ioBroker / ioBroker.lcn

Control and read Local Control Network (LCN) Devices
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Instalationsprobleme des Adapters #23

Closed MatthiasUlrich84 closed 1 year ago

MatthiasUlrich84 commented 1 year ago

Ich musste meinen Server neu aufsetzen wegen eines Hardwareausfalls. Seit dem bekomme ich den LCN Adapter nicht mehr ans laufen.

Weder auf WIndows noch auf linux. Es baut sich einfach keine Verbindung mehr auf.

Auf einer älteren Installation bekomme ich den Adapter zum laufen auch mit dem aktualisierten Adapter 1.1.1 Aber als neuinstallation funktioniert es nicht.

Ich benötige Hilfe

Apollon77 commented 1 year ago

Bitte mehr Details liefern und auch Infos aus dem Log. Was ist denn die Ausgabe?

MatthiasUlrich84 commented 1 year ago

Danke für die schnelle Antwort.

der ioBroker läuft auf Linux im Docker und wurde mit einer Backupdatei wiederhergsestellt:

LOG der Adapterninstallation: $ iobroker add lcn auto --host cb9df8b82849 --debug

Installing iobroker.lcn@1.1.1... (System call)

added 1 package in 3s112 packages are looking for funding run npm fund for details

host.cb9df8b82849 install adapter lcn

upload [17] lcn.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.lcn/admin/icons/25.png icons/25.png image/png

upload [16] lcn.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.lcn/admin/icons/BEGA-EB2.png icons/BEGA-EB2.png image/png

upload [15] lcn.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.lcn/admin/icons/CMDS-DI12.png icons/CMDS-DI12.png image/png

upload [14] lcn.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.lcn/admin/icons/CMDS-ESD.png icons/CMDS-ESD.png image/png

upload [13] lcn.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.lcn/admin/icons/CMDS-HU.png icons/CMDS-HU.png image/png

upload [12] lcn.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.lcn/admin/icons/CMDS-SH.png icons/CMDS-SH.png image/png

upload [11] lcn.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.lcn/admin/icons/CMDS-SHS.png icons/CMDS-SHS.png image/png

upload [10] lcn.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.lcn/admin/icons/CMDS-SHplus.png icons/CMDS-SHplus.png image/png

upload [9] lcn.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.lcn/admin/icons/CMDS-SK.png icons/CMDS-SK.png image/png

upload [8] lcn.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.lcn/admin/icons/CMDS-UP.png icons/CMDS-UP.png image/png

upload [7] lcn.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.lcn/admin/icons/CMDS-UP24.png icons/CMDS-UP24.png image/png

upload [6] lcn.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.lcn/admin/icons/CMDS-UPP.png icons/CMDS-UPP.png image/png

upload [5] lcn.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.lcn/admin/icons/CMDS-UPS.png icons/CMDS-UPS.png image/png

upload [4] lcn.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.lcn/admin/icons/CMDS_LD.png icons/CMDS_LD.png image/png

upload [3] lcn.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.lcn/admin/icons/IOS-GTM.png icons/IOS-GTM.png image/png

upload [2] lcn.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.lcn/admin/index_m.html index_m.html text/html

upload [1] lcn.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.lcn/admin/lcn.png lcn.png image/png

upload [0] lcn.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.lcn/admin/words.js words.js application/javascript

host.cb9df8b82849 object system.adapter.lcn created/updated

host.cb9df8b82849 object system.adapter.lcn.0.cpu created

host.cb9df8b82849 object system.adapter.lcn.0.cputime created

host.cb9df8b82849 object system.adapter.lcn.0.memHeapUsed created

host.cb9df8b82849 object system.adapter.lcn.0.memHeapTotal created

host.cb9df8b82849 object system.adapter.lcn.0.memRss created

host.cb9df8b82849 object system.adapter.lcn.0.uptime created

host.cb9df8b82849 object system.adapter.lcn.0.inputCount created

host.cb9df8b82849 object system.adapter.lcn.0.outputCount created

host.cb9df8b82849 object system.adapter.lcn.0.eventLoopLag created

host.cb9df8b82849 object system.adapter.lcn.0.sigKill created

host.cb9df8b82849 object system.adapter.lcn.0.logLevel created

host.cb9df8b82849 object created

host.cb9df8b82849 object created

host.cb9df8b82849 object lcn.0.scan created

host.cb9df8b82849 object lcn.0.scan.progress created

host.cb9df8b82849 object lcn.0.scan.found created

host.cb9df8b82849 object lcn.0.scan.manual created

host.cb9df8b82849 object created

host.cb9df8b82849 object created

host.cb9df8b82849 object created

host.cb9df8b82849 object created

host.cb9df8b82849 object created

host.cb9df8b82849 object lcn.0.finger created

host.cb9df8b82849 object lcn.0.finger.code created

host.cb9df8b82849 Set default value of false

host.cb9df8b82849 object system.adapter.lcn.0 created

Process exited with code 0

Nach der neuinsatllation und Einstellung der Insatanz habe ich auf Debug modus umgestellt

Dann kam folgender log:

lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 05:34:13.401 | info | Found license with 20000 modules -- | -- | -- | -- lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 05:34:13.275 | debug | [main] start lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 05:34:13.257 | info | starting. Version 1.1.1 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.lcn, node: v16.19.0, js-controller: 4.0.24 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 05:34:13.120 | debug | States connected to redis: lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 05:34:13.064 | debug | States create User PubSub Client lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 05:34:13.064 | debug | States create System PubSub Client lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 05:34:13.055 | debug | Redis States: Use Redis connection: lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 05:34:13.031 | debug | Objects connected to redis: lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 05:34:13.011 | debug | Objects client initialize lua scripts lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 05:34:12.980 | debug | Objects create User PubSub Client lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 05:34:12.980 | debug | Objects create System PubSub Client lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 05:34:12.979 | debug | Objects client ready ... initialize now lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 05:34:12.948 | debug | Redis Objects: Use Redis connection: lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 05:34:09.895 | info | Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 05:34:09.895 | info | terminating lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 05:34:09.393 | info | Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 05:33:39.834 | info | Found license with 20000 modules lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 05:33:39.680 | info | starting. Version 1.1.1 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.lcn, node: v16.19.0, js-controller: 4.0.24

Adapter bleibt gelb (Dreieck )


MatthiasUlrich84 commented 1 year ago

Ich hab jetzt noch einmal direkt auf Linux den iobroker installiert. Nun geht der Adapter auf grün und hat auch mal eine Verbindung. Im PCHK Monitor wird auch ein verbundener Client angezeigt. Jedoch bricht die Verbindung ab mit folgendem LOG

lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:23.800 | debug | Command sent -- | -- | -- | -- lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:23.799 | debug | [CONN] Changing state: WAIT_RESPONSE => READY lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:23.599 | debug | [CONN] Changing state: READY => WAIT_RESPONSE lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:23.598 | debug | Command sent lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:23.598 | debug | [CONN] Changing state: WAIT_RESPONSE => READY lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:23.397 | debug | [CONN] Changing state: READY => WAIT_RESPONSE lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:23.397 | debug | [CONN] Changing state: WAIT_RESPONSE => READY lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:23.197 | debug | [CONN] Changing state: READY => WAIT_RESPONSE lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:23.196 | debug | [CONN] Changing state: WAIT_RESPONSE => READY lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:22.995 | debug | [CONN] Changing state: READY => WAIT_RESPONSE lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:22.995 | debug | [CONN] Changing state: WAIT_RESPONSE => READY lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:22.994 | debug | [CONN] Changing state: READY => WAIT_RESPONSE lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:22.993 | debug | [CONN] Changing state: WAIT_RESPONSE => READY lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:22.992 | debug | [CONN] Changing state: READY => WAIT_RESPONSE lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:22.991 | debug | [CONN] Changing state: WAIT_CONNECTED => READY lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:16.787 | debug | [CONN] Changing state: READY => WAIT_CONNECTED lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:14.126 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M211.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUTS.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUT02 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:14.122 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M211.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUTS.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUT01 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:14.120 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M211.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUTS lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:14.116 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M211.REGULATOR_OUTS.REGULATOR_OUT02 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:14.113 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M211.REGULATOR_OUTS.REGULATOR_OUT01 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:14.109 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M211.REGULATOR_OUTS lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:14.105 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M210.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUTS.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUT02 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:14.097 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M210.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUTS.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUT01 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:14.093 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M210.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUTS lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:14.091 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M210.REGULATOR_OUTS.REGULATOR_OUT02 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:14.089 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M210.REGULATOR_OUTS.REGULATOR_OUT01 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:14.088 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M210.REGULATOR_OUTS lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:14.085 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M202.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUTS.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUT02 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:14.083 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M202.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUTS.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUT01 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:14.081 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M202.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUTS lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:14.079 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M202.REGULATOR_OUTS.REGULATOR_OUT02 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:14.077 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M202.REGULATOR_OUTS.REGULATOR_OUT01 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:14.075 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M202.REGULATOR_OUTS lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:14.072 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M201.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUTS.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUT02 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:14.068 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M201.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUTS.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUT01 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:14.065 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M201.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUTS lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:14.062 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M201.REGULATOR_OUTS.REGULATOR_OUT02 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:14.057 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M201.REGULATOR_OUTS.REGULATOR_OUT01 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:14.052 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M201.REGULATOR_OUTS lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:14.048 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M201.RELAYS lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:14.044 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M101.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUTS.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUT02 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:14.040 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M101.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUTS.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUT01 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:14.034 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M101.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUTS lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:14.031 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M101.REGULATOR_OUTS.REGULATOR_OUT02 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:14.029 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M101.REGULATOR_OUTS.REGULATOR_OUT01 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:14.027 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M101.REGULATOR_OUTS lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:14.024 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M090.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUTS.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUT02 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:14.022 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M090.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUTS.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUT01 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:14.020 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M090.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUTS lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:14.018 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M090.REGULATOR_OUTS.REGULATOR_OUT02 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:14.015 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M090.REGULATOR_OUTS.REGULATOR_OUT01 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:14.013 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M090.REGULATOR_OUTS lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:14.006 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M085.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUTS.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUT02 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:14.002 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M085.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUTS.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUT01 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.998 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M085.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUTS lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.994 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M085.REGULATOR_OUTS.REGULATOR_OUT02 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.990 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M085.REGULATOR_OUTS.REGULATOR_OUT01 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.987 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M085.REGULATOR_OUTS lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.982 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M085.RELAYS lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.978 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M080.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUTS.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUT02 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.974 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M080.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUTS.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUT01 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.970 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M080.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUTS lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.966 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M080.REGULATOR_OUTS.REGULATOR_OUT02 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.962 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M080.REGULATOR_OUTS.REGULATOR_OUT01 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.959 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M080.REGULATOR_OUTS lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.952 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M040.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUTS.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUT02 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.949 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M040.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUTS.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUT01 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.947 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M040.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUTS lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.944 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M040.REGULATOR_OUTS.REGULATOR_OUT02 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.942 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M040.REGULATOR_OUTS.REGULATOR_OUT01 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.940 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M040.REGULATOR_OUTS lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.938 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M035.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUTS.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUT02 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.935 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M035.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUTS.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUT01 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.931 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M035.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUTS lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.929 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M035.REGULATOR_OUTS.REGULATOR_OUT02 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.926 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M035.REGULATOR_OUTS.REGULATOR_OUT01 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.924 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M035.REGULATOR_OUTS lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.921 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M030.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUTS.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUT02 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.918 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M030.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUTS.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUT01 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.907 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M030.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUTS lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.905 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M030.REGULATOR_OUTS.REGULATOR_OUT02 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.902 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M030.REGULATOR_OUTS.REGULATOR_OUT01 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.900 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M030.REGULATOR_OUTS lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.896 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M030.RELAYS lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.894 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M025.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUTS.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUT02 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.891 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M025.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUTS.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUT01 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.889 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M025.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUTS lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.887 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M025.REGULATOR_OUTS.REGULATOR_OUT02 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.885 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M025.REGULATOR_OUTS.REGULATOR_OUT01 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.883 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M025.REGULATOR_OUTS lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.880 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M020.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUTS.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUT02 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.878 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M020.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUTS.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUT01 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.876 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M020.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUTS lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.874 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M020.REGULATOR_OUTS.REGULATOR_OUT02 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.872 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M020.REGULATOR_OUTS.REGULATOR_OUT01 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.870 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M020.REGULATOR_OUTS lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.866 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M015.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUTS.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUT02 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.818 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M015.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUTS.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUT01 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.814 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M015.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUTS lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.809 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M015.REGULATOR_OUTS.REGULATOR_OUT02 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.802 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M015.REGULATOR_OUTS.REGULATOR_OUT01 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.756 | debug | [CONN] Changing state: WAIT_RESPONSE => READY lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.755 | debug | [CONN] Changing state: READY => WAIT_RESPONSE lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.754 | debug | [CONN] Changing state: WAIT_RESPONSE => READY lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.751 | debug | [CONN] Changing state: READY => WAIT_RESPONSE lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.750 | debug | [CONN] Changing state: WAIT_CONNECTED => READY lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.749 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M015.REGULATOR_OUTS lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.742 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M010.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUTS.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUT02 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.737 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M010.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUTS.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUT01 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.733 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M010.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUTS lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.729 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M010.REGULATOR_OUTS.REGULATOR_OUT02 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.725 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M010.REGULATOR_OUTS.REGULATOR_OUT01 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.722 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M010.REGULATOR_OUTS lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.719 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M005.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUTS.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUT02 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.715 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M005.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUTS.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUT01 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.712 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M005.REGULATOR_LOCK_OUTS lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.709 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M005.REGULATOR_OUTS.REGULATOR_OUT02 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.708 | debug | [CONN] Changing state: WAIT_AUTH_OK => WAIT_CONNECTED lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.707 | debug | [CONN] Changing state: WAIT_PASS => WAIT_AUTH_OK lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.705 | debug | [CONN] Changing state: WAIT_USER => WAIT_PASS lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.700 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M005.REGULATOR_OUTS.REGULATOR_OUT01 lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.696 | debug | [CONN] Changing state: WAIT_PROMPT => WAIT_USER lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.693 | debug | [CONN] Changing state: CONNECTING => WAIT_PROMPT lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.689 | info | Create state lcn.0.S000.M005.REGULATOR_OUTS lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.495 | info | Found license with 20000 modules lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.367 | debug | [main] start lcn.0 | 2023-02-02 20:23:13.348 | info | starting. Version 1.1.1 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.lcn, node: v16.19.0, js-controller: 4.0.24

