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Tawk doesn't work in Edge #29

Closed karth295 closed 6 years ago

karth295 commented 7 years ago

You can see yourself, but not others.

Theory: we use a deprecated syntax for <video> tags

video.src = URL.createObjectURL(media_stream)

When we should be using:

video.srcObject = media_stream
karth295 commented 7 years ago

Firefox seems to work now (upgrading did the trick for me) -- editing the title.

karth295 commented 7 years ago

So it turns out Janus doesn't support Edge, and their videoroomtest doesn't work in Edge. Local video appears for a second, and then disappears. No remote streams can be accessed. I see the same issue in tawk right now when I try it in Edge.

karth295 commented 7 years ago

Jitsi also does not support Edge. It turns out MS created their own standard called ORTC that is similar to -- but not perfectly compatible with -- WebRTC.

karth295 commented 7 years ago

For now, we should resolve this issue by throwing up a warning in unsupported browsers.

toomim commented 7 years ago
