ioBroker / ioBroker.vis-2

Next generation visualisation for ioBroker platform.
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when logged in with users an error occurs in vis-2 #251

Open gokturk413 opened 5 months ago

gokturk413 commented 5 months ago

No existing issues.

Describe the bug

when logging in with users other than the administrator an error occurs in vis-2

To Reproduce


Expected behavior

i want to login with other user from, not only with administrator

Screenshots & Logfiles

Screenshot 2023-12-15 160827 Screenshot 2023-12-15 160956 Screenshot 2023-12-15 161016 Screenshot 2023-12-15 161054

Adapter version


js-controller version


Node version


Operating system

windows11 23h2

Additional context

No response

foxriver76 commented 5 months ago

Hm which error occurs? You mean the Index.html not found?

Please show the log from the browser console when this problem occurs. And please show the permissions of the group the user is in.

gokturk413 commented 5 months ago

for example Operator group permission images Screenshot 2023-12-16 095017 Screenshot 2023-12-16 095211 i send

foxriver76 commented 5 months ago

Looks good basically, but 404 should not really be related to some permission error. So if you are logging in as admin the error does not appear? Can you try iob u vis-2 on command line and then try again.

gokturk413 commented 5 months ago

Administrator group works very well. İ check your help. But upload did not take any effect. I cannot access with user groups accounts.

foxriver76 commented 5 months ago

Which version of web adapter is installed? It has to do something with web adapter, as this returns 404 in these scenarios.

gokturk413 commented 5 months ago

my iobroker web adapter version is 6.1.10

foxriver76 commented 5 months ago

Hm okay, this seems valid. If you give the group all permissions, does it work then?

gokturk413 commented 5 months ago

i give all permission to any group but it does not work also

fjbay commented 5 months ago

I've had the same issue and tracked this down to the file permission of the vis folders. Per default, read/write permissions for files like index.html are only given for the user and group that owns the file/folder, which usually is admin/administrator. Any other user who's not part of the administrator group may have file read permissions in inbroker generally, but not specifically for the files you want to access when using the vis/web.0.

I worked around the issue by creating yet another group, changed the vis folders file ownership group to this new group and added all admin and vis users to the new user group. Now access is working properly.

What is the influence of the permissions settings for each group: If you don't set file permissions in any of the groups your user is part of, than you can't access the vis as well, even though the file permissions would allow it.

This way you could also specifically restrict access to the editor page to a certain group, by setting the file ownership and permissions accordingly for edit.html.

One thing that doesn't yet work for me is the per-page/per-widget visibility for certain user groups. The former seems to be just ignored, while trying to set the latter results into me being redirected to blank page directly from the editor.

Another thing: Editing the file permission via the admin adapter file browser (expert view) doesn't work to reliable for me. I did change the _data.json files manually (search and replace groups) and then did run an iobroker restart.

gokturk413 commented 5 months ago

it did not change. The problem still exists

AIXruth commented 1 month ago

Hi I encountered the same issue and found two workarounds:

a) first login as admin. This somehow initialises the environment, so that a login with a simple user works till the next restart or timeout of a certain component (iobroker, web-instance or similar). I am a bit astonished, that this workaround solves the issue too. This looks like a bug in the web instance. Anyway this is just a workaround, where admin access would be required before a user logs in.

b) If you list the files of vis-2, you will see, that all files have no permissions for "others" yet. The following one-liner set all permissions to 664 for all the vis-2 files. I assume there are no secret files, which a simple user may not read. for i in $(iobroker list files vis-2 | awk '/vis-2/ {print $7}') ; do if [ -n $i ] ; then iobroker chmod 664 $i ; fi ; done Unfortunately the loop takes very long and set ALL files to 664. 644 might be not always correct. Unfortunately I haven't found a command to do a 'chmod +R o+r vis-2/', which would be the better solution.

My suggestion to solve this issue quick and easy: Please grant read permissions to all user related files and pack them (via npm?) accordingly.