invoiceninja / invoiceninja

Invoices, Expenses and Tasks built with Laravel, Flutter and React
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Transferwise as payment gateway #2210

Open popindavibe opened 6 years ago

popindavibe commented 6 years ago

Is there any plan for integrating Transferwise as a payment gateway?

It would be a great additional option for EU/UK businesses (possibly India and Pakistan too) seduced by Transferwise borderless business account.

Great app by the way, looking forward to using it live!

pandigita commented 5 years ago

Deleting my account now, I had assumed it was completely self evident that transferwise borderless would be one of 40 integrations.

kaimano commented 4 years ago

Any news about TransferWise integration?

aracyla commented 4 years ago

Any update on this?

ghost commented 3 years ago

any update on this?

rskikuli commented 3 years ago

Indeed it would be great to have TRansferwise integration with InvoiceNinja self-hesting version. Many thanks to the InoiceNinja dev and product developers for the software.

turbo124 commented 3 years ago

We are also super keen to implement Transferwise, however they do not expose their checkout flow via an API

boka003 commented 2 years ago

I can see that transfer wise is implemented here:

It is only payment method that i know with this low fees, it can be used anywhere in word and they offer visa and master card for ATM....

stepcellwolf commented 11 months ago

Hi team, is there any updated on this one? Is there any plan to integrate with Transferwise -> Wise request a payment. Here is a great start point:

I would very much appreciate it if we can integrate our banking account from wise with ninja invoice v5, and if needed more than happy to be a contributor.

Any feedback or suggestions are more than welcome.

CodeShakingSheep commented 1 week ago

Hi @turbo124 @hillelcoren ,

I would also very much appreciate an integration with Wise for self-hosted Invoice Ninja. Atm I have a n8n workflow. See image

However, a native integration would be much preferred from my site (as the InvoiceNinja n8n node for version 5 is largely outdated and the review from maintainers seems to take quite some time (see and

As I have been working with the Wise and InvoiceNinja APIs quite a bit, I would also be happy to contribute to this if you guys could give me a starting point where to integrate a Wise integration in the existing code base. Thanks.

turbo124 commented 1 week ago

we tried to engage wise on this, i am not sure if anything has changed, but they never actually had a way for someone to initiate a payment sequence, ie. invoice => landing page for payment => webhook notification on payment

CodeShakingSheep commented 1 week ago

@turbo124 Yes, there is a webhook Balance Update Event now which is triggered every time a balance is credited or debited. See

I use exactly this event in my n8n workflow. Also see for reference. In the n8n workflow I check that data.transaction_type == 'credit' and if it's true a payment will be created in InvoiceNinja. So, I think it should be possible now to integrate this webhook directly with InvoiceNinja. What do you think?

turbo124 commented 6 days ago

@CodeShakingSheep I'm not sure there is much juice to squeeze from a limited integration like this.

I'd certainly advocate for some way to initiate a payment Invoice Ninja => Wise => Webhook notification.

The balance updated notification is "nice", but we achieve similar functionality using a banking integration to linking payments to invoices currently.

CodeShakingSheep commented 5 days ago

@turbo124 Now I got you. No, I think to initiate a Wise payment from Invoice Ninja isn't possible atm as a link for requesting a payment cannot be generated via API. Also see

In my posts I was more referring to a Wise banking integration than a Wise payment gateway. So, the only possibility to automatically create a payment / a transaction in InvoiceNinja when there has been a payment on a Wise account, would be to use the nordigen / gocardless integration? I would prefer to avoid creating a third-party account on gocardless as this could be achieved directly with the Wise API. Would you consider adding a direct Wise banking integration?

turbo124 commented 5 days ago

Nordigen integrates with wise, is this an option for the bank feed?

CodeShakingSheep commented 5 days ago

Nordigen integrates with wise, is this an option for the bank feed?

Not sure, I have never used nordigen. So, I don't know. However, I'd prefer having a native integration without having to expose my bank transaction to a third party (nordigen).