ioBroker / ioBroker.zigbee

Zigbee communcation with Hue, Xiaomi, Lighttify... via TI CC2xxx USB stick
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Aqara WXKG11LM single / double click events do not work #2067

Closed Joe756756 closed 5 months ago

Joe756756 commented 5 months ago


I have integrated the Aqara WXKG11LM button via Zigbee Plugin V1.10.1 into IOBroker. Single clicks and double clicks are not visible in the object tree. "Hold" clicks do work.

I have already tried the "Exclude" function in the adapter. But this does not solve the issue.

My object tree looks like the following: image

The adapter settings look like this (In this are single and doubnnle cklicks are shown correctly): image

Does anyone have an idea how to get single and double clicks work? Or is anyone able to fix this issue?

Thanks for your support!