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Duplicate account validations #168

Open QuinnNTonic opened 1 month ago

QuinnNTonic commented 1 month ago

Repro Steps

An issue with the users ability to create more than one account was reported.

QuinnNTonic commented 1 month ago

Original Work Item URL

Original Work Item Details

| Created date | Created by | Changed date | Changed By | Assigned To | State | Type | Area Path | Iteration Path| |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| | 05/12/2022 07:14:37 | Ryan McAndrew | 05/19/2024 22:47:54 | info | | New | Bug | involveMINT\involveMINT | involveMINT\72 |

Original Work Item JSON

```json { "fields": { "Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Priority": 2, "Microsoft.VSTS.Common.StackRank": 998007788, "Microsoft.VSTS.Common.StateChangeDate": "05/12/2022 07:14:37", "System.AssignedTo": { "displayName": "" }, "System.BoardColumn": "New", "System.BoardColumnDone": False, "System.ChangedBy": { "displayName": "info" }, "System.ChangedDate": "05/19/2024 22:47:54", "System.CommentCount": 0, "System.CreatedBy": { "displayName": "Ryan McAndrew" }, "System.CreatedDate": "05/12/2022 07:14:37", "System.Id": 538, "System.Reason": "New", "System.Rev": 6, "System.RevisedDate": "01/01/9999 00:00:00", "System.State": "New", "System.TeamProject": "involveMINT", "System.Title": "Duplicate account validations ", "System.WorkItemType": "Bug", "WEF_F54671B39AF54036B4485F04394D6594_Kanban.Column": "New", "WEF_F54671B39AF54036B4485F04394D6594_Kanban.Column.Done": False, "WEF_F54671B39AF54036B4485F04394D6594_System.ExtensionMarker": True }, "id": 538, "relations": [ { "attributes": { "id": , "name": "Parent", "resourceCreatedDate": "", "resourceModifiedDate": "", "resourceSize": , "revisedDate": "" }, "rel": "System.LinkTypes.Hierarchy-Reverse", "url": "" }, ], "rev": 6, "url": "" } ```

fogunsan commented 1 month ago

To confirm: users should or should not be allowed to create more than one account (with the same email)?

involve-MINT commented 1 month ago

@fogunsan whenever a user signs up (regardless of their classificaiton) a User account is created as the parent. Users can register any servepartner or business account on their existing email and do NOT have register a new email address.

Also @QuinnNTonic this is how the logic is currently set up, but I am ignorant to if having the same email among multiple different user classes associated with the same user parent will have any adverse consequences from a data design perspective.