invertase / react-native-firebase

🔥 A well-tested feature-rich modular Firebase implementation for React Native. Supports both iOS & Android platforms for all Firebase services.
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onSnapshot not firing on Android 8. Calling JS function after bridge has been destroyed #2139

Closed alexstroukov closed 5 years ago

alexstroukov commented 5 years ago

:fire: Issue

onSnapshot not firing on Android 8 with debugger detached, but firing correctly with debugger attached (suggesting it's a JSCore vs v8 issue). Instead I'm seeing a logcat error stating that im Calling JS function after bridge has been destroyed

Device: SM-G930F - 8.0.0 (Samsung Galaxy S7 - Android 8)


import firebase from 'react-native-firebase';

const unsubscribeFromChannelMessages = firebase
  .where('created', '>=', from)
  .orderBy('created', 'desc')
  .onSnapshot(result => {
    result.docChanges.forEach(change => {
      if (change.type === 'added') {
        const message = this.processMessage(change.doc);


W unknown:ReactNative: Calling JS function after bridge has been destroyed: RCTDeviceEventEmitter.emit(["firestore_collection_sync_event",{
  "querySnapshot": {
    "changes": [<changes>],
    "documents": [<documents>],
    "metadata": {
      "hasPendingWrites": false,
      "fromCache": false
  "listenerId": "M5Y9Iprhx2sLmYD8ijvN",
  "appName": "[DEFAULT]",
  "path": "channels/<channelId>/messages"

Project Files


Click To Expand

#### `ios/Podfile`: - [ ] I'm not using Pods - [x] I'm using Pods and my Podfile looks like: ```ruby # Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project platform :ios, '9.0' target 'MyApp' do pod 'AppCenter/Crashes', '~> 1.13.2' pod 'AppCenter/Analytics', '~> 1.13.2' pod 'AppCenterReactNativeShared', '~> 1.12.2' # Uncomment the next line if you're using Swift or would like to use dynamic frameworks # use_frameworks! pod 'Firebase/Auth', '~> 5.20.1' pod 'Firebase/Core', '~> 5.20.1' pod 'Firebase/Database', '~> 5.20.1' pod 'Firebase/Functions', '~> 5.20.1' pod 'Firebase/DynamicLinks', '~> 5.20.1' pod 'Firebase/Firestore', '~> 5.20.1' pod 'Firebase/Messaging', '~> 5.20.1' pod 'Firebase/RemoteConfig', '~> 5.20.1' # Crashlytics pod 'Fabric', '~> 1.9.0' pod 'Crashlytics', '~> 3.12.0' end target 'MyApp-tvOS' do # Uncomment the next line if you're using Swift or would like to use dynamic frameworks # use_frameworks! # Pods for MyApp-tvOS target 'MyApp-tvOSTests' do inherit! :search_paths # Pods for testing end end ``` #### `AppDelegate.m`: ```objc // N/A ```


Click To Expand

#### `android/build.gradle`: ```groovy buildToolsVersion = "28.0.2" minSdkVersion = 26 compileSdkVersion = 28 targetSdkVersion = 28 supportLibVersion = "28.0.0" ``` #### `android/app/build.gradle`: ```groovy dependencies { implementation project(':appcenter-crashes') implementation project(':appcenter-analytics') implementation project(':appcenter') implementation project(':react-native-view-overflow') implementation project(':react-native-video') implementation project(':react-native-splash-screen') implementation project(':react-native-push-notification') implementation project(':react-native-onesignal') implementation project(':react-native-firebase') implementation '' implementation '' implementation '' implementation '' implementation '' implementation '' implementation '' implementation fileTree(include: ['*.jar'], dir: 'libs') implementation "${rootProject.ext.supportLibVersion}" implementation 'com.facebook.react:react-native:+' // From node_modules } ``` #### `android/settings.gradle`: ```groovy // N/A ``` #### ``: ```java // N/A ``` #### `AndroidManifest.xml`: ```xml ```


