ioBroker / ioBroker.vis-2

Next generation visualisation for ioBroker platform.
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Widgets Zustände steuern Verhält sich nicht mehr wie zuvor #398

Open programmcs opened 2 months ago

programmcs commented 2 months ago

No existing issues.

Describe the bug

Control widget states with the setting type Button only sets the object ID to true if the ID was previously false. If the object is true, a true is not sent again and rewritten with a different time at last changed.

To Reproduce

  1. drag the Control states widgets into the visualization
  2. set Type to Button (is the default value)
  3. set ObjectID to a Boolean
  4. Press once should become true
  5. the second click should send true again and the time of the last change should be updated. this not works

Expected behavior

Control widget states with the setting type Button only sets the object ID to true if the ID was previously false. If the object is true, a true is not sent again and rewritten with a different time at last changed.

Screenshots & Logfiles

not sreenshot

Page or affected widget

No response

Adapter version


js-controller version


Node version


Operating system

Docker Image v9.0.1

Additional context

No response