ioBroker / ioBroker.vis-2

Next generation visualisation for ioBroker platform.
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FR: Dedicated User Management for vis #94

Closed stevenengland closed 4 months ago

stevenengland commented 8 months ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Today I am not able to easily distinct which users or groups should be able to access runtime/editor and then which of them is able to see a project, view, etc. A long discussion regarding this is here:

Describe the solution you'd like A clear, dedicated (and documented ;)) mechanism to administrate users for what I produce with the help of the vis(2) adapter. Meaning:

Describe alternatives you've considered Workarounds found in the net that are either tedious or not feasable.

mwiesener commented 7 months ago

Is there anything new or a schedule? It will probably be built into vis-2. So I switched to vis-2, still the same error so far?

foxriver76 commented 4 months ago

next version will get a permission system on project level which is accesible through the project selection


Bildschirmfoto vom 2024-01-12 10-08-09


If this works as designed, we will extend it to views too. Any maybe later also for widgets.

PackElend commented 4 months ago

This is great news any ETA planned?

So it could be that we will soon have iobroker permissions, roles throughout.

foxriver76 commented 4 months ago

I think the version with the permissions on project level will be released on Monday in beta.

For the further stuff no ETA always depends if there is more important things going on in some projects and how I have time besides my main job 😬

Feuer-sturm commented 4 months ago

@foxriver76 Just to understand, what is the use-case to have such permissions on widget level? To have this feature on view level I can understand but I can't currently imagine in which use cases it is really helpfull on widget level.

foxriver76 commented 4 months ago

I could imagine eg having a button to open a door which should only be visible to specific users.

foxriver76 commented 4 months ago

Please check with 2.9.18. Has permissions for projects and views. Please report bugs in separate issues.

We will check if permissions on widget level are really desirable.

PackElend commented 4 months ago

We will check if permissions on widget level are really desirable.

I find this very reasonable:

I could imagine eg having a button to open a door which should only be visible to specific users.

think about guest or kids, so you prevent that important things are password protected.

foxriver76 commented 4 months ago

with 2.9.20 the permission integration is finished, also for single widgets.