We have implemented functionalities for sending invoices to SdI.
We've also introduced context, following the pattern established in other packages.
Furthermore, we've standardized CA (public) certificates, consolidating them into a single file. We have overcome authentication problems (on the client side).
We have removed the server-related part from this PR to complete the process of sending invoices to SdI as one whole.
Below are some logs from the console commands.
$ go run ./cmd/gobl.fatturapa help
gobl.fatturapa [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
convert Convert a GOBL JSON into a FatturaPA XML
help Help about any command
server Server for communication with SdI in selected environment
transmit Transmit a FatturaPA XML file to SdI in selected environment
-h, --help help for gobl.fatturapa
Use "gobl.fatturapa [command] --help" for more information about a command.
$ go run ./cmd/gobl.fatturapa help transmit
Transmit a FatturaPA XML file to SdI in selected environment
gobl.fatturapa transmit [file] [environment] [flags]
--ca-cert string Path to a file containing the CA certificate
--cert string Path to a file containing the SDI PEM certificate
--env string Environment for running command (default "test")
-h, --help help for transmit
--key string Path to a file containing the sender PEM RSA private key
--verbose Logs all requests into the console
$ go run ./cmd/gobl.fatturapa transmit --ca-cert ./ca-all.pem --cert ./SDI-B85905495.pem --key ./key_client.key IT01234567890_FPA01.xml
Invoice sent to SdI.
Here is the response: {29218192 2024-05-31T13:54:56.491+02:00 <nil>}
Pull Request Summary
We have implemented functionalities for sending invoices to SdI.
We've also introduced context, following the pattern established in other packages.
Furthermore, we've standardized CA (public) certificates, consolidating them into a single file. We have overcome authentication problems (on the client side).
We have removed the server-related part from this PR to complete the process of sending invoices to SdI as one whole.
Below are some logs from the console commands.
Co-authored-by: @noplisu Co-authored-by: @torrocus