ioBroker / ioBroker.knx

connect KNX via eibd
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GA relation DPT check #232

Open trollvottel opened 2 years ago

trollvottel commented 2 years ago

The GA relation DPT check fails even if DPT family is same, breaking the whole feature.

Easy to reproduce: Set Actuator GA to DPT 1.001 (Switch) and Status GA to DPT 1.011 (State). Both DPTs are of same family and should be compatible as they are in ETS.

This bug effectively breaks the relation feature for my whole project.

chefkoch009 commented 2 years ago

It doesn't. It may be the same family but the meaning of datapoint subtype is not the same.

trollvottel commented 2 years ago

Maybe not the same meaning, but technically it's the same. And KNX devices come with different subtypes for switch & status communication objects for the same channel. See attachment. This is not an exception, it's very common.


trollvottel commented 2 years ago

A status object doesn't "switch" sth. on/off, therefore the subtype "status" makes much more sense. This should defenitely be supported by the adapter. Since all my KNX devices are from vendor MDT, they're all like this and the relation feature doesn't work for me at all.

chefkoch009 commented 2 years ago

This is a kind of interpretation. By the way, what kind of DPT for example has your temperature-set and your temperature-status. I would think, they have the same. But in fact, your argument in that special case is not really wrong and not really right but can make the use of adapter much more comfortable.

So I'll take this as feature request for next versions.

trollvottel commented 2 years ago

At least for 1-bit DPTs this makes sense, since there is no additional encoding possible. Thanks.

chefkoch009 commented 2 years ago

I would change your "possible" to "necessary".

trollvottel commented 2 years ago

Chefkoch, is it possible to schedule a meeting between us regarding the flags? I'm quite sure the adapter behaves wrong in a few situations and the readme is very confusing. Just to ensure we've heard both sides. You speak German, right? (Ich eigentlich auch)

chefkoch009 commented 2 years ago

This is quite a gute Idee. What do you mean mit "eigentlich"? So please schreibe a Mail to me to get mal Kontakt. ;-)

trollvottel commented 2 years ago

Kein eigentlich, ist die Muttersprache :) Meine email ist ät

herrep commented 1 year ago


So I'll take this as feature request for next versions.

Any news about this feature? As discussed above, the current iobroker.knx behavior is not compatible with the common KNX practice of providing different subtypes for actuator and cotresponding status and therefore requires manual adaptions.