ioBroker / ioBroker.javascript

Script engine for JavaScript and Blockly
MIT License
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[Bug]: Script editor not show text script #1497

Open MaaG-dA opened 5 months ago

MaaG-dA commented 5 months ago

I'm sure that

Script type


The problem

For some language version is turned on, the content of the scripts is not displayed (

iobroker.current.log (in debug mode!)

de, en, es, fr, it, ru are ok: js_en for rest (like pl, nl, ua..) not: js_pl

Version of nodejs


Version of ioBroker js-controller


Version of adapter


klein0r commented 4 months ago

Please share alle contents of the browser console (developer tools).

MaaG-dA commented 4 months ago

Screenshot first: image

And log code:

=========================== loader.js:6
GET net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found) e.load @ loader.js:6 e.load @ loader.js:6 c @ loader.js:8 s._loadModule @ loader.js:8 s._resolve @ loader.js:9 s.defineModule @ loader.js:8 s._relativeRequire @ loader.js:8 r @ loader.js:8 b.load @ editor.main.js:6 s._loadPluginDependency @ loader.js:8 s.resolve @ loader.js:9 s.defineModule @ loader.js:8 g @ loader.js:9 (anonymous) @ editor.main.js:190 (anonymous) @ editor.main.js:746 loader.js:6 Loading "vs/editor/" failed @ loader.js:6 a.onError @ loader.js:6 s._onLoadError @ loader.js:8 c @ loader.js:8 (anonymous) @ loader.js:8 e.triggerErrorback @ loader.js:6 (anonymous) @ loader.js:6 c @ loader.js:6 error (async) e.attachListeners @ loader.js:6 e.load @ loader.js:6 e.load @ loader.js:6 c @ loader.js:8 s._loadModule @ loader.js:8 s._resolve @ loader.js:9 s.defineModule @ loader.js:8 s._relativeRequire @ loader.js:8 r @ loader.js:8 b.load @ editor.main.js:6 s._loadPluginDependency @ loader.js:8 s._resolve @ loader.js:9 s.defineModule @ loader.js:8 g @ loader.js:9 (anonymous) @ editor.main.js:190 (anonymous) @ editor.main.js:746 loader.js:6 Error: [object Event] at Object.E [as ensureError] (loader.js:6:4185) at s._createLoadError (loader.js:8:8107) at s.onLoadError (loader.js:8:8226) at c (loader.js:8:10065) at Object.errorback (loader.js:8:10421) at e.triggerErrorback (loader.js:6:11062) at loader.js:6:10768 at HTMLScriptElement.c (loader.js:6:11283) @ loader.js:6 a.onError @ loader.js:6 s._onLoadError @ loader.js:8 c @ loader.js:8 (anonymous) @ loader.js:8 e.triggerErrorback @ loader.js:6 (anonymous) @ loader.js:6 c @ loader.js:6 error (async) e.attachListeners @ loader.js:6 e.load @ loader.js:6 e.load @ loader.js:6 c @ loader.js:8 s._loadModule @ loader.js:8 s._resolve @ loader.js:9 s.defineModule @ loader.js:8 s._relativeRequire @ loader.js:8 r @ loader.js:8 b.load @ editor.main.js:6 s._loadPluginDependency @ loader.js:8 s.resolve @ loader.js:9 s.defineModule @ loader.js:8 g @ loader.js:9 (anonymous) @ editor.main.js:190 (anonymous) @ editor.main.js:746 loader.js:6 Here are the modules that depend on it: @ loader.js:6 a.onError @ loader.js:6 s._onLoadError @ loader.js:8 c @ loader.js:8 (anonymous) @ loader.js:8 e.triggerErrorback @ loader.js:6 (anonymous) @ loader.js:6 c @ loader.js:6 error (async) e.attachListeners @ loader.js:6 e.load @ loader.js:6 e.load @ loader.js:6 c @ loader.js:8 s._loadModule @ loader.js:8 s._resolve @ loader.js:9 s.defineModule @ loader.js:8 s._relativeRequire @ loader.js:8 r @ loader.js:8 b.load @ editor.main.js:6 s._loadPluginDependency @ loader.js:8 s.resolve @ loader.js:9 s.defineModule @ loader.js:8 g @ loader.js:9 (anonymous) @ editor.main.js:190 (anonymous) @ editor.main.js:746 loader.js:6 ['===anonymous2==='] @ loader.js:6 a.onError @ loader.js:6 s._onLoadError @ loader.js:8 c @ loader.js:8 (anonymous) @ loader.js:8 e.triggerErrorback @ loader.js:6 (anonymous) @ loader.js:6 c @ loader.js:6 error (async) e.attachListeners @ loader.js:6 e.load @ loader.js:6 e.load @ loader.js:6 c @ loader.js:8 s._loadModule @ loader.js:8 s._resolve @ loader.js:9 s.defineModule @ loader.js:8 s._relativeRequire @ loader.js:8 r @ loader.js:8 b.load @ editor.main.js:6 s._loadPluginDependency @ loader.js:8 s._resolve @ loader.js:9 s.defineModule @ loader.js:8 g @ loader.js:9 (anonymous) @ editor.main.js:190 (anonymous) @ editor.main.js:746 bootstrap.jsx:26 iobroker.javascript@7.8.0 using theme "dark" App.jsx:119 ██╗ ██████╗ ██████╗ ██████╗ ██████╗ ██╗ ██╗███████╗██████╗ ██║██╔═══██╗██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔═══██╗██║ ██╔╝██╔════╝██╔══██╗ ██║██║ ██║██████╔╝██████╔╝██║ ██║█████╔╝ █████╗ ██████╔╝ ██║██║ ██║██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██║ ██║██╔═██╗ ██╔══╝ ██╔══██╗ ██║╚██████╔╝██████╔╝██║ ██║╚██████╔╝██║ ██╗███████╗██║ ██║ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝

