invoiceninja / ui

Invoice Ninja: Web admin portal built with React
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Add indication of documents to project's overview and indication in project's list #1750

Closed DrDBanner closed 2 months ago

DrDBanner commented 2 months ago

Projects: Currently the user has to guess if there are documents attached or not.

Projects List

Bildschirmfoto 2024-05-07 um 16 25 46

Adding a symbol should be sufficient.

Projects Overview

Bildschirmfoto 2024-05-07 um 16 25 31

Adding a card with a list of items would be somewhat nice. Optional: Add a title field to documents when uploading in order to have proper information within the card that's subject of creation here.

Minimal option would be to add at least the document count to the summary which links to the documents pane after click.

Another option may be to have a $secondary_color pill (next to status?) with documents count to either open the documents or open them in a lightbox gallery.

turbo124 commented 2 months ago


You can add the documents column to the project list

DrDBanner commented 2 months ago

Where can I change the columns? Didn’t see that at all.

beganovich commented 2 months ago

You can change table columns by clicking Columns in the bottom right corner.
