ioBroker / testing

Shared testing utilities for ioBroker
MIT License
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Question How to load additional module required for tests #309

Closed MK-2001 closed 4 years ago

MK-2001 commented 4 years ago


I am using the default test from

With it I get an erring during the test, that a required module from 7pm of my Adapter could not be found.

How I can add an additional module for your tests?

My Repo is there:

Apollon77 commented 4 years ago

Do you have a link to such a broken testing?

MK-2001 commented 4 years ago

Like that: ? Line 1328

Apollon77 commented 4 years ago

@AlCalzone Error: Cannot find module 'axios'

AlCalzone commented 4 years ago

🤔 grafik

AlCalzone commented 4 years ago

Why do you load axios in the integration test file and not use it? That is NOT part of the default testing.

AlCalzone commented 4 years ago

Also, your .travis.yml is nonstandard. It should look like this:

  - linux
  - osx
  - windows
language: node_js
  - '10'
  - '12'
  - '14'
  - CXX=g++-6
      - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test
      - g++-6
  - 'if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then CC=gcc-6; fi'
  - 'if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then CC=g++-6; fi'
  - export NPMVERSION=$(echo "$($(which npm) -v)"|cut -c1)
  - 'if [[ $NPMVERSION == 5 ]]; then npm install -g npm; fi'
  - npm -v
  - npm run test:package
  - npm run test:unit
  - export DEBUG=testing:*
  - npm run test:integration
MK-2001 commented 4 years ago


Sorry there has someone used the same name on npm, therefore I needed to rename my package.

What is nonstandard in my .travis.yml? if the settings are not given, travis is using the default.

I adapted now your changes on "os" and "script". but no change if I activate the line

MK-2001 commented 4 years ago

Why do you load axios in the integration test file and not use it? That is NOT part of the default testing.

I removed it now. This was a test to let the env install axios.

AlCalzone commented 4 years ago

What is nonstandard in my .travis.yml?

It was not based on the one we have in the templates, which makes troubleshooting harder. Also, the default command is npm test which just executes your own test files and the package file tests, but neither unit nor integration tests.

I removed it now. This was a test to let the env install axios.

Then you should also reactivate the last line which actually does the test. If your adapter requires axios during the runtime, it should be a dependency, not a devDependency, so it gets installed when installing the adapter.

If you want to write your own tests instead and they require axios, it should be fine as a devDependency. Just import it in your own test file, e.g. You can run those with npm run test:js.

MK-2001 commented 4 years ago

🙈 OMG! Thanks. I was sure, that I added it as dependency! Sorry. My BUG!

And Thanks a lot! I added it and activated testing again.