing GitHub Actions now...but maybe you guys are already there and beyond.

Ehesp commented 3 years ago

@kevmoo thanks! Melos mainly started from working on FlutterFire where we needed to link the packages together and not worry about modifying every single pubspec.yaml file.

But I may start recommending folks come here – if that's okay with you.

Fine with us :)