Click To Expand

**`react-native info` output:** ``` React Native Environment Info: System: OS: macOS 10.14.4 CPU: (4) x64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7360U CPU @ 2.30GHz Memory: 43.18 MB / 8.00 GB Shell: 3.2.57 - /bin/bash Binaries: Node: 10.15.3 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v10.15.3/bin/node Yarn: 1.15.2 - /usr/local/bin/yarn npm: 6.4.1 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v10.15.3/bin/npm Watchman: 4.9.0 - /usr/local/bin/watchman SDKs: iOS SDK: Platforms: iOS 12.2, macOS 10.14, tvOS 12.2, watchOS 5.2 Android SDK: API Levels: 28 Build Tools: 28.0.2, 28.0.3 System Images: android-28 | Google Play Intel x86 Atom IDEs: Android Studio: 3.4 AI-183.5429.30.34.5452501 Xcode: 10.2.1/10E1001 - /usr/bin/xcodebuild npmPackages: react: 16.6.3 => 16.6.3 react-native: 0.58.5 => 0.58.5 npmGlobalPackages: react-native-cli: 2.0.1 react-native: 0.58.5 ``` - **Platform that you're experiencing the issue on**: - [ ] iOS - [x ] Android - [ ] **iOS** but have not tested behavior on Android - [ ] **Android** but have not tested behavior on iOS - [ ] Both - **`Firebase` module(s) you're using that has the issue:** - `e.g. Instance ID` - **Are you using `TypeScript`?** - `Y/N`

choipd commented 5 years ago

I do not know exactly this issue is related with my case. For my case the onSnapshot does not call in case after reloading the app in the android emulator. onSnapshot does not return (or call) to the next nor error. It just ignored.

ArkaneKhan commented 5 years ago

same is happening to me neither onSnapShot nor get is working they don't do anything after being called.

paulrostorp commented 5 years ago

Any updates? I believe I am experiencing the same issue...

stale[bot] commented 5 years ago

Hello 👋, to help manage issues we automatically close stale issues. This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had activity for quite some time. Has this issue been fixed, or does it still require the community's attention?

This issue will be closed in 15 days if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.

stale[bot] commented 5 years ago

Closing this issue after a prolonged period of inactivity. If this is still present in the latest release, please feel free to create a new issue with up-to-date information.

cmlarsen commented 4 years ago

I am seeing this in iOS. Occasionally when I restart my app (on device, on Sim, and Testflight), the neither the onSnapshot error nor next callbacks are fired. There appears to be no error in (JS console. or, and no response from the next callback.

@react-native-firebase/firestore": "^6.0.1",
react: 16.9.0 => 16.9.0
react-native: 0.61.2 => 0.61.2```
mikehardy commented 4 years ago

@cmlarsen - could you specify the actual version? a range operator for semver ('^') indicates the version specified may not be the one installed. I suspect you have 6.0.3 as that's current but it's impossible to know

