[x] Hide chunks: load dependencies, read parquet and subset columns we want using eval=FALSE
Taxonomic errors:
[x] Remove counting of taxonRank
[x] Remove names(arachnids)
[x] What is the total number of species in the ALA data
[x] Compute a percentage of species with ALA data that is in the AFD
[x] "Aname armigera" is a synonym, what is the current 'updated' name in the AFD?
[x] Fix synonyms
Introduced/Invasive species:
[x] A few sentences about WSC
[x] Remove str_subset(wsc$distribution, "Australia") and str_detect(), keep only introduced_taxa <- wsc |> filter(str_detect(distribution, pattern = "Introduced to.*Australia")) and rest of code in that section
[x] Keep code involving in reading in distribution and taxon-edited and joining the files
[ ] #8
[x] A sentence for no archanidas in the GRIIS list
[x] Remove entire section
Exclude Marine species with WoRMs:
[x] Hide job::job() chunk with eval=FALSE
[x] Read in "output/worrms_myg_wm_records_taxamatch.rds"
[x] Cross match with ALA species and report accordingly
Geographic Errors:
[x] #6
[x] Delete section on mainland exclusion as Data retrieval does this already
[x] Delete selection excluding NA and "0" values in coordinates
Taxonomic errors:
Introduced/Invasive species: WSC:
Exclude Marine species with WoRMs:
Geographic Errors: