ioBroker / ioBroker.zigbee

Zigbee communcation with Hue, Xiaomi, Lighttify... via TI CC2xxx USB stick
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Issue with IKEA Shortcut Button E1812 - Paired but no actions are recorded #1894

Closed cherberg closed 8 months ago

cherberg commented 9 months ago

Dear Developer,

Adapter Version 1.8.23 Node.js v18.16.0 JS Controller 4.0.24

I am having an issue with a E1812 IKEA Shortcut button. IT has been working since first setup ~2 years ago. Now it was disconnected and I changed the battery, It would not show as connected in the device overview and no button actions were received. I deleted the device (including Force deletion for lost devices) and paired it once more.

Pairing works fine:

`zigbee.0 2023-10-07 20:28:11.993 info Zigbee: stop joining

zigbee.0 2023-10-07 20:27:19.307 info List of port: [{"path":"/dev/ttyACM0","manufacturer":"dresden elektronik ingenieurtechnik GmbH","serialNumber":"DE2416369","pnpId":"usb-dresden_elektronik_ingenieurtechnik_GmbH_ConBee_II_DE2416369-if00","vendorId":"1cf1","productId":"0030"},{"path":"/dev/ttyAMA0"}]

zigbee.0 2023-10-07 20:26:19.302 info DeviceConfigure successful 0xb4e3f9fffe88eb90 TRADFRI SHORTCUT Button

zigbee.0 2023-10-07 20:26:16.233 info Configuring 0xb4e3f9fffe88eb90 TRADFRI SHORTCUT Button

zigbee.0 2023-10-07 20:26:16.229 info Device '0xb4e3f9fffe88eb90' is supported, identified as: IKEA TRADFRI shortcut button (E1812)

zigbee.0 2023-10-07 20:26:16.229 info Successfully interviewed '0xb4e3f9fffe88eb90', device has successfully been paired

zigbee.0 2023-10-07 20:26:13.055 info Starting interview of '0xb4e3f9fffe88eb90'

zigbee.0 2023-10-07 20:23:55.882 info Zigbee: allowing new devices to join.`

but still no button actions are recorded by the adapter.

If more information is needed I would be happy to provide them. Would need some guidance though.

Thanx for looking into this.

kptkip commented 9 months ago

Same issue here

Duese123 commented 9 months ago

I had the same issue. Sensor could not be interviewed anymore.. I downgraded to 1.8.20 and it was working again

cherberg commented 9 months ago

I had the same issue. Sensor could not be interviewed anymore.. I downgraded to 1.8.20 and it was working again

I just tried that, deleted and paired the device again, unfortunately same result: Pairing went successful but no button actions are received.

Duese123 commented 9 months ago

maybe try earlier version like 1.8.10? Otherwise i had no clue. I had only issues between pairing. Is it only this Ikea which had problems? Maybe the switch itself has a problem?

cherberg commented 9 months ago

maybe try earlier version like 1.8.10? Otherwise i had no clue. I had only issues between pairing. Is it only this Ikea which had problems? Maybe the switch itself has a problem?

The button was working fine till the battery was depleted. I doubt that it is defect, I had opened #1821 for a similar issue some time ago but in that case at least "msg_from_zigbee" was updated. The issue was closed as it was solved with 1.8.21. This time nothing is recorded.

kptkip: also reported that issue #1891 seems to report a similar issue.

kptkip commented 9 months ago

@cherberg backporting to 1.8.20 solved my problem. Learning: If you don't have any issues, don't update a running zigbee Adapter - Maybe on testsystems. To often breaking changes are built in this adapter which cost me days of debugging.

Pls maintainers: dont feel offended, I can understand that the vast amount of devices in the zigbee landscape is not manageable to keep an eye on every single device and it's specialities. Nevertheless my learning stays the same.

cherberg commented 9 months ago


Thanx for this. Yes maybe it is a good idea to stay on a known functioning version for a longer period.

In my case I had to upgrade to 1.8.21 to resolve a similar issue which I had repüorted with exactly the same devices so probably downgrading to 1.8.20 is not an option for me. Seems like there is a general issue with the cheap IKEA devices.

Since it is not a critical issue I will simply wait and hope it is resolved sooner or later. After all we are getting a great development for free. :-)

arteck commented 8 months ago

works with new version