cmlarsen commented 4 years ago

@mikehardy Yep, here you go


And from Podfile.lock

- Firebase/Auth (6.8.1):
    - Firebase/CoreOnly
    - FirebaseAuth (~> 6.2.3)
  - Firebase/Core (6.8.1):
    - Firebase/CoreOnly
    - FirebaseAnalytics (= 6.1.1)
  - Firebase/CoreOnly (6.8.1):
    - FirebaseCore (= 6.2.3)
  - Firebase/Firestore (6.8.1):
    - Firebase/CoreOnly
    - FirebaseFirestore (~> 1.5.0)
  - FirebaseAnalytics (6.1.1):
    - FirebaseCore (~> 6.2)
    - FirebaseInstanceID (~> 4.2)
    - GoogleAppMeasurement (= 6.1.1)
    - GoogleUtilities/AppDelegateSwizzler (~> 6.0)
    - GoogleUtilities/MethodSwizzler (~> 6.0)
    - GoogleUtilities/Network (~> 6.0)
    - "GoogleUtilities/NSData+zlib (~> 6.0)"
    - nanopb (~> 0.3)
  - FirebaseAuth (6.2.3):
    - FirebaseAuthInterop (~> 1.0)
    - FirebaseCore (~> 6.2)
    - GoogleUtilities/AppDelegateSwizzler (~> 6.2)
    - GoogleUtilities/Environment (~> 6.2)
    - GTMSessionFetcher/Core (~> 1.1)
  - FirebaseAuthInterop (1.0.0)
  - FirebaseCore (6.2.3):
    - FirebaseCoreDiagnostics (~> 1.0)
    - FirebaseCoreDiagnosticsInterop (~> 1.0)
    - GoogleUtilities/Environment (~> 6.2)
    - GoogleUtilities/Logger (~> 6.2)
  - FirebaseCoreDiagnostics (1.1.1):
    - FirebaseCoreDiagnosticsInterop (~> 1.0)
    - GoogleDataTransportCCTSupport (~> 1.0)
    - GoogleUtilities/Environment (~> 6.2)
    - GoogleUtilities/Logger (~> 6.2)
    - nanopb (~> 0.3.901)
  - FirebaseCoreDiagnosticsInterop (1.0.0)
  - FirebaseFirestore (1.5.1):
    - FirebaseAuthInterop (~> 1.0)
    - FirebaseCore (~> 6.2)
    - FirebaseFirestore/abseil-cpp (= 1.5.1)
    - "gRPC-C++ (= 0.0.9)"
    - leveldb-library (~> 1.22)
    - nanopb (~> 0.3.901)
    - Protobuf (~> 3.1)
  - FirebaseFirestore/abseil-cpp (1.5.1):
    - FirebaseAuthInterop (~> 1.0)
    - FirebaseCore (~> 6.2)
    - "gRPC-C++ (= 0.0.9)"
    - leveldb-library (~> 1.22)
    - nanopb (~> 0.3.901)
    - Protobuf (~> 3.1)
  - FirebaseInstanceID (4.2.5):
    - FirebaseCore (~> 6.0)
    - GoogleUtilities/Environment (~> 6.0)
    - GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults (~> 6.0)

This problem appeared only after migrating to RNFirebase 6.x, we didn't see it when using RNFirebase 5.x. Other than changing the signature we use foronSnapshot() from .onSnapshot(callback) to .onSnapshot({error:e=>throw new Error(e), next:snapshot=>callback(snapshot) nothing else changed (other than what was necessary to migrate to RNFirebase 6).

And example query:

const listener = firestore().collection(collection)
    .where('personId', '==', personId)
      error: e => {
        throw new Error(e);
      next: snapshot => callback(snapshot),

With the above query, 9 out of 10 times it works just as expected and then occasionally (and nondeterministically) the callback is never called (initially or subsequently) and the error is never fired. Inspecting the listener I can't discern any difference between a successful setup and one that fails.

mikehardy commented 4 years ago

Interesting - I won't tell you this will fix it, but there is 6.12.0 available as underlying SDK and it looks like you are still on react-native-firebase 6.0.1, while 6.0.3 is out I think? You might try updating as a guess at it?

ahanusek commented 3 years ago

After upgrade packages from:

        "@react-native-firebase/app": "7.2.1",
        "@react-native-firebase/auth": "^8.0.5",
        "@react-native-firebase/firestore": "7.1.7",


        "@react-native-firebase/app": "8.4.3",
        "@react-native-firebase/auth": "^9.2.3",
        "@react-native-firebase/firestore": "7.8.2",

I have the same problem on different Android devices (Android 8 - simulator, Android 6 - device). onSnapshot callback not firing (randomly, some listeners still works perfectly fine) and in logcat I've got errors connected with FirebaseAuth:

