ioBroker / ioBroker.pushsafer

Send messages via pushsafer
MIT License
4 stars 5 forks source link

Please fix issues reported by adapter checker #38

Open mcm1957 opened 4 months ago

mcm1957 commented 4 months ago

❗ [E106] "common.titleLang" should not contain word "adapter" in the name. It is clear, that this is adapter. Now: {"en":"pushsafer Adapter","de":"pushsafer-Adapter","ru":"адаптер pushsafer","pt":"Adaptador pushsafer","nl":"pushsafer-adapter","fr":"Adaptateur pushsafer","it":"Adattatore pushsafe","es":"Adaptador pushsafer","pl":"Adapter pushsafer","uk":"адаптер pushsafer","zh-cn":"推安全适配器"} ❗ [E106] "common.titleLang" should not contain word "adapter" in the name. It is clear, that this is adapter. Now: {"en":"pushsafer Adapter","de":"pushsafer-Adapter","ru":"адаптер pushsafer","pt":"Adaptador pushsafer","nl":"pushsafer-adapter","fr":"Adaptateur pushsafer","it":"Adattatore pushsafe","es":"Adaptador pushsafer","pl":"Adapter pushsafer","uk":"адаптер pushsafer","zh-cn":"推安全适配器"} ❗ [E117] Licenses in package.json and in io-package.json are different ❗ [E150] No "common.connectionType" found in io-package.json ❗ [E152] No "common.dataSource" found in io-package.json ❗ [E182] Please remove "common.license" from io-package.json as "common.licenseInformation" is declared. ❗ [E183] "common.licenseInformation.license" is missing ❗ [E184] "common.subscribe" will be removed with js-controller >= 6. Please remove from io-package.json and adapt code if required. 👀 [W156] Adapter should support admin 5 UI (jsonConfig) if you do not use a React based UI 👀 [W173] Potential sensitive data "token" not listed at "protectedNative" in io-package.json 👀 [W174] Potential sensitive data "token" not listed at "encryptedNative" in io-package.json 👀 [W181] "common.license" in io-package.json is deprecated. Please define object "common.licenseInformation" 👀 [W184] "common.materialize" is deprecated for admin >= 5 at io-package.json. Please use property "adminUI". 👀 [W184] "common.title" is deprecated and replaced by "common.titleLang". Please remove from io-package.json. 👀 [W505] setTimeout found in "main.js", but no clearTimeout detected