ioBroker / ioBroker.vis-2-widgets-material

Material style widgets for vis-2
MIT License
12 stars 2 forks source link

Istwert mit Diagramm funktioniert nicht bei SQL #177

Closed Morluktom closed 5 months ago

Morluktom commented 10 months ago

Es wird kein Diagramm angezeigt bei dem Widget "Istwert mit Diagramm" in Verbindung mit dem SQL Adapter.

intruder7777 commented 9 months ago

auch in Verbindung mit influx nicht

Feuer-sturm commented 9 months ago

@Morluktom Welche Versionen von vis-2 und vom material Adapter verwendest du?

@intruder7777 Bei mir wird das Widget mit einem Diagramm gefüllt. Der Datenpunkt wird über influx historisiert. SQL Datenbank hab ich nicht im Einsatz, so dass ich es nicht testen kann


material-widgets v1.2.1 vis-2 version 2.3.0

Morluktom commented 9 months ago

@Feuer-sturm: Vis 2 Widgets Material: 1.3.1 Vis 2: 2.3.2 SQL: 2.2.0

Feuer-sturm commented 9 months ago

@Morluktom gibt es Fehler in der Browser Konsole?

Morluktom commented 9 months ago

Ja da habe ich eine Menge drin stehen:

[Log] iobroker.vis-2@2.3.2 using theme "light" (836.1acee0c9.chunk.js, line 1)
[Log]  (main.42899aa0.js, line 2)
██╗ ██████╗ ██████╗ ██████╗  ██████╗ ██╗  ██╗███████╗██████╗ 
██║██╔═══██╗██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔═══██╗██║ ██╔╝██╔════╝██╔══██╗
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[Log] Nice to see you here! :) Join our dev community here or here (main.42899aa0.js, line 2)
[Log] Help us to create open source project with reactJS! (main.42899aa0.js, line 2)
[Log] See you :) (main.42899aa0.js, line 2)
[Log] [2023-10-15T14:29:03.021Z] Try to connect (, line 83)
[Log] Skip script "basic" widgets/basic/js/table.js (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Skip script "basic" inline (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2, x41)
[Log] Skip script "echarts" inline (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2, x2)
[Log] Skip script "info" ../adapter/info/lib/js/commons.js (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Skip script "info" ../adapter/info/lib/js/popupnews.js (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
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[Log] Skip script "info" inline (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2, x2)
[Log] Skip script "jqplot" widgets/jqplot/js/jquery.jqplot.min.js (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Skip script "jqplot" inline (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2, x2)
[Log] Skip script "jqui-mfd" inline (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2, x28)
[Log] Skip script "jqui" lib/js/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon-1.6.3.js (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Skip script "jqui" inline (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2, x13)
[Log] Skip script "lg-ess-home" widgets/lg-ess-home/js/lg-ess-home.js (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Skip script "lg-ess-home" widgets/lg-ess-home/lib/echarts.js (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Skip script "lg-ess-home" widgets/lg-ess-home/js/chart.js (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Skip script "lg-ess-home" inline (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Skip script "materialdesign" widgets/materialdesign/lib/raw/moment-with-locales.min.js (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Skip script "materialdesign" widgets/materialdesign/lib/raw/round-slider.js (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Skip script "materialdesign" widgets/materialdesign/lib.min.js (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Skip script "materialdesign" widgets/materialdesign/lib/raw/sentry/bundle.min.js (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Skip script "materialdesign" widgets/materialdesign/lib/raw/sentry/captureconsole.min.js (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Skip script "materialdesign" widgets/materialdesign/lib/raw/sentry/dedupe.min.js (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Skip script "materialdesign" widgets/materialdesign/js/materialdesign.js (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Skip script "materialdesign" widgets/materialdesign/js/widgets.min.js (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Skip script "materialdesign" inline (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2, x46)
[Log] Skip script "metro" widgets/metro/js/metro.js (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Skip script "metro" inline (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2, x29)
[Log] Skip script "swipe" inline (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2, x3)
[Log] Skip script "tabs" inline (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Skip script "time-switch" widgets/time-switch/js/OnOffScheduleWidget.js (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Skip script "time-switch" widgets/time-switch/js/TriggerWithAction.js (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Skip script "time-switch" widgets/time-switch/js/TimeTrigger.js (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Skip script "time-switch" widgets/time-switch/js/AstroTrigger.js (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Skip script "time-switch" widgets/time-switch/js/Weekdays.js (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Skip script "time-switch" widgets/time-switch/js/OnOffStateAction.js (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Skip script "time-switch" widgets/time-switch/js/ConditionAction.js (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Skip script "time-switch" widgets/time-switch/js/time-switch.js (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Skip script "time-switch" inline (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Warning] common.visWidgets.i18n is deprecated. Use common.visWidgets.vis2energyWidgets.i18n instead. (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Warning] common.visWidgets.i18n is deprecated. Use common.visWidgets.vis2gaugeWidgets.i18n instead. (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (, line 0)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (, line 0)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (, line 0)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (, line 0)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (, line 0)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (, line 0)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (, line 0)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (, line 0)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (, line 0)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (, line 0)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (, line 0)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (, line 0)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (, line 0)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (, line 0)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (, line 0)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (, line 0)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (, line 0)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (, line 0)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (, line 0)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (, line 0)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (, line 0)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (, line 0)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (, line 0)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (, line 0)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (, line 0)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (, line 0)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (, line 0)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (, line 0)