09-27 00:03:39.356 1711 1724 W android.os.Debug: failed to get memory consumption info: -1 09-27 00:03:39.379 1711 1724 I am_pss : [2476,10030,,52052992,43622400,0] 09-27 00:03:45.149 5670 7328 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: Socket closed 09-27 00:03:45.150 5670 7328 W Conscrypt: at (040700-330018294):2) 09-27 00:03:45.150 5670 7328 W Conscrypt: at (040700-330018294):0) 09-27 00:03:45.188 5670 7328 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: Socket closed 09-27 00:03:45.189 5670 7328 W Conscrypt: at (040700-330018294):2) 09-27 00:03:45.189 5670 7328 W Conscrypt: at (040700-330018294):0) 09-27 00:03:46.327 5670 7574 I AuthChimeraService: Executing send connection operation [CONTEXT service_id=16 ] 09-27 00:03:46.337 5670 5670 E FirebaseAuth: [GetAccessToken] RemoteException when sending token result. 09-27 00:03:46.337 5670 5670 E FirebaseAuth: android.os.DeadObjectException 09-27 00:03:46.337 5670 5670 E FirebaseAuth: at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method) 09-27 00:03:46.337 5670 5670 E FirebaseAuth: at android.os.BinderProxy.transact( 09-27 00:03:46.337 5670 5670 E FirebaseAuth: at cpj.c( (040700-330018294):1) 09-27 00:03:46.337 5670 5670 E FirebaseAuth: at buib.a( (040700-330018294):0) 09-27 00:03:46.337 5670 5670 E FirebaseAuth: at bufv.a( (040700-330018294):1) 09-27 00:03:46.337 5670 5670 E FirebaseAuth: at (040700-330018294):1) 09-27 00:03:46.337 5670 5670 E FirebaseAuth: at swm.a( (040700-330018294):3) 09-27 00:03:46.337 5670 5670 E FirebaseAuth: at Source:0) 09-27 00:03:46.337 5670 5670 E FirebaseAuth: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback( 09-27 00:03:46.337 5670 5670 E FirebaseAuth: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( 09-27 00:03:46.337 5670 5670 E FirebaseAuth: at aewh.a( (040700-330018294):2) 09-27 00:03:46.337 5670 5670 E FirebaseAuth: at aewh.dispatchMessage( (040700-330018294):12) 09-27 00:03:46.337 5670 5670 E FirebaseAuth: at android.os.Looper.loop( 09-27 00:03:46.337 5670 5670 E FirebaseAuth: at 09-27 00:03:46.337 5670 5670 E FirebaseAuth: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 09-27 00:03:46.337 5670 5670 E FirebaseAuth: at$ 09-27 00:03:46.337 5670 5670 E FirebaseAuth: at 09-27 00:03:46.349 5670 7574 I AuthChimeraService: Executing request: ProxyRequest[ url:, method: 1 ] [CONTEXT service_id=16 ] 09-27 00:03:46.373 5662 5688 W GLSUser : [DeviceKeyStore] Cannot load key: Device key file not found. 09-27 00:03:46.698 5662 14066 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: Socket closed 09-27 00:03:46.698 5662 14066 W Conscrypt: at (040700-330018294):2) 09-27 00:03:46.699 5662 14066 W Conscrypt: at (040700-330018294):0) 09-27 00:03:46.754 5662 14066 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: Socket closed 09-27 00:03:46.755 5662 14066 W Conscrypt: at (040700-330018294):2) 09-27 00:03:46.755 5662 14066 W Conscrypt: at (040700-330018294):0) 09-27 00:03:46.806 5662 5688 W GLSUser : [AppCertManager] Failed to get security token. 09-27 00:03:46.806 5662 5688 W GLSUser : INVALID_SENDER 09-27 00:03:46.806 5662 5688 W GLSUser : at adto.b( (040700-330018294):22) 09-27 00:03:46.806 5662 5688 W GLSUser : at adto.a( (040700-330018294):18) 09-27 00:03:46.806 5662 5688 W GLSUser : at adto.a( (040700-330018294):11) 09-27 00:03:46.806 5662 5688 W GLSUser : at hzb.a( (040700-330018294):17) 09-27 00:03:46.806 5662 5688 W GLSUser : at hyz.a( (040700-330018294):5) 09-27 00:03:46.806 5662 5688 W GLSUser : at hyz.a( (040700-330018294):42) 09-27 00:03:46.806 5662 5688 W GLSUser : at cpk.onTransact( (040700-330018294):5) 09-27 00:03:46.806 5662 5688 W GLSUser : at android.os.Binder.transact( 09-27 00:03:46.806 5662 5688 W GLSUser : at ctg.onTransact( (040700-330018294):2) 09-27 00:03:46.806 5662 5688 W GLSUser : at android.os.Binder.transact( 09-27 00:03:46.806 5662 5688 W GLSUser : at aaod.onTransact( (040700-330018294):17) 09-27 00:03:46.806 5662 5688 W GLSUser : at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-27 00:03:46.891 5662 5688 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: Socket closed 09-27 00:03:46.891 5662 5688 W Conscrypt: at (040700-330018294):2) 09-27 00:03:46.891 5662 5688 W Conscrypt: at (040700-330018294):0) 09-27 00:03:46.950 5662 5688 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: Socket closed 09-27 00:03:46.951 5662 5688 W Conscrypt: at (040700-330018294):2) 09-27 00:03:46.951 5662 5688 W Conscrypt: at (040700-330018294):0) 09-27 00:03:47.035 5662 5688 W GLSUser : [AppCertManager] IOException while requesting key: 09-27 00:03:47.035 5662 5688 W GLSUser : Invalid device key response. 09-27 00:03:47.035 5662 5688 W GLSUser : at hzb.a( (040700-330018294):48) 09-27 00:03:47.035 5662 5688 W GLSUser : at hyz.a( (040700-330018294):5) 09-27 00:03:47.035 5662 5688 W GLSUser : at hyz.a( (040700-330018294):42) 09-27 00:03:47.035 5662 5688 W GLSUser : at cpk.onTransact( (040700-330018294):5) 09-27 00:03:47.035 5662 5688 W GLSUser : at android.os.Binder.transact( 09-27 00:03:47.035 5662 5688 W GLSUser : at ctg.onTransact( (040700-330018294):2) 09-27 00:03:47.035 5662 5688 W GLSUser : at android.os.Binder.transact( 09-27 00:03:47.035 5662 5688 W GLSUser : at aaod.onTransact( (040700-330018294):17) 09-27 00:03:47.035 5662 5688 W GLSUser : at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-27 00:03:47.036 5662 5688 W GLSUser : [DeviceKeyStore] Cannot load key: Device key file not found. 09-27 00:03:47.286 5670 7574 I AuthChimeraService: Executing send connection operation [CONTEXT service_id=16 ] 09-27 00:03:47.291 5670 5670 E FirebaseAuth: [GetAccessToken] RemoteException when sending token result. 09-27 00:03:47.291 5670 5670 E FirebaseAuth: android.os.DeadObjectException 09-27 00:03:47.291 5670 5670 E FirebaseAuth: at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method) 09-27 00:03:47.291 5670 5670 E FirebaseAuth: at android.os.BinderProxy.transact( 09-27 00:03:47.291 5670 5670 E FirebaseAuth: at cpj.c( (040700-330018294):1) 09-27 00:03:47.291 5670 5670 E FirebaseAuth: at buib.a( (040700-330018294):0) 09-27 00:03:47.291 5670 5670 E FirebaseAuth: at bufv.a( (040700-330018294):1) 09-27 00:03:47.291 5670 5670 E FirebaseAuth: at (040700-330018294):1) 09-27 00:03:47.291 5670 5670 E FirebaseAuth: at swm.a( (040700-330018294):3) 09-27 00:03:47.291 5670 5670 E FirebaseAuth: at Source:0) 09-27 00:03:47.291 5670 5670 E FirebaseAuth: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback( 09-27 00:03:47.291 5670 5670 E FirebaseAuth: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( 09-27 00:03:47.291 5670 5670 E FirebaseAuth: at aewh.a( (040700-330018294):2) 09-27 00:03:47.291 5670 5670 E FirebaseAuth: at aewh.dispatchMessage( (040700-330018294):12) 09-27 00:03:47.291 5670 5670 E FirebaseAuth: at android.os.Looper.loop( 09-27 00:03:47.291 5670 5670 E FirebaseAuth: at 09-27 00:03:47.291 5670 5670 E FirebaseAuth: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 09-27 00:03:47.291 5670 5670 E FirebaseAuth: at$ 09-27 00:03:47.291 5670 5670 E FirebaseAuth: at 09-27 00:03:47.296 5670 7574 I AuthChimeraService: Executing request: ProxyRequest[ url:, method: 1 ] [CONTEXT service_id=16 ]

mikehardy commented 3 years ago

This issue has been closed almost a year, fresh issue with full details and a reproduction and we can troubleshoot. If you have reduced the possible problem space to a range of versions, you may bisect them to locate the actual version with the problem, then inside that problematic version you can find the actual problem by bisecting whatever the change was. If it's from a firebase-android-sdk change (as is likely) you can override those as per docs on to verify that's the problem, then perhaps find resolution in their issue tracker or try a reproduction based on their quickstarts for help from that repo - or if it's a problem in this module you can try changes in node_modules and propose a PR here or at least point at the relevant lines