App.jsx:119 Nice to see you here! :) Join our dev community here or here App.jsx:119 Help us to create open source project with reactJS! App.jsx:119 See you :) [2024-02-19T20:56:09.102Z] Try to connect

   POST 403 (Forbidden)

(anonymous) @ fetch.ts:45 (anonymous) @ base.ts:78 add @ promisebuffer.ts:49 a @ base.ts:94 _sendEnvelope @ baseclient.ts:814 sendSession @ baseclient.ts:404 captureSession @ baseclient.ts:240 R @ exports.ts:487 A @ exports.ts:505 (anonymous) @ sdk.ts:286 gr @ sdk.ts:149 (anonymous) @ GenericApp.js:268 Promise.then (async) onReady @ GenericApp.js:252 doLoadData @ Connection.ts:591 await in doLoadData (async) loadData @ Connection.ts:517 onPreConnect @ Connection.ts:466 (anonymous) @ Connection.ts:354 SocketClient.findAnswer @ socket.onmessage @ Show 17 more frames Show less BlocklyEditor.jsx:115 Detected custom blockly: email BlocklyEditor.jsx:115 Detected custom blockly: iqontrol BlocklyEditor.jsx:115 Detected custom blockly: gsmsms OpenAiDialog.jsx:155 Translate: AI code generator ScriptEditorVanilaMonaco.jsx:83 wait for monaco loaded... ScriptEditorVanilaMonaco.jsx:45 wait for monaco loaded ScriptEditorVanilaMonaco.jsx:45 wait for monaco loaded ScriptEditorVanilaMonaco.jsx:45 wait for monaco loaded ScriptEditorVanilaMonaco.jsx:45 wait for monaco loaded ScriptEditorVanilaMonaco.jsx:45 wait for monaco loaded ScriptEditorVanilaMonaco.jsx:45 wait for monaco loaded ScriptEditorVanilaMonaco.jsx:45 wait for monaco loaded ScriptEditorVanilaMonaco.jsx:45 wait for monaco loaded ScriptEditorVanilaMonaco.jsx:45 wait for monaco loaded ScriptEditorVanilaMonaco.jsx:45 wait for monaco loaded ScriptEditorVanilaMonaco.jsx:45 wait for monaco loaded ScriptEditorVanilaMonaco.jsx:45 wait for monaco loaded ScriptEditorVanilaMonaco.jsx:45 wait for monaco loaded ScriptEditorVanilaMonaco.jsx:45 wait for monaco loaded ScriptEditorVanilaMonaco.jsx:45 wait for monaco loaded ScriptEditorVanilaMonaco.jsx:45 wait for monaco loaded ScriptEditorVanilaMonaco.jsx:45 wait for monaco loaded ScriptEditorVanilaMonaco.jsx:45 wait for monaco loaded ScriptEditorVanilaMonaco.jsx:45 wait for monaco loaded ScriptEditorVanilaMonaco.jsx:50 Cannot load monaco! 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MaaG-dA commented 4 months ago

File log again:

MaaG-dA commented 2 months ago

v8.0.3 and still not work in e.g. polish language. (new installation of debian and iobroker).

klein0r commented 2 months ago

I'm not able to reproduce the issue. Everything is also working in polish. Have to check again.

MaaG-dA commented 2 months ago

I checked it yesterday. It doesn't work on my machine (Cubietruck, Armbian). But on the second machine (RockPi) - it works. Strange that in both cases it is the same version of the system.

MaaG-dA commented 1 week ago

It's me again ;). Another SBC board - and exactly the same problem: OrangePi 5 Plus, Armbian (Debian 12), nodejs v.20.15.0, npm 10.7.0, admin 6.17.14, javascript 8.3.1 update: Strange. Now it's work. How? remove nodejs v20. reboot. install nodejs v18. reboot. remove nodejs v18. reboot. install nodejs v20. reboot. downgrade admin to v6.13 (from backup). reboot. And.. works. Update admin to 6.17.14. And .. still works.