invpe / GridShell

Distributed Volunteer Computing with IOT
MIT License
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Some questions about GridShell #10

Open sviscapi opened 1 month ago

sviscapi commented 1 month ago

Dear @invpe ,

I just found out about Gridshell recently, looks like an interesting project :) Thank you for your hard work on this one !

I'm really interested in distributed computing, and I'm already contributing to BOINC,, Mersenne / GIMPS, Fishtest, etc...

I have two questions regarding GridShell:

1) Which ESP32 device would you recommend to give Gridshell a try (if that's still possible) ? 2) I understand you can earn tokens when participating in the GridShell network. Have you considered using Gridcoin for that matter ?

Best regards,


invpe commented 1 month ago

@sviscapi hello and welcome ! :+1:

GridShell even though in a "pause" state is still being developed by me with less recent pushes to GIT. However You can definitely give it a try - it is perfectly doable, at any point in time.

Hardware: Any ESP32 will actually work, some model's i have tested during the play time with the project are:

As for the tokens, these are strictly utility tokens that are part of the GridShell environment, these are earned and burned by the users who actually run jobs on the network itself. See here for a more detailed description on the purpose of these as part of the GridShell ecosystem.

You're more than welcome to try out having some fun with the project, i am happy to help with any questions you'll have!

sviscapi commented 1 month ago

Hello @invpe , Thank you for your quick reply, really appreciated :) Do you think this board would be compatible with GridShell ? Best regards, Samuel

invpe commented 1 month ago

My assumption here is that as long as you can upload the release or simply compile & upload the sources, you're green to give any ESP32 a try.

It seems this is ESP32-S3 packed under Arduino logo with : 2 cores at 240 MHz, 512 KB SRAM - looks solid.

Give it a go, and let me know how did that fly - this could be a nice addition to the list of "tested and working" devices today.