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Occasionally localstream never loads #5

Closed karth295 closed 7 years ago

karth295 commented 8 years ago

The symptom is that you're local stream always has the spinner gif, and never loads. If you're the first person in the space, you start in your own group, then magically get kicked out back to the topbar ( gets set to null somehow).

I thought 9d48d3334e72c1ea85a74e39c8d620c9fb10f584 would fix this, but I still occasionally (like 1/20 times) still see it.

karth295 commented 7 years ago

This was an issue with statebus that seems to have been fixed in statebus v4. This script used to reproduce the issue, but does not anymore:

<script type="statebus">
timeout = null
touched = false
bad = false
bus.honk = true
dom.BODY = ->
  if bad then return DIV('That was BAD!!')
  connections = fetch('/connections')
  my_conn = fetch('/connection')
  if @loading() then return DIV {}, 'Loading...'
  console.warn("rendering /connection: #{JSON.stringify(my_conn)}, /connections: #{JSON.stringify(connections)}")
  if not my_conn.mine.touchme
    if touched
      bad = true
      clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = 'none'
      return DIV('That was BAD!!!')
    touched = true
    my_conn.mine.touchme = 'touched'
    console.log("Saving /connection", JSON.stringify(my_conn))

  DIV {},
    "That was ok.  Let's reload."
    timeout = timeout or setTimeout((->window.location.reload()), 500)
  statebus_server = ''
<script src="" ></script>