ioBroker / ioBroker.sayit

Text to speech for ioBroker
MIT License
30 stars 25 forks source link

Sayit funktioniert bei mir seit Version 4.0.1 überhaupt nicht mehr. #320

Closed wendy2702 closed 2 months ago

wendy2702 commented 2 months ago

Sayit funktioniert bei mir seit Version 4.0.1 überhaupt nicht mehr. Auch meine Scripte mit Rules bringen keine Ansage mehr. Ebenfall bekomme ich keine Ansage beim Drücken des TEST Button.

Wenn ich die Instanz öffne erhalte ich diese Fehler im log:

2024-06-04 17:50:33.808  - info: sayit.0 (880) saying: hallo
2024-06-04 17:50:57.236  - error: sayit.0 (880) Error: The module '/opt/iobroker/node_modules/mdns/build/Release/dns_sd_bindings.node'
2024-06-04 17:51:15.571  - error: sayit.0 (880) Error: The module '/opt/iobroker/node_modules/mdns/build/Release/dns_sd_bindings.node'

EDIT: den Fehler oben habe ich durch ein NPM rebuild wegbekommen. Denke lag am NODEJS 20 update. Jetzt erhalte ich das beim Öffnen der Instanz:

2024-06-04 18:52:30.373 - error: sayit.0 (45755) Error: dns service error: unknown

So sehen die Einstellungen nach Update auf 4.0.1 aus:


Wenn ich mit den Einstellungen auf Test drücke kommt das

2024-06-04 18:01:02.628 - error: sayit.0 (44931) Cannot control browser via vis1, because vis.0.* objects found

Stell ich das um auf VIS.0 (veraltet) und Drücke "Test" kommt dasselbe:

2024-06-04 18:02:29.266 - error: sayit.0 (44981) Cannot control browser via vis1, because vis.0.* objects found

Stell ich auf VIS-2.0 (neu) um erhalte ich das:

2024-06-04 18:03:54.981 - error: sayit.0 (45001) Cannot control browser via vis1, because vis-2.0.* objects found

Ursprünglich gepostet von @wendy2702 in

Apollon77 commented 2 months ago

iob fix versucht?

wendy2702 commented 2 months ago

Als der Fehler aufgetreten ist "Ja".

Mittlerweile sind wir paar Updates weiter auf dem System und jedesmal lasse ich den nicht laufen.

Werde ich jetzt sofort testen

wendy2702 commented 2 months ago

Nach iob Fix ist das Verhalten bei mir unverändert.

mirko@iobroker:~$ iob fix
library: loaded
Library version=2024-05-24


    Welcome to the ioBroker installation fixer!
    Script version: 2024-01-04

    You might need to enter your password a couple of times.


    Installing prerequisites (1/5)

[sudo] password for mirko:
Get:1 bookworm-security InRelease [48.0 kB]
Hit:2 bookworm InRelease
Get:3 bookworm-updates InRelease [55.4 kB]
Get:4 bookworm-security/main Sources [99.1 kB]
Get:5 bookworm-security/main amd64 Packages [160 kB]
Get:6 bookworm-security/main Translation-en [96.5 kB]
Get:7 nodistro InRelease [12.1 kB]
Get:8 nodistro/main amd64 Packages [7936 B]
Fetched 479 kB in 1s (514 kB/s)
Reading package lists... Done

    Checking ioBroker user and directory permissions (2/5)

Created /etc/sudoers.d/iobroker
Fixing directory permissions...

    Check and cleanup npm temporary directories (3/5)


    Database maintenance (4/5)

Checking for uncompressed JSONL databases... This might take a while!

Compressing /opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/states.jsonl
Compressing /opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/objects.jsonl
Compressed 2 JSONL files. Done

    Checking autostart (5/5)

Enabling autostart...
Autostart enabled!


