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React Native Google Mobile Ads enables you to monetize your app with AdMob.
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fix(android): Fixed map the commands #590

Open minhchienwikipedia opened 5 days ago

minhchienwikipedia commented 5 days ago


Seems you guys missing to convert the commands from string to number, I just added changes to fix it and make some function triggers by command work.

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dylancom commented 2 days ago

The string is already parsed to an integer so I don't understand what this fixes. Integer.parseInt(commandId)

This could be made redundant by changing the parameter directly to int commandId.

minhchienwikipedia commented 2 days ago

@dylancom the commandId is "load", "recordManualImpression" -> so it can't be parseInt, you can try to test it you will get the error. So I think you guys are missing the map command string to the command number. I had tested it and it works for me

dylancom commented 2 days ago

Hmm I see it's broken now in our example app. Might be related to the new arch.

dylancom commented 1 day ago

I'm currently on a holiday so I don't have time to test this thoroughly on both archs. @mikehardy / others? 👀