In functions such as RSA.parseKey & RSA.importKey, it's likely a smarter idea to implement Promises so developers can catch errors more effectively. Currently, passing an invalid key into one of these functions returns a type error from the following function:
export function rsa_import_key(
key: string | JSONWebKey,
format: RSAImportKeyFormat,
): RSAKeyParams {
const finalFormat = format === "auto" ? detect_format(key) : format;
if (finalFormat === "jwk") return rsa_import_jwk(key as JSONWebKey);
if (finalFormat === "pem") return rsa_import_pem(key as string);
throw new TypeError("Unsupported key format");
This is bad practice, especially if the developer is passing on a user-provided public key. A better implementation would be to use a Promise and reject if the key format is invalid, which would then allow the end developer to handle such error and pass it off to the user with .catch().
In functions such as
, it's likely a smarter idea to implement Promises so developers can catch errors more effectively. Currently, passing an invalid key into one of these functions returns a type error from the following function:This is bad practice, especially if the developer is passing on a user-provided public key. A better implementation would be to use a Promise and reject if the key format is invalid, which would then allow the end developer to handle such error and pass it off to the user with .catch().