Closed ReZuBaa closed 9 months ago
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There is a reminder in the application, when I set the reminder, notifications in Android 12 version send a reminder notification while the program is running in the background. However, if the program is closed, the notification does not come. I tested the application on Android 10 11 12 13 14. I only encounter this problem on Android 12. What could be the reason? Thank you in advance for your help.
react native 0.71.7 @notifee/react-native": "7.8.2"
available codes :
import React, { forwardRef, memo, useCallback,useState, useEffect } from 'react' import { Text, View,TextInput,Platform,Button ,TouchableOpacity} from 'react-native' import DateTimePicker from '@react-native-community/datetimepicker'; import notifee, { TimestampTrigger, TriggerType,AndroidImportance, AndroidNotificationSetting } from '@notifee/react-native'; import { AlarmSvg } from '@/Assets/Svg' import { Post,ShareType, Story} from '@/Models' import { AppFonts, Colors,screenHeight, XStyleSheet } from '@/Theme' import { isAndroid, isIOS } from '@/Utils' import { homeStore, diaLogStore} from '@/Stores' import { showMessage, hideMessage } from "react-native-flash-message"; import { useLocalObservable } from 'mobx-react-lite' import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next' import { KeyboardSpacer} from '.' import AppBottomSheet from './AppBottomSheet' import Box from './Box' import { screenWidth } from '../Theme';
interface ShareBottomSheetProps { lengi:number data: Post & Story type: ShareType onClose: (leng:number) => void page:string }
const ReminderComponent = forwardRef( ({page="", lengi,data, onClose, type = ShareType.Post }: ShareBottomSheetProps, ref) => {
const getdata = () => { let tt = ""; let tt1 = "";
const state = useLocalObservable(() => ({
})) const _onClose = useCallback(() => {
}, [])
const cancelDelete =useCallback( async(notificationId:string) =>{ diaLogStore.showDiaLog({ title: t("createPost.delete_Create_Reminder"),
}, [])
const AlarmMessage=(type:string,deleteR:boolean=false) =>{ const message=type=="1"?t("createPost.alarm"):t("createPost.alarm") const description=type=="1"?t("createPost.alarm_ok"):t("createPost.alarmnot") showMessage({ message:message,// t("createPost.addtodetailTitle"), description:description,//t("createPost.addtodetail"), type:type=="1"?"success": "warning", icon:type=="1"? "success":"default", autoHide:true, onPress: () => { hideMessage()
// onLongPress:()=>{ } })} const onDateChange = (event, selectedDate) => { setShowDatePicker(Platform.OS === 'ios'); setShowDatePicker if (selectedDate) { setDate(selectedDate); setShowTimePicker(true); } }; const onTimeChange = (event, selectedTime) => { setShowTimePicker(Platform.OS === 'ios'); if (selectedTime) { setchange(true) setTime(selectedTime); } console.log("23232,burraa") getdata() }; const createNotification = async () => {
console.log(313) const channelId = await notifee.createChannel({ id: 'default', name: 'Default Channel', importance: AndroidImportance.HIGH,
const finalDateTimeR = new Date( date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate(), time.getHours(), time.getMinutes() ); return ( <AppBottomSheet onClose={_onClose} index={0} snapPoints={[screenHeight - 150]} backgroundStyle={{ opacity: 0 }} handleIndicatorStyle={{ backgroundColor: Colors.white50 }} ref={ref}
<Text style={{fontWeight:"bold",color:change?"green":"black"}}>{change ? t("createPost.date_select")+
: ${date.toLocaleDateString()} ${time.toLocaleTimeString([], { hour: '2-digit', minute: '2-digit',hour12: false })}
:t("createPost.Date_Not_Selected") } {(finalDateTimeR.getTime()-new Date().getTime())<1*1000 && change && <Text style={{fontWeight:"500",color:"red"}}>{ t("createPost.alarmmesage") } } <View style={{alignContent:"center",flexDirection:"column",alignItems:"center"}}>); } )
export default memo( ReminderComponent)