ā [E026] "{'engines': {'node'>='16'}}" is required at package.json, "{'engines':{'node'>='18'}}" is recommened
ā [E035] No devDependency declared for @iobroker/testing. Please add "@iobroker/testing":"4.1.3" to devDependencies at package.json
ā [E114] No adapter are allowed in the repo without admin support (set "common.noConfig = true" and "common.adminUI.config = none" if adapter has no configuration)
š [W105] Missing suggested translation into uk of "common.titleLang" in io-package.json.
š [W109] Missing suggested translation into uk of "common.desc" in io-package.json.
š [W115] "common.tier" is required in io-package.json. Please check https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/blob/master/docs/en/dev/objectsschema.md#adapter.
š [W181] "common.license" in io-package.json is deprecated. Please define object "common.licenseInformation"
š [W184] "common.title" is deprecated and replaced by "common.titleLang". Please remove from io-package.json.
ā [E026] "{'engines': {'node'>='16'}}" is required at package.json, "{'engines':{'node'>='18'}}" is recommened ā [E035] No devDependency declared for @iobroker/testing. Please add "@iobroker/testing":"4.1.3" to devDependencies at package.json ā [E114] No adapter are allowed in the repo without admin support (set "common.noConfig = true" and "common.adminUI.config = none" if adapter has no configuration) š [W105] Missing suggested translation into uk of "common.titleLang" in io-package.json. š [W109] Missing suggested translation into uk of "common.desc" in io-package.json. š [W115] "common.tier" is required in io-package.json. Please check https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/blob/master/docs/en/dev/objectsschema.md#adapter. š [W181] "common.license" in io-package.json is deprecated. Please define object "common.licenseInformation" š [W184] "common.title" is deprecated and replaced by "common.titleLang". Please remove from io-package.json.