Closed angry-bender closed 3 months ago
I think Invoke-GraphRequest
took out most of the beta usage as it is now declared in URL.
It seems the only Functions that depends on a graph modules (barring Microsoft.Graph.Authentication
, which is used for Invoke-MgGraphRequest
Get-MgIdentityConditionalAccessPolicy [Microsoft.Graph.Identity.SignIns]
Get-MgDirectoryRoleMember, [Microsoft.Graph.Identity.DirectoryManagement]
Get-MgUser, [Microsoft.Graph.Users]
Get-MgUserMessage, [Microsoft.Graph.Mail]
Get-MgUserMessageAttachment, [Microsoft.Graph.Mail]
Get-MgUserMessageContent [Microsoft.Graph.Mail]
These can also be replaced with API version in time. Along with the Get-OAuthPermissions
if deemed necessary, I just used a new function in what I've half-assed for Get-OAuthPermissions
function Get-UriObject
$uri = [PSCustomObject]@{
uri = ""
oauth2PermissionGrants = "/oauth2PermissionGrants"
getByIds = "/directoryObjects/getByIds"
SPIDoauth2PermissionGrants = "/servicePrincipals/${servicePrincipal-id}/oauth2PermissionGrants"
servicePrincipals = "/servicePrincipals"
organization = "/organization"
users = "/users"
appRoleAssignedTo = "/servicePrincipals/${servicePrincipal-id}/appRoleAssignedTo"
return $uri
Used like this:
checked using foreach ($f in $files){cat $f|Select-String -SimpleMatch "-Mg"}
Beta does not even appeared to be used in the api calls barring security/auditlog because there is no v1.0 endpoint for that.
PS> foreach ($f in $files){cat $f|select-string -SimpleMatch 'Beta' }
$response = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method POST -Uri "" -Body $body -ContentType "application/json"
$apiUrl = "$scanId"
$apiUrl = "$scanId/records"
PS> foreach ($f in $files){cat $f|select-string -SimpleMatch 'v1.0' }
$apiUrl = "`$filter=$encodedFilterQuery"
$apiUrl = "`$filter=$encodedFilterQuery"
$getMessage = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method GET -Uri "$userIds/messages?filter=internetMessageId eq '$id'"
$contentUri = "$userIds/messages/$messageId/\$value"
$getMessage = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method GET -Uri "$userIds/messages?filter=internetMessageId eq '$internetMessageId'"
$contentUri = "$userIds/messages/$messageId/\$value"
$getMessage = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method GET -Uri "$userIds/messages?filter=internetMessageId eq '$internetMessageId'" -ErrorAction stop
$response = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method GET -Uri "$userIds/messages/$messageId/attachments"
$uri = "$userIds/messages/$messageId/attachments/$($attachment.Id)/\$value"
$message = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method GET -Uri "$userIds/messages?filter=internetMessageId eq '$internetMessageId'" -ErrorAction stop
$nextLink = ""
$contentUri = "$($"
$nextLink = ""
$uri = ""
$uri = ""
There does not appear to be any beta module use anymore.
Awesome I might do a PR for the docs on installation 😊
Thanks for that
Thanks @Calvindd2f, I can get used to having someone around to answer all angry-bender his questions 😜
@angry-bender, a PR would be fantastic! If you have no experience with ReadTheDocs let me know I can go over it myself as well. You both are right, the Invoke-GraphRequest is replacing many of the specific PowerShell cmdlets and modules we previously needed.
Thanks @Calvindd2f, I can get used to having someone around to answer all angry-bender his questions 😜
@angry-bender, a PR would be fantastic! If you have no experience with ReadTheDocs let me know I can go over it myself as well. You both are right, the Invoke-GraphRequest is replacing many of the specific PowerShell cmdlets and modules we previously needed.
Not a problem, should be an easy fix, I'll see if I can find some time tomorrow 😊
I have removed the references to the Graph beta module from the Read The Docs. As mentioned by Calvindd2f, I will also replace the other Graph cmdlets with the API in the future.
Hi again,
Just wondering what exact module is required for
would be awesome to narrow it down to a specific subset of packages to speed up pre-requisite install 😊