ioBroker / ioBroker.repositories

Repositories for ioBroker project
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Update jablotron to 0.1.4 #4261

Closed DEV2DEV-DE closed 3 weeks ago

DEV2DEV-DE commented 4 weeks ago

Please update my adapter ioBroker.jablotron to version 0.1.4.

This pull request was created by c0726ff.

github-actions[bot] commented 4 weeks ago

Automated adapter checker


Downloads Number of Installations (latest) Number of Installations (stable) - Test and Release NPM

:thumbsup: No errors found

Adapter releases: Adapter statistic:

History and usage information for release 0.1.3:

0.1.3 created 31.1.2024 (280 days old) 40 users (97.56%)

0.1.3 (stable) created 31.1.2024 (280 days old) 40 users (stable) (97.56%)

Please verify that this PR really tries to update to release 0.1.3!

Add comment "RE-CHECK!" to start check anew

github-actions[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

ioBroker repository information about STABLE-0-Day-PR tagging

Your PR has been tagged with the label STABLE-0-day-PR. This indicates that the release requested to be added to the stable repository has been created within one day after releasing the new version. Currently this release has not even been published at LATEST repository. So this release is too young for immediate processing.

Normally, a release should be available at LATEST repository for at least one or two weeks without any serious new issues detected within this timeframe. Your PR will be closed for now. Please create a new PR after the new version has been available at LATEST repository for at least one or two weeks, has a considerable number of installations and no serious new issues.

IMPORTANT: Of course, it is possible to release a new version immediately if it is a hotfix for a serious problem, i.e. some errors cause adapter crashes or incompatible api changes of external websites blocking normal usage. In this case, please indicate this fact as a comment and mention mcm1957 and eventually Apollon77 explicitly. Please describe the reason (i.e. by referencing an issue). Hotfixes should minimize the changes, even dependency updates should be avoided if not related to the fix. New functionality and major (breaking) updates are most likely never a hotfix.

Please note that ANY (even hotfixes) should be available at LATEST repository for at least 1 day and have some (few) installations to avoid hotfixes with serious problems at stable repository. Exceptions to this minimal delay must be discussed individually.

Feel free to contact me (mcm1957) if you have any more questions.