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YouTube Music #908

Open maxpd1 opened 4 months ago

maxpd1 commented 4 months ago

What kind of device or service would you like to see an adapter for?

Integration of YouTubeMusic to - generally start/stop playlists/songs over your smartspeakers - pause current playing of YTM. Example: if somebody manually started music over GoogleHomeMini and the smarthome starts an announcement, music stops completely. With a YouTubeMusic adapter you could save playlist/song/duration to continue music after announcement finished. This isn't possible with the current Chromecast adapter.

Is the device connected to the internet or only available on a local network?

Yes, YTM is cloud music provider.

Is an official App or Website available?

Is an official API including documentation available?


Are other libraries for an integration available?

not aware of

Is this device already integrated in other Smart Home systems?


Is this device already integrated in homebridge? Might the ham adapter in combination with the homebridge plugin be sufficient?

I don't understand this.

mcm1957 commented 3 months ago


As this issue has been referenced at chomecast testing topic and you just added youtube video to chromecast could you take a look at this request and state whether youtube music might be added to chromecast adapter or not ?

Thanks in advance mcm1957

raintonr commented 3 months ago

Guess it could be possible but I have no plans to implement right now.