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Voltronic Infinisolar MPPSolar FSP Adapter Photovoltaic Inverter Wechselrichter #823

Open Lexilex75 opened 1 year ago

Lexilex75 commented 1 year ago

Data polling from photovoltaic (PV) inverter to provide information to ioBroker environment and adjust house load regarding the availability of PV. Maybe, in later stage, also control of basic functions like battery charge control and operation modes.

Type of inverter: Voltronic Infinisolar, Hybrid, 10kW and 15kW, other brand names are: FSP, MPPSolar, SolarPower24, etc. Protocol 17

The device has got no direct connection to internet. A common way is to use a ethernet2RS232 converter.

The website of the product is: The device can also be found on other vendors like, FSP-group (

There is a php script available and protocol description on github: (thanks to Rio!) I hope a skilled programmer can easily transfer this to ioBroker.

Lexilex75 commented 1 year ago

Info: In the meantime I started preparing a first javascript with some basic polling functions and battery state-of-charge control. If someone is interested, please contact me.