ioBroker / ioBroker.pushsafer

Send messages via pushsafer
MIT License
4 stars 5 forks source link

Update pushsafer #15

Closed appzer closed 5 years ago

appzer commented 5 years ago


can you update the pushsafer module!

New sounds 0-60 New icons 1-177

New Parameter

pr = Priority -2 = lowest priority -1 = lower priority 0 = normal priority 1 = high priority 2 = highest priority

re = Retry / resend Integer 60-10800 (60s steps): Time in seconds, after a message shuld resend.

ex = Expire Integer 60-10800: Time in seconds, after the retry/resend should stop.

a = Answer 1 = Answer is possible 0 = Answer is not possible.

Take a look at their API description:

appzer commented 5 years ago

any news

GermanBluefox commented 5 years ago

No news. It is one of 300 adapters.

appzer commented 5 years ago