[Log] Translate: jqui_Close (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Translate: jqui_input (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Translate: jqui_off (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Translate: jqui_on (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Translate: Value (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored basic/tplHtml because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored basic/tplShapes because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored basic/tplIFrame because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored basic/tplImage because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored basic/tplLink because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored basic/tplFrame because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored basic/tplStatefulIFrame8 because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored basic/tplStatefulContainerView8 because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored basic/tplStatefulImage8 because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored basic/tplHtmlNav because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored basic/tplFilterDropdown because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored basic/tplValueFloat because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored basic/tplValueStringRaw because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored basic/tplValueStringImg because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored basic/tplTimeValue because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored basic/tplValueTimestampValue because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored basic/tplValueTimestamp because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored basic/tplValueLastchange because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored basic/tplValueList because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored basic/tplValueListHtml because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored basic/tplValueListHtml8 because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored basic/tplValueBool because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored basic/tplAckBool because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored basic/tplValueBoolCheckbox because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored basic/tplValueInput because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored basic/tplValueBoolSelect because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored basic/tplValueBoolCtrl because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored basic/tplValueBoolCtrlSvg because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored basic/tplBasicState because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored basic/tplRedNumber because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored basic/tplBulbOnOffCtrl because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored basic/tplValueFloatBar because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored basic/tplNote because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored basic/tplTableBody because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored basic/tplHtmlLogout because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored basic/tplValueGesture because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored basic/tplSpeech2Text because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored basic/tplFullScreen because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored basic/tplScreenResolution because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored echarts/tplEchartsChart because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored info/tplInfoMessages because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored info/tplInfoCalendar because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored jqplot/tplJqplotGauge because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored jqui-mfd/tplMfdLight because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored jqui-mfd/tplMfdLightCtrl because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored jqui-mfd/tplMfdLightOnOffDialog because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored jqui-mfd/tplMfdLightDialog because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored jqui-mfd/tplMfdSocket because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored jqui-mfd/tplMfdSocketCtrl because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored jqui-mfd/tplMfdShutter because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored jqui-mfd/tplMfdShutterDialog because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored jqui-mfd/tplMfdBlind because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored jqui-mfd/tplMfdBlindDialog because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored jqui-mfd/tplMfdHeating because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored jqui-mfd/tplMfdWindow because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored jqui-mfd/tplMfdWindowBool because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored jqui-mfd/tplMfdRoofWindowBool because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored jqui-mfd/tplMfdDoor because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored jqui-mfd/tplMfdGarage because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored jqui-mfd/tplMfdValve because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored jqui-mfd/tplMfdValveDialog because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored jqui-mfd/tplMfdCustom10 because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored jqui-mfd/tplMfdCustom10Dialog because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored jqui-mfd/tplMfdCamSnapshot because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored jqui-mfd/tplValMfdCamSnapshot because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored jqui-mfd/tplMfdCamMjpg because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored jqui-mfd/tplValMfdCamMjpg because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored jqui-mfd/tplMfdCamVideo because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored jqui-mfd/tplValMfdCamVideo because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored jqui-mfd/tplMfdCamVideoObject because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored jqui/tplJquiToogle because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored jqui/tplJquiInputDate because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored jqui/tplJquiInputDatetime because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored jqui/tplJquiInputSet because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored jqui/tplJquiRadio because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored jqui/tplJquiRadioList because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored jqui/tplJquiSelectList because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored jqui/tplJquiRadioSteps because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored jqui/tplIconStateBool because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored jqui/tplIconStatePushButton because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored jqui/tplIconInc because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored lg-ess-home/tplLgEssHomeChart because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored materialdesign/tplVis-materialdesign-value because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored materialdesign/tplVis-materialdesign-Button-Navigation-vertical because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored materialdesign/tplVis-materialdesign-Button-Link-vertical because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored materialdesign/tplVis-materialdesign-Button-State-vertical because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored materialdesign/tplVis-materialdesign-Button-State-Multi-vertical because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored materialdesign/tplVis-materialdesign-Button-Adition-vertical because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored materialdesign/tplVis-materialdesign-Button-Toggle-vertical because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored materialdesign/tplVis-materialdesign-Button-Navigation because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored materialdesign/tplVis-materialdesign-Button-Link because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored materialdesign/tplVis-materialdesign-Button-State because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored materialdesign/tplVis-materialdesign-Button-State-Multi because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored materialdesign/tplVis-materialdesign-Button-Adition