    Your installation was fixed successfully
    Run iobroker start to start ioBroker again!


mirko@iobroker:~$ iob start

Z.B. erzeugt diese Einstellung:


Das im Log:

2024-06-21 09:58:46.219  - error: sayit.0 (146392) Cannot control browser via vis1, because vis-2.0.* objects found
wm20320 commented 2 months ago

Krieg leider sayit auch nicht mehr zum Laufen. Solange vis-2 noch nicht aktiv war, ging die 3.0.5 noch tadellos. Jetzt, wo vis-2 auch läuft bekomme ich keine Version mehr zum Sprechen über Browser: Node-Version: 20.15.0 JS-controller 6.0.5 Fehlermeldung bei der 4.0.1, wenn der Test-Button gedrückt wird: `

2024-06-27 15:37:00.124 warn    instance system.adapter.sayit.0 terminated due to SIGABRT

2024-06-27 15:37:00.124 error   Caught by controller[0]: 6: MDNSService.self.watcher.callback (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/mdns/lib/mdns_service.js:18:40)

2024-06-27 15:37:00.124 error   Caught by controller[0]: 5: on_resolver_done (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/mdns/lib/resolver_sequence_tasks.js:33:11)

2024-06-27 15:37:00.124 error   Caught by controller[0]: 4: next (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/mdns/lib/browser.js:109:21)

2024-06-27 15:37:00.124 error   Caught by controller[0]: 3: getaddrinfo (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/mdns/lib/resolver_sequence_tasks.js:152:14)

2024-06-27 15:37:00.124 error   Caught by controller[0]: 2: /opt/iobroker/node_modules/mdns/lib/resolver_sequence_tasks.js:153:7

2024-06-27 15:37:00.124 error   Caught by controller[0]: 1: getaddrinfo_0_11 (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/mdns/lib/resolver_sequence_tasks.js:117:21)

2024-06-27 15:37:00.124 error   Caught by controller[0]: ----- JavaScript stack trace -----

2024-06-27 15:37:00.123 error   Caught by controller[0]: 6: 0x1961df6 [io.sayit.0]

2024-06-27 15:37:00.123 error   Caught by controller[0]: 5: 0xf57315 v8::internal::Builtin_HandleApiCall(int, unsigned long*, v8::internal::Isolate*) [io.sayit.0]

2024-06-27 15:37:00.123 error   Caught by controller[0]: 4: 0xf56e4d [io.sayit.0]

2024-06-27 15:37:00.123 error   Caught by controller[0]: 3: 0xf565df v8::internal::FunctionCallbackArguments::Call(v8::internal::CallHandlerInfo) [io.sayit.0]

2024-06-27 15:37:00.123 error   Caught by controller[0]: 2: 0xbe78aa [io.sayit.0]

2024-06-27 15:37:00.123 error   Caught by controller[0]: 1: 0xcba2d7 node::Assert(node::AssertionInfo const&) [io.sayit.0]

2024-06-27 15:37:00.123 error   Caught by controller[0]: ----- Native stack trace -----

2024-06-27 15:37:00.123 error   Caught by controller[0]: # Assertion failed: args[4]->IsUint32()

2024-06-27 15:37:00.123 error   Caught by controller[0]: # io.sayit.0[6196]: void node::cares_wrap::{anonymous}::GetAddrInfo(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>&) at ../src/

2024-06-27 15:37:00.123 error   Caught by controller[0]: *** WARNING *** For more information see <>

2024-06-27 15:37:00.123 error   Caught by controller[0]: *** WARNING *** Please fix your application to use the native API of Avahi!

2024-06-27 15:37:00.123 error   Caught by controller[0]: *** WARNING *** The program 'node' called 'DNSServiceRegister()' which is not supported (or only supported partially) in the Apple Bonjour compatibility layer of Avahi.

2024-06-27 15:37:00.123 error   Caught by controller[0]: *** WARNING *** For more information see <>

2024-06-27 15:37:00.123 error   Caught by controller[0]: *** WARNING *** Please fix your application to use the native API of Avahi!

