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Snapmaker 3in1 Devices #869

Open MPTrixi opened 8 months ago

MPTrixi commented 8 months ago

What kind of device or service would you like to see an adapter for? Snapmaker Artisan (or Snapmaker II), combi device for 3D printing, laser engraving/cutting and CNC,

Is the device connected to the internet or only available on a local network? only local network

Is an official App or Website available? Luban is the official software able to connect to the device locally, and the magic should be in here: But also Cura is able to connect with a plug-in found on github:

Is an official API including documentation available? there seems to be an API, found no official documentation, but in the scripts in the network_plugin folder of above linked plugin on github a api seems to be used (api_prefix = ":8080/api/v1") this seems to be changed at least for the Artisan (they went from http to tcp). Here is a example of connecting with SCAP:

Are other libraries for an integration available? not known

Is this device already integrated in other Smart Home systems? no

Is this device already integrated in homebridge? Might the ham adapter in combination with the homebridge plugin be sufficient? no

Additional context First of all it would be beneficial to get the state and other information of the machine (running, idle, temp. of the extruder, heat bed etc.). In a second step some kind of control would be nice, but not really necessarry.

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Negalein commented 8 months ago

das wäre sehr cool. Ich wäre mehr als erfreut. Sollte zwar irgendwie auch mit Octoprint + Artisan funktionieren. Aber 100%ig hat noch keiner ein passendes Setup gefunden.