because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored materialdesign/tplVis-materialdesign-Button-Toggle because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored materialdesign/tplVis-materialdesign-Icon-Button-Navigation because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored materialdesign/tplVis-materialdesign-Icon-Button-Link because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored materialdesign/tplVis-materialdesign-Icon-Button-State because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored materialdesign/tplVis-materialdesign-Icon-Button-State-Multi because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored materialdesign/tplVis-materialdesign-Icon-Button-Adition because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored materialdesign/tplVis-materialdesign-Icon-Button-Toggle because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored materialdesign/tplVis-materialdesign-Input because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored materialdesign/tplVis-materialdesign-Autocomplete because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored materialdesign/tplVis-materialdesign-Select because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored materialdesign/tplVis-materialdesign-Switch because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored materialdesign/tplVis-materialdesign-CheckBox because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored materialdesign/tplVis-materialdesign-Vuetify-Slider because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored materialdesign/tplVis-materialdesign-Slider-Round because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored materialdesign/tplVis-materialdesign-Progress because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored materialdesign/tplVis-materialdesign-Progress-Circular because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored materialdesign/tplVis-materialdesign-Card because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored materialdesign/tplVis-materialdesign-TopAppBar-Navigation because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored materialdesign/tplVis-materialdesign-List because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored materialdesign/tplVis-materialdesign-Icon-List because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored materialdesign/tplVis-materialdesign-Chart-Bar because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored materialdesign/tplVis-materialdesign-Chart-Line-History because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored materialdesign/tplVis-materialdesign-Chart-JSON because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored materialdesign/tplVis-materialdesign-Chart-Pie because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored materialdesign/tplVis-materialdesign-ColorScheme-Preview because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored materialdesign/tplVis-materialdesign-Vuetify-Dialog-View because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored materialdesign/tplVis-materialdesign-Vuetify-Dialog-iFrame because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored materialdesign/tplVis-materialdesign-Table because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored materialdesign/tplVis-materialdesign-Masonry-Views because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored materialdesign/tplVis-materialdesign-Grid-Views because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored materialdesign/tplVis-materialdesign-Alerts because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored materialdesign/tplVis-materialdesign-Calendar because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored materialdesign/tplVis-materialdesign-Icon because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored materialdesign/tplVis-materialdesign-Installed-Version because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored metro/tplMetroSlider because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored metro/tplMetroSliderVertical because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored metro/tplMetroValueBoolCheckbox because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored metro/tplMetroValueBoolSwitch because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored metro/tplMetroTileNav because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored metro/tplMetroTileString because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored metro/tplMetroTileBool because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored metro/tplMetroTileBoolDialog because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored metro/tplMetroTileList8 because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored metro/tplMetroTileBoolNumber because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored metro/tplMetroTileState because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored metro/tplMetroTileToggle because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored metro/tplMetroTileStateNumber because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored metro/tplMetroTileDimmer because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored metro/tplMetroTileDimmerDialog because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored metro/tplMetroTileShutter because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored metro/tplMetroTileShutterDialog because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored metro/tplMetroTileHeating because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored metro/tplMetroTileHeatingDialog because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored metro/tplMetroTileDialogStatic because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored metro/tplMetroTileStaticDialogNumber because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored metro/tplMetroTileDialogString because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored metro/tplMetroTileStringDialogNumber because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored metro/tplMetroTileDialog because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored metro/tplMetroTileDialogNumber because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored metro/tplMetroTileFrameDialogNumber because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored metro/tplMetroTileToggleNumber because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored metro/tplMetroTileDimmerDialogactiv because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored swipe/tplSwipe because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored swipe/tplCarousel because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Log] Ignored time-switch/tplTime-switchDevicePlan because not used in project (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (, line 0)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (, line 0)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (, line 0)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (, line 0)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (, line 0)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (, line 0)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (, line 0)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (, line 0)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (, line 0)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (, line 0)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (, line 0)
[Warning] Common user CSS not found: Not exists (489.863d9b5c.chunk.js, line 2)
intruder7777 commented 9 months ago

geht mit influx

intruder7777 commented 7 months ago

@Feuer-sturm oder @GermanBluefox kann es sein dass bei Influx andere Instanzen als die Instanz 0 nicht gehen? Hab bisher immer Werte aus der Instanz 0 angezeigt. Jetzt hab ich einen Datenpunkt der Influx.2 nutzt. Bei dem werden keine Daten angezeigt. Egal was ich mache

GermanBluefox commented 5 months ago

@Feuer-sturm oder @GermanBluefox kann es sein dass bei Influx andere Instanzen als die Instanz 0 nicht gehen? Hab bisher immer Werte aus der Instanz 0 angezeigt. Jetzt hab ich einen Datenpunkt der Influx.2 nutzt. Bei dem werden keine Daten angezeigt. Egal was ich mache

Was ist als "Default history" eingestellt? image

Morluktom commented 5 months ago

Danke, das war bei mir der richtige Tip. Habe den Default richtig eingestellt jetzt geht es.