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[📚] How to revoke consent? #557

Closed tarouboy closed 3 months ago

tarouboy commented 3 months ago

Documentation Feedback

Consent revocation is the process by which users in the EEA (European Economic Area) and the UK who consented to personalised ads can revoke that consent. You must provide a link in your app’s menu that allows users who want to revoke consent to do so, then present the consent message to those users again.

Does anyone know the procedure for revoking consent that a user has previously granted? Is it necessary for us to include a dedicated "revoke" button for this purpose? Upon reviewing the document, I couldn't find any relevant information regarding consent revocation.

Currently, I'm using the showPrivacyOptionsForm() function to allow users to deselect all options. However, I've encountered an issue where the form's result doesn't seem to update properly. Each time I display the form, it resets to its original state.

Any assistance on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help.

tarouboy commented 3 months ago

By studying the results from AdsConsent.getUserChoices() noticed that showPrivacyOptionsForm() already serving the revoke purpose. Case closed.