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Can't run project from GitHub #185

Open ElazarDahan opened 2 weeks ago

ElazarDahan commented 2 weeks ago

I am getting the error when trying to clone my repo.

`The current Dart SDK version is 2.19.2.

Because infinite_horizons requires SDK version >=3.3.0 <4.0.0, version solving failed. pub get failed command: "/zapp/sdk/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/dart __deprecated_pub --directory . get --example" pub env: { "FLUTTER_ROOT": "/zapp/sdk", "PUB_ENVIRONMENT": "flutter_cli:get", "PUB_CACHE": "/zapp/pub/.pub_cache/391d3d9e-4964-47d2-a418-74b43e365a8aGPFESY", } exit code: 1


This is the project I am trying to clone

Ehesp commented 2 weeks ago