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Advanced calendar plugin supporting CalDAV and Exchange/EAS #97

Open haterakathegrinch opened 6 years ago

haterakathegrinch commented 6 years ago

The main calendar plugin iCal only supports iCal and google calendar. To use this the user is required to publish the calendar onto a freely obtainable source - no login credentials can be used. For most users this means their calendar is available to the open net as they do not host their own calendar/exchange servers. This is definitly a security risk as a aggressor could easily find out when the installation won't be maintained/none will be at home, etc.

I therefore request an more advanced calendar client that allows the use of CalDAV and ideally Exchange Active Sync. Together these two standards cover most if not all currently available market solutions.

Apollon77 commented 6 years ago

ical Adapte can handle basic auth protected ics files btw ... so it is not completely "open"

maxblome commented 4 years ago

I have developed an extended adapter. The adapter currently supports Google Calendar (via API), CalDAV and iCal files.

and0nna commented 2 years ago

looking for calendar write event functionality to add events to the calendar (either iCal, google or maybe open CalDAV or Exchange). Based on the programs looked at should this be possible, but not for a person with limited development capabilities like me

ChrisDuck87 commented 2 years ago

Hey, i wanna rise the topic again. I have an exchange Active Sync ( email account. Of course i can extract an Ical file, but i have no exchange with my calender. The only possibilty is publish my calender via link, but then everybody who has this link has access to my calender, what is no option. At the moment i extract ical but it limits the usability extremly!

Would be really great if someone could find a solution :)

macpo commented 2 years ago

Active Sync can be used for all the people in home office to blink a light if a meeting starts or ends in addition to audible reminder.