invertase / react-native-firebase

🔥 A well-tested feature-rich modular Firebase implementation for React Native. Supports both iOS & Android platforms for all Firebase services.
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[🐛] auth signInWithEmailAndPassword -> Malformed calls from JS: field sizes are different #6793

Closed franamu closed 1 year ago

franamu commented 1 year ago


Method signInWithEmailAndPassword from auth doesnt work correctly. Code example:

import auth from '@react-native-firebase/auth';

try {
 const resp = await auth().signInWithEmailAndPassword('', 'pepe123');
} carch (error) {
console.log('error login', error);

Console output:

error login [Error: Exception in HostFunction: Malformed calls from JS: field sizes are different.


Project Files


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#### `package.json`: ```json { "scripts": { "start": "expo start --dev-client", "android": "expo run:android", "ios": "expo run:ios", "web": "expo start --web", "eject": "expo eject" }, "dependencies": { "@expo/config-plugins": "^5.0.0", "@gorhom/bottom-sheet": "^4", "@react-native-async-storage/async-storage": "~1.17.3", "@react-native-community/datetimepicker": "6.2.0", "@react-native-community/masked-view": "0.1.10", "@react-native-community/slider": "4.2.3", "@react-native-firebase/analytics": "^16.5.0", "@react-native-firebase/app": "^16.5.0", "@react-native-firebase/auth": "^16.5.0", "@react-native-firebase/firestore": "^16.5.0", "@react-native-firebase/storage": "^16.5.0", "@react-native-picker/picker": "2.4.2", "@react-navigation/bottom-tabs": "^5.11.10", "@react-navigation/native": "^5.9.4", "@react-navigation/stack": "^5.14.4", "@sentry/react-native": "4.2.2", "axios": "^0.20.0", "expo": "~46.0.16", "expo-app-loading": "~2.1.0", "expo-apple-authentication": "~4.3.0", "expo-application": "~4.2.2", "expo-barcode-scanner": "~11.4.0", "expo-build-properties": "~0.3.0", "expo-camera": "~12.3.0", "expo-constants": "~13.2.4", "expo-dev-client": "~1.3.1", "expo-device": "~4.3.0", "expo-document-picker": "~10.3.0", "expo-font": "~10.2.0", "expo-image-picker": "~13.3.1", "expo-linear-gradient": "~11.4.0", "expo-linking": "~3.2.2", "expo-location": "~14.3.0", "expo-notifications": "~0.16.1", "expo-permissions": "~13.2.0", "expo-splash-screen": "~0.16.2", "expo-status-bar": "~1.4.0", "expo-updates": "~0.14.6", "geofire-common": "^5.2.0", "lottie-ios": "3.2.3", "lottie-react-native": "5.1.3", "moment": "^2.29.1", "react": "18.0.0", "react-dom": "18.0.0", "react-error-boundary": "^3.1.4", "react-native": "0.69.6", "react-native-countdown-component": "^2.7.1", "react-native-elements": "^2.3.2", "react-native-exception-handler": "^2.10.10", "react-native-expo-fancy-alerts": "^2.1.0", "react-native-fbsdk-next": "^11.0.1", "react-native-gesture-handler": "~2.5.0", "react-native-maps": "0.31.1", "react-native-qrcode-svg": "^6.0.6", "react-native-reanimated": "~2.9.1", "react-native-safe-area-context": "4.3.1", "react-native-screens": "~3.15.0", "react-native-sha256": "^1.4.8", "react-native-simple-time-picker": "^1.3.11", "react-native-svg": "12.3.0", "react-native-swiper": "^1.6.0", "react-native-vector-icons": "^7.1.0", "react-native-web": "~0.18.7", "reactotron-react-native": "^5.0.0", "sentry-expo": "~5.0.0", "url": "^0.11.0", "use-interval": "^1.3.0" }, "devDependencies": { "@babel/core": "^7.18.6", "babel-preset-expo": "~9.2.0" }, "private": true, "name": "drops", "version": "1.0.0" } ``` #### `app.config.js` for react-native-firebase v6: { name: nameApp, scheme: scheme, slug: "Drops", version: "1.0.58", orientation: "portrait", icon: iconApp, splash: { image: "./assets/DROPSverde.png", resizeMode: "contain", backgroundColor: "#242424" }, updates: { fallbackToCacheTimeout: 0 }, assetBundlePatterns: [ "**/*" ], plugins: [ ["sentry-expo"], [ "@react-native-firebase/app" ], ["./expoPlugins/withAndroidVerifiedLinksWorkaround"], [ "react-native-fbsdk-next", { "appID": Config.facebook.facebookAppId, "clientToken": Config.facebook.clientToken, "displayName": Config.facebook.displayName, "scheme": Config.facebook.facebookScheme, "advertiserIDCollectionEnabled": false, "autoLogAppEventsEnabled": false, "isAutoInitEnabled": true, "iosUserTrackingPermission": false } ] ], ios: { bundleIdentifier: domainAppIOS, supportsTablet: false, buildNumber: "1.0.58", googleServicesFile: Config.googleService.ios, associatedDomains: associatedDomains, config: { googleMapsApiKey: '' }, infoPlist: { "NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription": "Esta app obtiene tu ubicación para mostrarte locales y beneficios cercanos a ti.", "NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription": "Esta app obtiene tu ubicación para mostrarte locales y beneficios cercanos a ti.", "NSCameraUsageDescription": "Esta app necesita acceso a la camara para poder escanear el código qr de los locales.", "NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription": "Esta app necesita acceso a la galería de fotos para que los locales puedar subir fotos de sus beneficios.", "CFBundleShortVersionString": "1.0.58" } }, web: { favicon: "./assets/favicon.png" }, android: { package: domainAppAndroid, googleServicesFile:, versionCode: 121, config: { googleMaps: { apiKey: } }, intentFilters: intentFilters, permissions: [ "CAMERA", "ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION", "ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION", "NOTIFICATIONS", "USER_FACING_NOTIFICATIONS", "VIBRATE" ] }, extra: { ...Config, }, hooks: { postPublish: [ { file: "sentry-expo/upload-sourcemaps", config: { organization: "drops-prod", project: "react-native", authToken: "0ce614ab35fd47778a2d54da6547f690d0ce0dcc793141ecae11c219fdeeb290" } } ] } }; ```


