ioBroker / ioBroker.sonoff

Control Sonoff-Tasmota devices via ioBroker
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Suport for I2C Sensore BH1750 Beleuchtungsintensität please #21

Closed Ichda closed 6 years ago

Ichda commented 6 years ago

Hello team, please add the support for the I2C Sensor BH1750 Light sensor Illuminance. I use the following settings on Sonof Basic: GPIO14 = DHT11 --> Works and shows in IOBroker GPIO01= 05 I2C SCL GPIO03 = 06 I2C SDA GPIO04 = 00 NONE The Console of the Sonoff Basic sad: 10:48:26 MQT: tele/sonoffbasic05/SENSOR = {"Time":"2018.02.10 10:48:26","DHT11":{"Temperature":14.0,"Humidity":24.0},"BH1750":{"Illuminance":777},"TempUnit":"C"} 10:53:26 MQT: tele/sonoffbasic05/SENSOR = {"Time":"2018.02.10 10:53:26","DHT11":{"Temperature":14.0,"Humidity":24.0},"BH1750":{"Illuminance":860},"TempUnit":"C"}

Many Thanks for your support!

Ichda commented 6 years ago

Hello the solution: add the following line into the file ".../iobroker.sonoff/lib/server.js" line ca 209

    Illuminance:   {type: 'number',  role: 'value.illuminance',        read: true, write: false, unit: 'lx'}, 

Best regards Ichda

Apollon77 commented 6 years ago

Please try v1.0.2 from Github. Shoud be incuded there, Please verify

Ichda commented 6 years ago

Hello yes it works. Many thanks