2024-06-27 15:37:00.122 error   Caught by controller[0]: *** WARNING *** The program 'node' uses the Apple Bonjour compatibility layer of Avahi.


2024-06-27 15:37:34.545 info    instance system.adapter.sayit.0 terminated with code null ()

2024-06-27 15:37:34.545 warn    instance system.adapter.sayit.0 terminated due to SIGKILL

2024-06-27 15:37:34.475 info    stopInstance timeout 1000 system.adapter.sayit.0 killing pid 8343

2024-06-27 15:37:33.983 info    Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason

2024-06-27 15:37:33.477 info    stopping...

2024-06-27 15:37:33.474 info    stopInstance system.adapter.sayit.0 (force=false, process=true)

2024-06-27 15:37:33.128 error   Cannot write file: TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "data" argument must be of type string or an instance of Buffer, TypedArray, or DataView. Received an instance of Object

2024-06-27 15:37:32.973 info    Upload announce mp3 files

2024-06-27 15:37:32.947 info    starting. Version 4.0.1 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.sayit, node: v20.15.0, js-controller: 6.0.5

2024-06-27 15:37:30.606 info    instance system.adapter.sayit.0 started with pid 8343

2024-06-27 15:37:00.124 info    Restart adapter system.adapter.sayit.0 because enabled

` iob fix habe ich gemacht, reboot auch ...

Vieleicht helfen diese Dinge weiter? Oder gibt es einen Tipp, was den Fehler verursacht?


(diesen Beitrag habe ich auch im iobroker-Forum gepostet)

wendy2702 commented 2 months ago

Wenn ich den "Test" Button in der Instanz betätige passiert das:

2024-07-05 14:06:59.264  - info: sayit.0 (235478) starting. Version 4.0.1 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.sayit, node: v20.15.0, js-controller: 5.0.19
2024-07-05 14:06:59.309  - info: sayit.0 (235478) Upload announce mp3 files
2024-07-05 14:07:24.491  - info: javascript.0 (147632) script.js.common.Ansagen.Voice_Feedback_Garagentor_Rechts: Executed sayit.2: [Volume - 60]: Garagentor rechts auf
2024-07-05 14:07:29.212  - info: javascript.0 (147632) script.js.common.Ansagen.Voice_Feedback_Garagentor_Rechts: Executed sayit.2: [Volume - 60]: Garagentor rechts zu
2024-07-05 14:07:48.342  - error: sayit.0 (235478) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch().
2024-07-05 14:07:48.343  - error: sayit.0 (235478) unhandled promise rejection: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'engine')
2024-07-05 14:07:48.345  - error: sayit.0 (235478) TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'engine')
    at processMessage (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.sayit/main.js:178:43)
    at AdapterClass.<anonymous> (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.sayit/main.js:90:34)
2024-07-05 14:07:48.345  - error: sayit.0 (235478) Cannot read properties of null (reading 'engine')
2024-07-05 14:07:48.348  - info: sayit.0 (235478) stopping...
2024-07-05 14:07:48.349  - info: sayit.0 (235478) terminating
2024-07-05 14:07:48.350  - warn: sayit.0 (235478) Terminated (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION): Without reason
2024-07-05 14:07:48.851  - info: sayit.0 (235478) terminating
2024-07-05 14:07:49.103  - error: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.sayit.0 terminated with code 6 (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION)
2024-07-05 14:07:49.103  - info: host.iobroker Restart adapter system.adapter.sayit.0 because enabled
2024-07-05 14:08:20.269  - info: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.sayit.0 started with pid 235494
bahnuhr commented 2 months ago

hab das gleiche Problem und eben auch ein issue eröffnet. Da muss sich wirklich mal jemand drum kümmern.

Wenn ich als instanz-Nr. die FFFFFFFF kommt die Ansage; aber halt auf allen Geräten ! Das ist so nicht hilfreich.

GermanBluefox commented 2 months ago

Please test v4.0.2

wendy2702 commented 2 months ago


works with 4.0.2

Thanks for working on it!