invoiceninja / ui

Invoice Ninja: Web admin portal built with React
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Task description (name) should be hyperlinked and clickable in the tasks list view #1967

Open nekohayo opened 1 month ago

nekohayo commented 1 month ago

In the Pro v5 SaaS version, at you can see a filterable list of your tasks with various columns. However, the only way to jump directly to the editing view for one task is to either click on its task number column (if there is a task number at all; not necessarily the case for tasks that were migrated from v4) or to use the menubutton on the right. The latter is inconvenient, and the former is not available if you turned off that column to save space (I don't care about task numbers).

Yet, the "Description" column has the task's description/name/title in plain text, without it being hyperlinked, unlike the "Client" name column or the "Project" name column.

I believe it would make sense for the task's description name column to be hyperlinked to that task's editing page.

turbo124 commented 1 month ago

@Civolilah this one impacts other entities also such as Expenses. If number columns are disabled, there is not easy shortcut to access the edit page. I think it would be best for the "first" task column that does not have any other functionality embeded be clickable for the edit screen.