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Website Hyperlink on Business Name #214

Open QuinnNTonic opened 1 month ago

QuinnNTonic commented 1 month ago

The business name should take yout to their website. Same with the web address. Both should be active huper links Additionally, involveMINT logo should take you to

Recreation steps: As a ChangeMaker, click on the hamburger menu, then select Spend list item, this will take you to the marketplace. Then click on any business storefront (tile). When the storefront opens, click "Posted by:" in the upper right menu. This will bring up the business 'ExchangePartner' profile, with details. Website, email, and numbers should be made live links.

QuinnNTonic commented 1 month ago

Original Work Item URL

Original Work Item Details

| Created date | Created by | Changed date | Changed By | Assigned To | State | Type | Area Path | Iteration Path| |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| | 05/02/2022 19:29:28 | info | 09/11/2022 00:08:22 | info | | New | User Story | involveMINT\involveMINT | involveMINT\72 |

Original Work Item JSON

```json { "fields": { "Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Priority": 2, "Microsoft.VSTS.Common.StackRank": 999035747, "Microsoft.VSTS.Common.StateChangeDate": "05/02/2022 19:29:28", "System.AssignedTo": { "displayName": "" }, "System.BoardColumn": "New", "System.BoardColumnDone": False, "System.ChangedBy": { "displayName": "info" }, "System.ChangedDate": "09/11/2022 00:08:22", "System.CommentCount": 0, "System.CreatedBy": { "displayName": "info" }, "System.CreatedDate": "05/02/2022 19:29:28", "System.Id": 523, "System.Reason": "New", "System.Rev": 4, "System.RevisedDate": "01/01/9999 00:00:00", "System.State": "New", "System.TeamProject": "involveMINT", "System.Title": "Website Hyperlink on Business Name", "System.WorkItemType": "User Story", "WEF_F54671B39AF54036B4485F04394D6594_Kanban.Column": "New", "WEF_F54671B39AF54036B4485F04394D6594_Kanban.Column.Done": False, "WEF_F54671B39AF54036B4485F04394D6594_System.ExtensionMarker": True }, "id": 523, "relations": [ ], "rev": 4, "url": "" } ```

involve-MINT commented 1 month ago

@tiantian-huang updated reporduction steps.