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Friends and Family #229

Open QuinnNTonic opened 1 month ago

QuinnNTonic commented 1 month ago

Acceptance Criteria

Use our web app to connect with friends & neighbors working on similar projects. By working together on community projects, ChangeMakers feel better supported and connected. ChangeMakers can also exchange community currency to feel more interdependent on their community members, while gaining access to opportunities that local businesses provide.
QuinnNTonic commented 1 month ago

Original Work Item URL

Original Work Item Details

| Created date | Created by | Changed date | Changed By | Assigned To | State | Type | Area Path | Iteration Path| |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| | 12/25/2021 00:44:02 | info | 12/25/2021 00:44:29 | info | | New | User Story | involveMINT\involveMINT | involveMINT\72 |

Original Work Item JSON

```json { "fields": { "Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Priority": 2, "Microsoft.VSTS.Common.StackRank": 999215186, "Microsoft.VSTS.Common.StateChangeDate": "12/25/2021 00:44:02", "System.AssignedTo": { "displayName": "" }, "System.BoardColumn": "New", "System.BoardColumnDone": False, "System.ChangedBy": { "displayName": "info" }, "System.ChangedDate": "12/25/2021 00:44:29", "System.CommentCount": 0, "System.CreatedBy": { "displayName": "info" }, "System.CreatedDate": "12/25/2021 00:44:02", "System.Id": 520, "System.Reason": "New", "System.Rev": 5, "System.RevisedDate": "01/01/9999 00:00:00", "System.State": "New", "System.TeamProject": "involveMINT", "System.Title": "Friends and Family", "System.WorkItemType": "User Story", "WEF_F54671B39AF54036B4485F04394D6594_Kanban.Column": "New", "WEF_F54671B39AF54036B4485F04394D6594_Kanban.Column.Done": False, "WEF_F54671B39AF54036B4485F04394D6594_System.ExtensionMarker": True }, "id": 520, "relations": [ ], "rev": 5, "url": "" } ```