So neuer Versuch. Im Logfile ist folgendes zu sehen. Aber nur nach Restart des Adapters und scheinbar wechselnde GAs. Diese Meldungen scheinen aber tatsächlich nur nach dem Neustart aufzutreten.
Object knx.0.Bewegungsmelder.Untergeschoss.BWM_Flur_UG_klein_RM_Ein___Aus is invalid: obj.common.write has an invalid type! Expected "boolean", received "string"
2022-01-31 12:23:55.440 - warn: knx.0 (124367) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer.
State value to set for "knx.0.Beleuchtung.Erdgeschoss.Li_Decke_Flur_EG_Dimmen" has to be one of type "string", "number", "boolean" but received type "object"
2022-01-31 12:23:53.655 - info: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.knx.0 started with pid 124367
2022-01-31 12:23:55.302 - info: knx.0 (124367) starting. Version 2.0.9 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.knx, node: v14.18.3, js-controller: 3.3.22
2022-01-31 12:23:55.439 - warn: knx.0 (124367) Object knx.0.Bewegungsmelder.Untergeschoss.BWM_Flur_UG_klein_RM_EinAus is invalid: obj.common.write has an invalid type! Expected "boolean", received "string"
2022-01-31 12:23:55.440 - warn: knx.0 (124367) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer.
2022-01-31 12:23:55.442 - warn: knx.0 (124367) Object knx.0.RolladenJalousie.Erdgeschoss.Raff__Garage_Küche_RM_Wert_Lamelle is invalid: obj.common.write has an invalid type! Expected "boolean", received "string"
2022-01-31 12:23:55.442 - warn: knx.0 (124367) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer.
2022-01-31 12:23:55.444 - warn: knx.0 (124367) Object knx.0.Beleuchtung.Erdgeschoss.Li_Decke_Büro_RM_Wert is invalid: obj.common.write has an invalid type! Expected "boolean", received "string"
2022-01-31 12:23:55.444 - warn: knx.0 (124367) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer.
2022-01-31 12:23:55.444 - warn: knx.0 (124367) Object knx.0.Beleuchtung.Erdgeschoss.Li_Decke_Büro_Dimmen is invalid: has an invalid type! Expected "boolean", received "string"
2022-01-31 12:23:55.445 - warn: knx.0 (124367) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer.
2022-01-31 12:23:55.445 - warn: knx.0 (124367) Object knx.0.Zentral.Diagnose.Test is invalid: has an invalid type! Expected "boolean", received "string"
2022-01-31 12:23:55.446 - warn: knx.0 (124367) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer.
2022-01-31 12:23:55.446 - warn: knx.0 (124367) Object knx.0.Zentral.Zentral.Alarm is invalid: has an invalid type! Expected "boolean", received "string"
2022-01-31 12:23:55.447 - warn: knx.0 (124367) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer.
2022-01-31 12:23:55.746 - info: knx.0 (124367) knx license is OK.
2022-01-31 12:23:55.748 - info: knx.0 (124367) Connecting to knx GW: with phy. Adr: 1.1.200
2022-01-31 12:24:16.465 - info: knx.0 (124367) State value to set for "knx.0.Beleuchtung.Untergeschoss.Li_Decke_Flur_Klein_UG_Dimmen" has to be one of type "string", "number", "boolean" but received type "object"
2022-01-31 12:24:16.787 - info: knx.0 (124367) State value to set for "knx.0.Beleuchtung.Erdgeschoss.Li_Decke_Flur_EG_Dimmen" has to be one of type "string", "number", "boolean" but received type "object"
2022-01-31 12:24:17.245 - info: knx.0 (124367) State value to set for "knx.0.Beleuchtung.Untergeschoss.Li_Decke_Flur_UG_groß_Dimmen" has to be one of type "string", "number", "boolean" but received type "object"
So neuer Versuch. Im Logfile ist folgendes zu sehen. Aber nur nach Restart des Adapters und scheinbar wechselnde GAs. Diese Meldungen scheinen aber tatsächlich nur nach dem Neustart aufzutreten.
Warnings: Object knx.0.Bewegungsmelder.Untergeschoss.BWM_Flur_UG_klein_RM_Ein___Aus is invalid: obj.common.write has an invalid type! Expected "boolean", received "string" 2022-01-31 12:23:55.440 - warn: knx.0 (124367) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer.
Infos: State value to set for "knx.0.Beleuchtung.Erdgeschoss.Li_Decke_Flur_EG_Dimmen" has to be one of type "string", "number", "boolean" but received type "object"
2022-01-31 12:23:53.655 - info: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.knx.0 started with pid 124367 2022-01-31 12:23:55.302 - info: knx.0 (124367) starting. Version 2.0.9 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.knx, node: v14.18.3, js-controller: 3.3.22 2022-01-31 12:23:55.439 - warn: knx.0 (124367) Object knx.0.Bewegungsmelder.Untergeschoss.BWM_Flur_UG_klein_RM_EinAus is invalid: obj.common.write has an invalid type! Expected "boolean", received "string" 2022-01-31 12:23:55.440 - warn: knx.0 (124367) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2022-01-31 12:23:55.442 - warn: knx.0 (124367) Object knx.0.RolladenJalousie.Erdgeschoss.Raff__Garage_Küche_RM_Wert_Lamelle is invalid: obj.common.write has an invalid type! Expected "boolean", received "string" 2022-01-31 12:23:55.442 - warn: knx.0 (124367) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2022-01-31 12:23:55.444 - warn: knx.0 (124367) Object knx.0.Beleuchtung.Erdgeschoss.Li_Decke_Büro_RM_Wert is invalid: obj.common.write has an invalid type! Expected "boolean", received "string" 2022-01-31 12:23:55.444 - warn: knx.0 (124367) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2022-01-31 12:23:55.444 - warn: knx.0 (124367) Object knx.0.Beleuchtung.Erdgeschoss.Li_Decke_Büro_Dimmen is invalid: has an invalid type! Expected "boolean", received "string" 2022-01-31 12:23:55.445 - warn: knx.0 (124367) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2022-01-31 12:23:55.445 - warn: knx.0 (124367) Object knx.0.Zentral.Diagnose.Test is invalid: has an invalid type! Expected "boolean", received "string" 2022-01-31 12:23:55.446 - warn: knx.0 (124367) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2022-01-31 12:23:55.446 - warn: knx.0 (124367) Object knx.0.Zentral.Zentral.Alarm is invalid: has an invalid type! Expected "boolean", received "string" 2022-01-31 12:23:55.447 - warn: knx.0 (124367) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2022-01-31 12:23:55.746 - info: knx.0 (124367) knx license is OK. 2022-01-31 12:23:55.748 - info: knx.0 (124367) Connecting to knx GW: with phy. Adr: 1.1.200 2022-01-31 12:24:16.465 - info: knx.0 (124367) State value to set for "knx.0.Beleuchtung.Untergeschoss.Li_Decke_Flur_Klein_UG_Dimmen" has to be one of type "string", "number", "boolean" but received type "object" 2022-01-31 12:24:16.787 - info: knx.0 (124367) State value to set for "knx.0.Beleuchtung.Erdgeschoss.Li_Decke_Flur_EG_Dimmen" has to be one of type "string", "number", "boolean" but received type "object" 2022-01-31 12:24:17.245 - info: knx.0 (124367) State value to set for "knx.0.Beleuchtung.Untergeschoss.Li_Decke_Flur_UG_groß_Dimmen" has to be one of type "string", "number", "boolean" but received type "object"