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#### `ios/Podfile`: - [ ] I'm not using Pods - [x] I'm using Pods and my Podfile looks like: ```ruby # N/A ``` #### `AppDelegate.m`: ```objc // N/A ```


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#### Have you converted to AndroidX? - [ ] my application is an AndroidX application? - [ ] I am using `android/gradle.settings` `jetifier=true` for Android compatibility? - [ ] I am using the NPM package `jetifier` for react-native compatibility? #### `android/build.gradle`: ```groovy // N/A ``` #### `android/app/build.gradle`: ```groovy // N/A ``` #### `android/settings.gradle`: ```groovy // N/A ``` #### ``: ```java // N/A ``` #### `AndroidManifest.xml`: ```xml ```


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**`react-native info` output:** ``` expo-env-info 1.0.5 environment info: System: OS: macOS 12.3.1 Shell: 5.8 - /bin/zsh Binaries: Node: 18.12.1 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v18.12.1/bin/node Yarn: 1.22.17 - /usr/local/bin/yarn npm: 8.19.2 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v18.12.1/bin/npm Watchman: 2022.11.07.00 - /opt/homebrew/bin/watchman Managers: CocoaPods: 1.11.3 - /opt/homebrew/bin/pod SDKs: iOS SDK: Platforms: DriverKit 21.2, iOS 15.2, macOS 12.1, tvOS 15.2, watchOS 8.3 IDEs: Android Studio: 2021.1 AI-211.7628.21.2111.8193401 Xcode: 13.2.1/13C100 - /usr/bin/xcodebuild npmPackages: babel-preset-expo: ~9.2.0 => 9.2.2 expo: ~46.0.16 => 46.0.17 react: 18.0.0 => 18.0.0 react-dom: 18.0.0 => 18.0.0 react-native: 0.69.6 => 0.69.6 react-native-web: ~0.18.7 => 0.18.10 npmGlobalPackages: eas-cli: 2.6.0 Expo Workflow: managed ``` - **Platform that you're experiencing the issue on**: - [ ] iOS - [X] Android - [ ] **iOS** but have not tested behavior on Android - [ ] **Android** but have not tested behavior on iOS - [ ] Both - **`react-native-firebase` version you're using that has this issue:** - `16.5.0` - **`Firebase` module(s) you're using that has the issue:** - `auth` - **Are you using `TypeScript`?** - `no`

mikehardy commented 1 year ago

This is unexpected:

Xcode: 13.2.1

I was under the impression you needed at least Xcode 13.3 to build this currently 🤔 ? It's a minimum from firebase-ios-sdk

I haven't seen this personally though - has it ever been working for you and just broke (after some change / update)? Or has it never worked for you? This is a method that we test in our e2e tests, and it's in common usage in projects (including my own) so it's pretty surprising to see it fail.

mikehardy commented 1 year ago

example of it working on the PR with the sdk bump that was merged + released as 16.5.0 - no problems


mikehardy commented 1 year ago

I'm going to have to close this without a - all my searches indicate this is API misuse with regard to what is being sent as parameters, and the code snippet above is not complete + runnable.

As mentioned we test this API all the time and it works for the tests, myself, and others that use it so I suspect a project-specific problem. Can reopen if there's a reproducible example