Im PCHK Monitor wird folgendes ausgegeben: 20:27:27 [PCHK] Verbindung zum Bus getrennt 20:27:30 [PCHK] Session error: Start failed - I/O timeout! (Code: 0)) 20:27:35 [PCHK] !OM0P

20:27:35 [PCHK] (0..50-mode percent)

20:27:35 [PCHK] !CHD

20:27:35 [PCHK] (dec-mode)

20:27:37 [PCHK] Bus-Verbunden 20:27:47 [PCHK] S000_M201 to M203 Set 0 20:27:55 [PCHK] S000_M025 to M101 Measured value: 2050 20:27:55 [PCHK] S000_M101 statusL Var2/R1Var: 1023 20:27:55 [PCHK] %M000101.A00201023

20:27:59 [PCHK] !OM0P

20:27:59 [PCHK] (0..50-mode percent)

20:27:59 [PCHK] !CHD

20:27:59 [PCHK] (dec-mode)

MatthiasUlrich84 commented 1 year ago

Ich habe nun den Adapter wieder zum laufen gebracht. Folgendes hat geholfen:

Adapter löschen Über console eine alte Version des Adapters installiert iobroker install lcn@0.6.3

Dann über Console upgraden iobroker upgrade lcn@1.1.1

Danach hat alles funktioniert.

Es scheint hier wirklich ein Problem mit der Installation des Adapters zu geben. Vielleicht könnt ihr euch das ja mal ansehen.


Apollon77 commented 1 year ago

Ok, istes jetzt gelöst?

MatthiasUlrich84 commented 1 year ago

Ja es ist in diesem Fall gelöst, es bleibt ein Mysterium. 😉