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Other WebRTC libraries? #42

Closed toomim closed 4 years ago

toomim commented 4 years ago

I've been talking with @canadaduane who is building a game that runs in a web page (with WASM + Javascript), and is trying to add a WebRTC video chat to it. I've been telling him what I know about the available tech, but I think @karth295 knows a little more than me.

We've had some issues with video chat bugs, and although some of them seem to be browser bugs (because they crash the browser, require a browser restart to fix, or only appear on some browsers), I also saw some bugs in Meetecho's product that looked like Meetecho bugs, because the UI itself just wasn't working.

So we have been wondering about other WebRTC libraries. Karthik mentioned Twilio, which I think would be cool to try. Duane also just made this list. He is interested in trying out pion. It looks like it's 2 years old.

Open Source: Pion - seems to be most popular Janus - built by meetecho & chosen by Simple Peer - built for p2p and most popular in that category Kurento - another popular server WebRTC-Experiment - lots of popular experiments with WebRTC, reliability unknown

Closed Source: Whereby - Chris' suggestion Twilio - Michael's suggestion

Noteworthy: Complex State Machine Popularity of Various WebRTC Projects on Github

karth295 commented 4 years ago

Yeah it depends on whether you want peer-to-peer video chat, or for video streams to go through a server. For tawk, we want an SFU to relay video streams to avoid creating a high-bandwidth mesh network among clients. While Janus and Kurento seem to be reasonably well used, I think the most popular open source SFU is Jitsi.

If I recall correctly, you'll also want a TURN server as a fallback for clients who can't do peer-to-peer. E.g.

Either way I'm going to close this as slightly irrelevant to tawk.

toomim commented 4 years ago

Oh, I opened this because I thought tawk was considering switching to a different SFU, to see if we might have fewer bugs and quirks. I recall Karthik suggesting Twilio earlier.

Is that true, K?

toomim commented 4 years ago

@jakearmendariz might be interested in these other WebRTC libraries

toomim commented 4 years ago

Here are some notes on the reliability of whereby vs. zoom:


(From here)

These people are saying that whereby has problems scaling to many participants. I'm thinking we might be able to solve that with servers compositing multiple videos into a single stream. @jakearmendariz.

joe-getcouragenow commented 3 years ago

Here are some notes on the reliability of whereby vs. zoom:


(From here)

These people are saying that whereby has problems scaling to many participants. I'm thinking we might be able to solve that with servers compositing multiple videos into a single stream. @jakearmendariz.

@toomim Pion SFU remediates some of the scaling issues :

We are using it and its been great.

toomim commented 3 years ago

Thanks @joe-getcouragenow. I've had the same experiences with whereby and zoom. It's good to hear that Pion is working well for you!

How did you run across, and what are you up to?