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Video should be toggleable and/or default to off #3

Closed karth295 closed 7 years ago

karth295 commented 8 years ago

Video streams are expensive: requiring significant bandwidth (~300kbps per stream) and can't tolerate jittery streams very well. We should allow people to turn their video off, and replace it with a picture or avatar.

@ppham suggested that he'd leave tawk open in the background if it were audio-only, but wouldn't want to broadcast his video unless he was actively using it.

toomim commented 8 years ago

It'd be interesting if when you toggle it off, it just freezes with a still frame from your feed. Then you could make a funny face or something.

learner-long-life commented 8 years ago

Upvote! Potentially also upload a starcraft-like animated avatar gif

karth295 commented 8 years ago

@toomim @cryptogoth

Do either of these look good to you? I imagine that the default behavior for turning off video is freezing your video, and you can click the link button to make a custom image.

toomim commented 7 years ago

I think tg4s84m9/2 is better. However, you're using a "volume output" icon instead "microphone" aka "volume input" icon.

I don't think providing a custom image is valuable enough to justify an additional button in the UI.